Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Dude, if you seriously think that US/UK are not helping the Zionist entity with all their intelligence capability to find top Hamas and Hezbollah commanders/leaders then you are very naive.

Just look at US/UK reconnaissance flights that happen at or near the time of these important assassinations and join the dots.

US is the very nation that finances and supplies the genocide and the UK till recently tried to block the ICC from considering arrest warrants for Netanyahu/Gallant.

This little pipsqueak usurper is a front for the west to place a dagger in the heart of the ME.
I did not say US or UK did not help the IDF, I am saying you can't track someone from a plane flying 30,000 ft AGL and 12 miles out of Lebanon Coast. Those flight are RAF EC-135 Rivet Joint. There is no way these planes can even pinpoint a single person where about let alone providing track for someone.

Again, if someone blew their mouth off and leak the location of their supreme leader, maybe, but still it won't be able to track anything because they can just listen to the call and get a general idea where the call come from, but not an exact location. An op that specific that clean (clean as in 1 single strike as in 100%, not collateral damage), those are pretty soild intel, you had to have someone on the inside that spill, you can't expect those plane to fly random in the air and get lucky.

Don't get me wrong, the West is definitely helping IDF, but these strike wouldn't be a result from one of these flight.
Iran is vowing revenge again. 😂

I wonder what the revenge will be this time? The new president's death? Khameini himself gets assassinated?
No, no and no. The way to understand it is in the correct chronological order. The abandonment of Medina and Mecca is supposed to happen at a time when almost no Muslims remain. A hadith even predicts that the Kaaba will be torn down brick by brick by an Ethiopian and there will be no one to stop him. All that is far in the future, not now. The mullahs that say this is going to happen in the current events are miscalculating the timeline.
Maybe you are right, but I have listened to a full lecture on this and other hadiths a few weeks back, and the chain of events will be like this:

"The flourishing of Jerusalem will mark the desertion of Yathrib (Madinah). The desertion of Yathrib will mark the start of al-malhamah (the great war that will start between Ar-Rum and the Muslim forces before Muslims conquer Constantinople for the second time). The start of al-malhamah will mark the conquering of Constantinople. The conquering of Constantionple will mark the appearance of Dajjal."Sahih Al-Jami' as-Saghir, no. 4096

Jerusalem is flourishing, and when it will reach its peak (maybe at the time of completion of Greater Israel), Madina will be deserted.

Al Mulhamah will start after the desertion of Madina (so of course there will be plenty of Muslims), and Constantinople will be conquered for the second time, which means we are going to lose it in the near future.

Also, there is another tradition that Madinah will be the last city destroyed before Al Mulhamah.
This is not fairly accurate. This will be when Dajjal comes but before that imam Mahdi will be here and he will defeat the alliance of Roman’s and the black banners will also arrive at this time as well. The time Medina will be deserted will be when dajjal comes.
Please refer to the above post. Thanks.
wow, what happened to you? (your opinions are usually spot on but this one, smh)

People who were on the fence about joining "the cause" that will use Nasrallah's death as motivation to push Hezbollah's plans and agendas forward.

You think its a coincidence that resistance attacks and impact in the region and world increased considerably after Soleimani died? you think Soleimani's (and Abu Mohandes too)death had nothing to do with the resistance's rejuvenation in the region? Offcourse it did. Mullah Omar and Mullah Mansur both died while leading the Taliban, but they were replaced and the Taliban ended up winning the war against NATO- and the Taliban is far from Iran in capabilities.

The reason Israel has killed more people in Lebanon in a week than Hezbollah killed all year is because they think calmly and logically instead of emotionally as we do.

So let's clear some things up first.

The Taliban did not 'win' in Afghanistan. the US withdrew voluntarily. The US has the ability, even without going nuclear, to flatten Afghanistan and to kill every Taliban leader, but the US is constrained by public opinion, both globally and domestically. That is the only reason they left, no one chased them out.

Please believe me when I tell you that the kind of technology the US possesses is decades ahead of anything anyone else has, except China, and Israel has access to almost everything the US has, plus their own. I am not just talking about massive bombs, but precision microdrones, nanotechnology, biotechnology. The US knows exactly where anyone of interest is at any given time.

So, coming to Israel, when they killed a number of Iranian proxy leaders in Lebanon and Tehran itself, and killed the Iranian President himself (yes, I believe it was an Israeli operation), then Iran should have retaliated in kind. When it failed to do so, then Israel knew that a) Iran lacked the ability, and b) Iran could not afford to escalate on that ladder because it knew its own security apparatus was compromised. This gave Israel the green light to continue those hits.

Looking at how people learn and adapt, we see again that israel learns from its mistakes and doesn't repeat them. The same cannot be said of the other side. After the 2006 Israeli raids on Lebanon, anyone with half a brain would have made it a top priority to install SAM systems throughout South Lebanon. It did not happen and we saw the results this week. Many emotional people may join the cause to embrace martyrdom but smart people will think twice because the leadership has shown themselves to be incompetent.

