Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Usa is paying 3d chess

First of all usa is largest oil producer in world why the hell would it want oil?

It doesn't but it gives that impression to cover up the real reason.

The real reason, is Zionist control usa and any arab country that is stable is a threat and is not a Zionist is a threat

That's the only criteria not the amount of oil
They are now the largest producer because they no longer control green technology like EV batteries, lithium processing plants, solar, renewable energy. They just don't have the means to compete with china so they are going back to what they are best at. Pumping more oil the climate change talk was all bs. U think they give a fuc? Hell no 😆
Lies and nonsenses of USA: endless.

Facts: Two, Iraq and Libya, oil rich both countries.

So watch out GCC, because main feature of USA empire, besides lies, it's treason and backstabbing.
Lebanon and Eygpt werent...

Venezuela is...close near by

Its not oil its the jews

Oil is just back story to keep local population happy that are dying for something meaningful
Lies and nonsenses of USA: endless.

Facts: Two, Iraq and Libya, oil rich both countries.

So watch out GCC, because main feature of USA empire, besides lies, it's treason and backstabbing.
Bruh they are not gonna invade Gulf countries like Saudi Arabia. Mecca is still the holy city of the Muslim world they don't dare to try it until the end of time when they have nothing to lose.
Lebanon and Eygpt werent...

Venezuela is...close near by

Its not oil its the jews

Oil is just back story to keep local population happy that are dying for something meaningful
Lol Egypt is too big to invade so is Iran. All the talk about destroying Iran is nonsense. It will be worse than Afghanistan by a magnitude of 10. The terrain doesn't favor heavy infantry anyway. Israel doesn't have the manpower to do jackshit . Even Saddam had to resort of chemical warfare and still failed against a improverished Iran at the time. Israel army is way weaker than Ukrainian armed forces. Their air force is strong that's it lol
If you are a military organization and you order something you will examine the product when it is delivered.

Sorry Hezbollah is incompetent here

I agree that they do bear responsibility for their incompetence.
Let's assume that Egypt or Saudi Arabia or Turkey goes to war with Israel, there is a high possibility that their western fighters will crash strangely.
Let's assume that Egypt or Saudi Arabia goes to war with Israel, there is a high possibility that their western fighters will crash strangely.

irrespective of western fighter jets having a kill switch or not, both armies would get cooked by the Israelis. The only real asset these nations have against isreal is geographic size and population.

God forbid a serious western army ever turns up, their all returning to being colonies again. back to what they were for much of the last 1000 years.
irrespective of western fighter jets having a kill switch or not, both armies would get cooked by the Israelis. The only real asset these nations have against isreal is geographic size and population.

God forbid a serious western army ever turns up, their all returning to being colonies again. back to what they were for much of the last 1000 years.

West is way past their hey day and ME countries like Turkey and Iran would smoke them on the battlefield as they actually have some manpower and willingness to fight. German Army, Italian Army? lol.

Europe should focus on Russia that it with USA cannot defeat after more than 2 years, rather than interfering in the ME. People of the region do not want your "help", apart from your Zionist Jewish implants.

Leave that region alone, mind your own business and then the natives of the region will stop complaining about the west as they can take care of the settler colony that the west implanted in that region.
yes 10 years from now ill share the photos of rebuilt apartments for zionists to live in. It will look absolutely magnificent. It will be peaceful and economically prosperous too like the rest of isreal where the arabs have either been exterminated or completely cucked.

Gaza once the isrealis rebuild it will look absolutely magnificent. The zionists can then share pictures of isreali made gaza and say look how good we are and only absolute fools would fall for it.

Oh man...I think you have hit it on the head...that is very likely to be exactly what is going to happen.

Don't forget showing the locals dancing for the tourists.

Just remember to always Ignore those men lurking in the background...nothing to see but a very happy Gaza population!!!
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Let's assume that Egypt or Saudi Arabia or Turkey goes to war with Israel, there is a high possibility that their western fighters will crash strangely.
That's why j-10c makes sense for Egypt lol but u know they will cancel the deal because of American pressure. Egypt doesn't have long range air to air missile. I think turkey is moving in the right direction with kaan. Israel still have the advantage in airpower for the foreseeable future.
West is way past their hey day and ME countries like Turkey and Iran would smoke them on the battlefield as they actually have some manpower and willingness to fight. German Army, Italian Army? lol.

Europe should focus on Russia that it with USA cannot defeat after more than 2 years, rather than interfering in the ME. People of the region do not want your "help", apart from your Zionist Jewish implants.

Leave that region alone, mind your own business and then the natives of the region will stop complaining about the west as they can take care of the settler colony that the west implanted in that region.
Israel can't win a war of attrition without America support. They might be able to beat Egypt but turkey is too far away for them to realistically do anything.dont even talk about the EU they are being deindustralized in front of our eyes. A weaker Europe is good for the world lol they did it to themselves.
That's why j-10c makes sense for Egypt lol but u know they will cancel the deal because of American pressure. Egypt doesn't have long range air to air missile. I think turkey is moving in the right direction with kaan. Israel still have the advantage in airpower for the foreseeable future.
And maybe that's why the US is forcing Egypt and Turkey to buy only western equipment.
Oh man...I think you have hit it on the head...that is very likely to be what is going to happen.

Don't forget showing the happy population dancing for the tourists.

What they will also do is they will show the 3rd world status of a neighbouring city like Cairo and say look! Look at how the Arabs live in their own nations and compare to how they live in ours. They will claim that healthcare, education, job opportunities and potential earnings is better etc. They will use this as a justification for the fact they stole an entire country and exterminated a large proportion of its population.

So 10 years from now expect similar Chinese style propaganda to be shared about Gaza. However the big difference is that while most of the Muslim world cares about Palestine and much of the west is told about what is happening there, none of the world gives a shit about the Muslims the Chinese invaded and occupied, the land they stole and the re-education concentration camps, or the forced sterilisations etc.

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