Huawei presents world's first tri-foldable smartphone, having more than 3 million preorders




I would dig that.. I am using Samsung Galaxy Z fold with weird aspect ratio. Bet this double fold phone will have a nice aspect ratio for social media videos.
Apple sales are going strong year after year worldwide,

Looks pretty flat for almost a decade.

Screenshot 2024-09-11 at 11.37.00 PM.jpg

One thing is for sure. Older folks will 1000% buy this now cuz their eyes struggle with tiny little phones. All the seniors will be all about this thing.

More likely to be young buyers. Almost everyone around me is watching videos on their phone, and this phone will provide an excellent aspect ratio.

Huawei’s $2,800 Mate XT Ignites Chinese National Pride but Faces Backlash Over High Cost​

Chris Liu
September 11, 2024 11:15 p.m. ET

Huawei’s $2,800 Mate XT Ignites Chinese National Pride but Faces Backlash Over High Cost

Huawei’s $2,800 Mate XT Ignites Chinese National Pride but Faces Backlash Over High Cost (Photo: Huawei )

Huawei's latest smartphone, the Mate XT, has sparked a surge of national pride in China, positioning the company as a formidable competitor to global tech giant Apple. However, the phone's steep price tag has drawn criticism, highlighting the tension between cutting-edge innovation and affordability.

Unveiled just hours after Apple introduced its iPhone 16 lineup, Huawei's Mate XT stands out as the world's first tri-foldable smartphone. This technological leap has been celebrated on Chinese social media, with many viewing the device as a symbol of Huawei's resurgence despite years of U.S. sanctions that have hampered its access to advanced American technology. One user on Weibo, China's version of X, encapsulated the national sentiment: "Apple hasn't fallen, but Huawei has truly risen again."

The Mate XT's launch comes at a time when Huawei is reasserting itself in the premium smartphone market. The company had previously made headlines with its Mate 60 and Pura series, both of which featured domestically produced semiconductors-another significant achievement in the face of international sanctions. Washington has labeled Huawei a national security risk, a charge the company has consistently denied. The U.S. has extended its export bans to encompass advanced chips for all Chinese firms, aiming to curb China's technological advancements, particularly in the military sector.

Despite the national pride, the Mate XT's pricing has stirred considerable controversy. Starting at 19,999 yuan (approximately $2,800) and reaching as high as 23,999 yuan ($3,370) for more advanced models, the phone's cost is seen as prohibitive for many consumers, especially during a period of economic uncertainty in China. "No matter how much I like the product, the price tag just sounds crazy to me," said a Beijing resident surnamed Xu, a self-described Huawei loyalist, while visiting a local Huawei store.

The phone's advanced features, including its unique dual-hinge design that allows it to fold in a "Z" shape, are undeniably impressive. The OLED display can transform from a 6.4-inch single screen to a 10.2-inch tablet-like display when fully unfolded, with a midway 7.9-inch configuration also available. This versatility is paired with robust hardware: a 5,600mAh battery, support for both wired and wireless fast charging, and a triple camera setup featuring a 50-megapixel main camera.

However, the device's groundbreaking technology has not quelled concerns over its price. A Weibo poll revealed that out of over 9,200 respondents, only 966 planned to purchase the Mate XT. The majority cited the high cost as a deterrent, with 4,700 respondents explicitly stating they were put off by the price. Another 3,500 users indicated they were not currently considering a purchase.

These mixed reactions highlight the challenge Huawei faces as it attempts to balance its ambition to push technological boundaries with the economic realities of its consumer base. While the Mate XT is a testament to Huawei's innovation capabilities, its pricing strategy could alienate a significant portion of potential buyers. In a sluggish economy where many consumers are grappling with financial insecurity, the Mate XT's price tag may be seen as out of touch.

The timing of the Mate XT's release, coinciding with Apple's iPhone 16 launch, further intensifies the scrutiny. Apple, though a direct competitor, has not faced the same level of criticism regarding pricing in its home market, where the brand continues to enjoy strong loyalty. Yet, in China, the narrative is different. Huawei's fans have seized on the opportunity to contrast the company's achievements with Apple's, particularly noting that Apple has yet to announce an artificial intelligence (AI) partner in China to support its iPhone 16-a move that could be seen as a gap in its strategy in the region.

