Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

America is supporting acts of genocide and terrorism. Definition of terrorism is deliberately targeting civilians to achieve a political aim.

America is saying Hezbollah should end any support for Gaza and move out of South Lebanon, after having green lit this massacre. Now keep in mind American only seems to green light these massacres for Israel and no other allies. Jews play a large role.

US State Department spokesman to Al Jazeera: We believe that all those who left their homes in Lebanon and Israel have the right to return to them

how funny. now US believes in right of return
I agree it's better to use them while you can but I am saying it's difficult to organise such an attack when you are constantly under mass bombing

Israel learnt from the 2006 war. They will try to absolutely destroy anything that moves in Lebanon, I expect worse bombing than Gaza, 2nd genocide. Israel will also target the Christians in the North and blame everything on Hizbollah in order to cause internal fight (will propagate Hizbollah is using South Lebanon to attack us), they already tried this during last war.
6000+ Lebanese casualties (around 800 killed, others injured) in less than a week
They already are involved

Russia is helping Iran


Ukraine and Israel are interconnected as they link back to the same mother ship

Iran, china Russia they all have a stake in keeping eachother afloat at least

I don't know what other party will have know how to help Iran against further fiendish plots
He thinks that surrendering is the only way out. As a migrant, he’s already been half defeated. He has no will to fight and is a nervous Indian muzlim.

He turned around and said that why did you talk about Bill Maher when I started that deleted thread. 😝

This guy got emotional issues.
He thinks that surrendering is the only way out. As a migrant, he’s already been half defeated. He has no will to fight and is a nervous Indian muzlim.

He turned around and said that why did you talk about Bill Maher when I started that deleted thread. 😝

This guy got emotional issues.

Dont think surrender is an option even if you want it to be
You absolutely need an airforce and you need a big pile of missiles. I mean a shit load of missiles.

With Israeli force unmatched in the middle east, it can strike anywhere with impunity, without a strong air force and and strong air defence system you are a sitting duck in front of Israeli air force.
At one point Lebanon was about 60% Christian
It was supposed to be a 'Christian Israel'

Today it's about 30-35% Christian and falling, with Lebanese Muslims of different types with a higher birth rate

It took many decades and war including Israeli occupation and attack backed by the west to turn the situation around in Lebanon and it's never going back

Israels defeat is NOT because the Arab states will suddenly grow a spine, although we can hope

It's because they face a demographic defeat
TODAY in 2024 the Palestinian/Arab population across Israel, Gaza and the west bank has exceeded the Jew population AFTER 75 YEARS SINCE THE NAKBA

That's a massive deal, the average age of the Palestinians is 19 so they are heading towards marriage and children, so over the coming decades the Palestinian population will become a increasing majority, whilst the Jews grow older

THIS is why Israel is so eager to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians, remove them from the land a d hope someone else takes them
It's why they make life so tough for Palestinians so they will willingly LEAVE

Because EVEN IF THEY BECOME FRIENDS WITH PALESTINIANS, gradually the situation ends the same with a Palestinian/Arab majority and worse still it might kill the Jews state from within

It's why Israel can't agree to two state solution, or one state solution and wants full control with Arabs preferably gone or stuck in limbo in ghettos

But ALL OF THAT is difficult for Israel, all it's done is take on trapped Palestinians and now Hezbollah both irregular forces
60% christian population was a lie more like 55% at the most

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