The point of war, as they say, is not to die for your country but to make the other guy die for his.

Finally, I don't want to put the blame and responsibility on Iran alone. It is commendable that Iran has taken up the fight where the rest of the Muslim world has failed, but it cannot fight the combined financial, technological, and military might of the Western world. There is much that Pakistan could have done given its close access to Chinese tech, especially in the area of SAMs to protect Lebanon, but Pakistani generals will never do anything that can harm their investments and retirement plans in the West or GCC.

As I wrote above and in earlier posts, the battle of technology is only going to get worse, and it doesn't look good for our side. There is nanotechnology in development that will make 99% of current security setup obsolete.
The west - when they fight a war - they fight an ABSOLUTE NO HOLES BARRED TOTAL WAR. Israel fights the same way and worst.

Muslims believe in some kind of framework or construct on "how" to fight war, some kind of rules based "honourable war". That is why muslims always tend to lose their wars in the last few decades - they dont really put their 'backs' into fighting a proper real war as it should be in the modern era.

Azerbijan recently, Turkey at Gallipoli are some of the few examples of true victory by muslims. Not many this century, of old - yes, lots of victories but modern wars are fought to a different standard now.

Given the threats that Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and Syria face from Israel, why dont these countries have the same type programme of civil mobilisation and preparation for war that Israel has ?????? How many wars and conflicts have they had and lost but failed to improve their capabilities and approach to war ? Because they dont take security planning, and preparation for war seriously. I can go on - but i wont.

Israel has been planning this war against Hezbollah since 2006...
Most of our war are fought with one hand tied behind our back. We aren't allowed to go into North Vietnam and Laos during the Vietnam war, we went downtown in Mogadishu but couldn't bring even gunship support, so we basically hang the Delta and Ranger to dry. we can't even bomb the Taliban compound on the wrong side of the border. I can't remember how many time we got the person we wanted on camera on a drone and have to abort the mission because that was outside Afghan. We fight war to make us look good on TV, we aren't really there and trying to win, the last "no hold bars" fight we had been in was WW2.

Israel don't really care about national image, I mean we know exactly where the Taliban leaders were in Qatar during those 20 years, what did we do? Nothing. We didn't even pressure Qatari government to turn them over, Israel will just send a missile or a plane to Qatar and bomb them if they are the one that AQ or Taliban was pissing off. They don't care jack shit about collateral, they don't care about international relation, for them war is for survival, for us, war is what make us look good on TV, that's the difference.
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overall some good points but here you are wrong. took them a long time to find OBL

Lots of theories on that one.

Some claim that the US had located him long before and the timing of the raid had more to do with political considerations than technical ones.
Maybe you are right, but I have listened to a full lecture on this and other hadiths a few weeks back, and the chain of events will be like this:

"The flourishing of Jerusalem will mark the desertion of Yathrib (Madinah). The desertion of Yathrib will mark the start of al-malhamah (the great war that will start between Ar-Rum and the Muslim forces before Muslims conquer Constantinople for the second time). The start of al-malhamah will mark the conquering of Constantinople. The conquering of Constantionple will mark the appearance of Dajjal."Sahih Al-Jami' as-Saghir, no. 4096

Jerusalem is flourishing, and when it will reach its peak (maybe at the time of completion of Greater Israel), Madina will be deserted.

Al Mulhamah will start after the desertion of Madina (so of course there will be plenty of Muslims), and Constantinople will be conquered for the second time, which means we are going to lose it in the near future.

Also, there is another tradition that Madinah will be the last city destroyed before Al Mulhamah.

I've seen that YouTube video with this interpretation. However, there's another hadith with the excat opposite chain of events. The way the sentences are worded makes the meaning opposite. 5 will happen when 4 has happened, 4 will happen when 3 has happened etc.

Narrated Mu’adh son of Jabal: “The Prophet said: The flourishing
state of Jerusalem will be when Yathrib is in ruins, the ruined
state of Yathrib will be when the Great War comes, the outbreak
of the Great War will be at the conquest of Constantinople, and
the conquest of Constantinople when the Antichrist comes
forth.” He (the Prophet) struck his thigh or his shoulder (a
gesture of exclamation) with his hand and said: “This is as true
as you are here or as you are sitting (meaning Mu’adh son
of Jabal).” Sunan Abu-Dawud, Battles (Kitab Al-Malahim), Book 37, Number 4281

The above hadith suggests the following sequence of events:
1) The appearance of the Antichrist
2) The reconquest of Constantinople
3) The Great War (A war before the final Armageddon)
4) The destruction of Yathrib
5) The flourishing of the state of Jerusalem

Yathrib refers to the City of Medina, but it also referred to the State of Medina, the first Islamic state. Could it mean Saudi Arabia? I would be most careful with this stuff. A wrong interpretation can cause a lot of confusion and trouble.
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