Nonetheless, Huawei's Mate XT has captured the imagination of many in China, symbolizing resilience and technological prowess. Still, the question remains whether the company can translate this enthusiasm into sales, especially given the economic backdrop and the device's premium pricing.

Starting at 19,999 yuan (approximately $2,800) and reaching as high as 23,999 yuan ($3,370) for more advanced models.
$3,370 for a phone is too much, this money can buy a car in China.

Huawei Mate XT: World's First Tri-Fold Phone Surpasses 5 Million Pre-Orders In 5 Days​

Sep 12, 2024 14:42

Huawei Mate XT, world's first tri-fold smartphone has surpassed five million pre-orders in just five days. The reservation window for the phone opened on September 7, just two days before Apple launched its iPhone 16 series of phones.

Huawei launched its new smartphone, which is being seen as a direct challenger to Apple in China, just hours within the launch of the iPhone 16 series. No just that, but Mate XT will also go on sale on September 20, the same day as Apple's iPhone series.


The $2,800 phone with 3 folds and 5 million preorders

Chinese tech giant Huawei’s new trifold phone is a testament to the company’s innovation in the face of US sanctions.​

ByCassandra Cassidy
SEPTEMBER 12, 2024


This isn’t the trifold you begged your mom to get the night before a project was due. Huawei’s new phone is basically a Transformer that fits in your pocket and, according to the company’s CEO, turns “science fiction into a reality.”

Here’s what we know about the Mate XT:

  • It folds at two seams to allow for three modes of operation—a regular-size phone, a larger square phone, and a tablet.
  • When fully expanded, the screen measures 10.2 inches diagonally.
  • It’s equipped with AI translation, messaging, and photo editing capabilities.
The $2,800 price tag hasn’t turned people away, even if it is a lot to pay for a product reminiscent of a travel brochure. The phone already has 5 million preorders, per Huawei, though many analysts expect sales to be a modicum of that number because the model is difficult to make.

Big picture: For years, the US has tried to stymie Huawei’s growth with sanctions, but the Chinese tech giant has fought back. The company reported double-digit revenue and profit growth last month and is giving Apple a run for its money in the Chinese market. Mate XT officially launches on Sept. 20, the same day as Apple’s AI-enabled iPhone 16.—CC
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12.8 mm is a bit too thick. iPhone 12 Mini that I use (I just love its bright and soothing red color and there is no other phone coming in that color) is for instance 7.4 mm thick and it is not considered a thin phone. Besides, design of this phone means it will be impossible to put a bumper or phone guard on it. I think even screen guard will be a problem.

It might be an initial seller because some people might just want to try something new but ultimately it is a clumsy phone. It is essentially a foldable tablet with phone role shoe horned on it.

I usually like my device to do one thing really well. My phone should work like a phone and carryable like a phone.

Consider Samsung's double fold is 12.1mm, 12.8mm for tri fold isn't bad at all, and Samsung fold sold over 12 million units, so there is definitely a market there.

Huawei presents world's first tri-foldable smartphone, having more than 3 million preorders


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I understand the concept, it's a phone aswell as a tablet, looks nice but it would be too big for people like me to carry around, maybe for home to use as a tablet and phone, similar phone was made 4 years ago by TCL, a Chinese company.


I used to own this different style phone, had it for a few years, people always found it funny when I had it next to my ear talking and saying "is that a phone" with laughter. The phone died out, and this is another one which looked so different but died out.


We started with larger phone and went all small and now going back to larger phone.
Smart phones are for people with ambition and they are going places, it's a social symbol

Very unique innovative phone
Since there is no competitor for the phone , they have the full market isolated to themselves , quite a bit competitive advantage

For many folks the fold expansion design likely mean they can read their favourite book also on the phone a bit more easily

Like a Tablet, yet it can be folded into phone mode

I can just visualize all the people on Subways , reading a book on this phone
These foldable phones are triggering my OCD. There are so many things that could go wrong

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