Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Hamas and Hezbollah have gotten their tails whipped. The coping in this thread is incredible.🤣

Dear lord man, they are resisting occupation

Did you expect their non existent air force and navy to spring into action????

Resisting tyranny is always going to be painful, but keeping Israel is a state of conflict is essential to free the people of Palestine and the middle east
Hamas and Hezbollah have gotten their tails whipped. The coping in this thread is incredible.🤣
You don’t get it. We are saddened at the loss of innocent lives of children and innocent Palestinians and Lebanese. No rightful or person with a heart can possibly think otherwise.
To bomb food banks, target school hospital and collectively punish - to commit genocide are war crimes that’s what we difficult to cope with.
Smiling knowing kids are being slaughtered shows us the cloth you are cut from
You don’t get it. We are saddened at the loss of innocent lives of children and innocent Palestinians and Lebanese. No rightful or person with a heart can possibly think otherwise.
To bomb food banks, target school hospital and collectively punish - to commit genocide are war crimes that’s what we difficult to cope with.
Smiling knowing kids are being slaughtered shows us the cloth you are cut from
You cannot ever reason with genocidal maniacs who only play victim while they ethnically cleanse a people of their lands. This war was never about Hamas or Hezbollah, it was always about this foreign entity and its colonial crimes.
Iran has thrown Hezbollah under the bus 🤣🤣
Pretty much.

Iran is likely hoping that Israel doesn't start eyeing them after they degrade hezbollah. I actually doubt with everything happening to hamas and hezbollah that there isn't going to be any retaliation for killing hamas leader in Iran.
Farsi euphemisms to English real words translator:

"Iran’s president accuses Israel of seeking wider Mideast war and laying ‘traps’ to lead Iran into it"

Translation: "We're not to fall in the "Israel trap", i.e: We are not going to defend Hezbollah, good luck Hezbollah, and good bye (y):ROFLMAO:"

"World must not allow Lebanon to become another Gaza: Pezeshkian"

Translation: World must do something, because Iran is not going to do a shit!. (y):ROFLMAO:
Pretty much.

Iran is likely hoping that Israel doesn't start eyeing them after they degrade hezbollah. I actually doubt with everything happening to hamas and hezbollah that there isn't going to be any retaliation for killing hamas leader in Iran.
Iran is very aware they are next in line.

But they are in bed with USA since Iran Deal 2015.

And only God knows what kind of pacts they have.

e.g: Iranian giving information about Hezbollah to USA, and USA giving information about GCC to Iran in exchange.

Dumbfucks dont understand that Israel is just a tiny corrupt puppet of USA interests.

And USA interests in the richest oil zone in the world, Middle East, it's to burn everything.

Dumbfucks have forgotten USA and vassals pressure against Iran in the 2010-2013 Hormuz tension, when Iran war seemed inevitable and imminent.

It's not a religion issue, it's not a friendship or allies issue.

It's just a entropy, energy and raw materials issue.

Raw materials are not endless. Crude oil is not endless. And population, spending keep growing, it's unacceptable from USA interest point of view, unnecessary, unacceptable and dangerous, it's time to drop useless slaves vassals.

Libya and Iraq American wars were due to oil, and dumbfucks keep staring religion and nonsenses, instead what is only one USA interest: PURE MATERIAL.
Iran is not fool like past USA enemies.

Gadafi, Saddam, fell in American traps like true retarded idiots.
Unarming themselves like true fucking idiots and believing USA and vassals nonsenses and lies.

Iran has survived to a incredible USA pressure since 2010.

And they keep growing.

Currently, it's more likely a USA backstabbing against GCC, than a USA attack against Iran.

USA needs blood and mayhem in the richest oil zones in the planet, they really dont care if GCC/Israel/Iran lose or win, as things will burn and oil consumption will decrease.

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