Historic Moment, Indonesia preparing 17 August Independence Ceremony in Nusantara

Happy Independence Day Indo bros
F16 and Jubiter Aerobatic Demo during 17 August Ceremony in Nusantara

Sri Mulyani, Indonesia Finance Minister, and her husband dress in the ceremony

Titiek Soeharto, defacto Indonesia next first lady with Soeharto family

This is in Palace in Jakarta and focuses more on entertainment, celebration side of the event

Gibran (our next VP) wear Papua dress

Indonesian ruling elites wear many kind of Indonesian ethnic dress

The event is held in the morning and afternoon

During the event break there was rain falling. I see it as a bless from God

Clear sky in the afternoon also help Jupiter Aerobatic team that fly in the afternoon (F16 demo is in the morning with big clout hanging pushing them to fly very low to the surface)

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