How Many Fighter Jets Does China Produce Annually? More than US

China may have a larger military than USA, in Army, Airforce, and Navy.

However there is still an impression that USA has superior technology.
I hope China will be as technologically advanced as USA.

I hope the Chinese economy will be larger than USA's soon. I am talking about Nominal GDP.

The US will have around a $10T+ lead in GDP over China at the end of 2024. It’s becoming increasingly unlikely China will ever surpass US GDP.

And the US military is the most advanced in human history. As for this thread, the US 5th gen fighter fleet numbers 903, and will surpass 1,000 next year.
That lead won't stay for long as china is ramping up it's own production. I don't see the US producing 150 f-35 per year with new reports curb and only 90 goes to US military anyway that's still less than china j-20 production most likely will reach 120 this year
US gdp is growing by adding 1 trillion of debt every 100 days that's not a flex buddy.The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that interest payments will total $892 billion in fiscal year 2024 and rise rapidly throughout the next decade — climbing from $1 trillion in 2025 to $1.7 trillion in 2034. In total, net interest payments will total $12.9 trillion over the next decade.

Remember healthcare accounts for over 20 percent of US gdp and inflation is help boosting US gdp along with high interest rates. Once fed starts cutting rates expect Chinese yuan to appreciates 5-10% and the gdp gap will inch closer. Ever heard of exchange rates???
12.9 trillion in interest payment alone in the next decade that's a whole lots of debt to pay with crazy deficit spending
1 trillion in US military spending and only 100 f-35 produced that's weak ass number if u ask me. Bet china can produce 3 times that with the budget lol
There is a lot of chest-thumping, but nobody asked about the demographics of how many fighter pilots are active and how many can be taken out of retirement to be used in conflict on each side. As the Russo-Ukraine conflict shows, even the best Ukrainian pilots take an average of two years to train. Then you have the question of experience, and most American and Western pilots are battle-tested.

Add to this the two-week Red Flag exercise between the US and friendly nations, which pits the best from all sides.

While production is good, it's just one part of war planning. You need adequately trained individuals to carry out the task.
I don't think neither the US or china lack of fighters pilots u only have a few thousand to pick from anyway. And remember china is also replacing it's older fleet in j-7 and j-8 those pilots will get brand new j-16d and j-20.
China has 1.4 billion people to pick from and Ukrainian men are fighting at the front. How do you expect em to recruit pilots in wartime without proper infrastructure. China has thousands of airport runway and PLA increases use of simulators in pilot training
During second sino Japanese war, both communist and national forces accounted for a total over 10 mil men at around 500 mil In population at the time. In wartime china can get 20 million to fight no problem. China doesn't lack volunteers if she needs to call up
reserve .What's funny is china pushed back the whole UN forces from yalu river even taking Seoul at one point while fighting with aks and no air support nor artillery. There's a reason the US never dared to invade North Vietnam but they sure loved to invade Arab countries. Korean war scared em of a land war lol
When did the PLA ever lost. We beat India in 1962 we took over all em islands from Vietnam in South china sea and some territory in the north later gave it back . We beat UN forces in Korea. We will fight if push comes to it come on now while china at the time was among the poorest. There's no lack of nationalism in china.
Ofc china has to tread carefully because it's growing richer there's a lot more to lose. There's No winner in a war between the US and china.
The US will have around a $10T+ lead in GDP over China at the end of 2024. It’s becoming increasingly unlikely China will ever surpass US GDP.

And the US military is the most advanced in human history. As for this thread, the US 5th gen fighter fleet numbers 903, and will surpass 1,000 next year.
USA may be technologically ahead of China.

However the Chinese still have a larger military than USA has.

And by the way, China will have a larger economy in NOMINAL GDP terms probably by 2028.
USA may be technologically ahead of China.

However the Chinese still have a larger military than USA has.

And by the way, China will have a larger economy in NOMINAL GDP terms probably by 2028.
This guy will make sure America remains number 1 1724734200218.png
35 trillion in national debt and 23 trillion in interest payments alone in the next decade that's a whooping 48 trillion not counting all the other deficit spending all within the next 10 years crazy!

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