Imran Khan’s proposed 21-point agenda:Mind blowing

Navy and Air Force for Security: Assigning the Prime Minister’s House security to the Navy and Air Force creates a more balanced approach and reduces the concentration of power within the Army.

This should be done by a civilian agency.

The Secret Service in the United States isn't part of the Military. Its a civilian organization.
When in Power IK gave extension to Gen Bajwa. Right ?
Also IIRC tons of Retired official were appointed as various institute heads at that time.

He seems to learn from his mistakes. Can you say the same for Nawa Sharif, Shahbaz Sharif, and Zardari ? Establishment ended their tenures multiple times even though they came through vote. But they still put all their confidence in establishment so that they can have one more turn and share power. What does it tell you about the alternatives to IK ?
  1. Merit-Based Army Chief Appointment: By aligning the appointment process with that of the Chief Justice, this promotes a transparent, seniority-based selection, reducing political influence and favouritism.
  2. Ban on Extensions for Government Positions: This ensures that no official stays beyond their term, allowing for fresh leadership and preventing the monopolisation of power by certain individuals.
  3. Restrict Military Involvement in Civilian Sectors: Preventing military officers from taking roles in civilian institutions would encourage merit-based recruitment and reduce military influence in non-defence sectors, thereby reinforcing civilian supremacy.
  4. Separation of Military from Government Affairs: Closing the Military Secretary's office in the Prime Minister's House would further distance the military from political matters, ensuring that governance is led by elected representatives without undue influence from military officials.
  5. Navy and Air Force for Security: Assigning the Prime Minister’s House security to the Navy and Air Force creates a more balanced approach and reduces the concentration of power within the Army.
  6. Equal Benefits for All Officers: By ensuring equal healthcare, pensions, and educational opportunities for both civilian and military personnel, this promotes social justice and eliminates the stark inequalities between the two sectors.
  7. Restrictions on Post-Retirement Jobs for Military Officers: Prohibiting retired officers from taking foreign jobs for 10 years would help retain national security integrity and reduce the potential for sensitive information leaks or conflicts of interest.
  8. Restructuring ISI for National Interests: Adopting a civilian-led intelligence model would increase accountability and align intelligence operations more closely with national interests rather than military goals.
  9. Civil and Judicial Reforms: These reforms could improve the efficiency and fairness of Pakistan's administrative and judicial systems by promoting merit-based recruitment and reducing nepotism.
  10. Ban on Military Businesses: Ending military involvement in businesses could reduce the conflict of interest where military institutions are involved in both security and commercial activities. This would also encourage a more competitive civilian business sector.
  11. Judicial Accountability via Whistleblower System: This would promote transparency and accountability in the judiciary, encouraging judges to act with integrity knowing their actions are being monitored.
  12. Defence Budget Reduction: Cutting the defence budget by 50% would free up significant resources for social, economic, and infrastructure development, addressing urgent civilian needs such as health, education, and poverty alleviation.
  13. Limiting ISPR’s role: Restricting ISPR to purely professional matters would reduce the military’s ability to shape public opinion and interfere in political discourse.
  14. Revised Pakistan Studies Curriculum: Including lessons on democratic principles and the military’s historical role would foster a better understanding of democracy, encouraging future generations to prioritise democratic governance over authoritarianism.
  15. Post-Retirement Job Ban for Judges and Bureaucrats: This would prevent conflicts of interest, reducing the likelihood of former officials using their past influence to benefit private enterprises or foreign entities.
  16. Public Disclosure of Tax Returns: Making the tax returns of government officers public would enhance transparency, discourage corruption, and restore public trust in government officials.
  17. Election Commission Reforms and Digital Voting: These reforms would strengthen the electoral system, ensuring fairer and more transparent elections, reducing rigging, and making it easier for citizens, especially overseas Pakistanis, to participate.
  18. Overseas Pakistanis Voting System: Implementing a digital voting system for overseas Pakistanis would empower millions of expatriates to participate in elections, ensuring that their voices are heard in national decisions.
  19. Improved Relations with Neighbouring Countries: Strengthening ties with regional powers such as India, China, and Iran would improve economic opportunities, regional stability, and diplomatic cooperation, contributing to overall growth and peace.
  20. Economic Strength to Support Kashmir: Enhancing the country’s economic position would give Pakistan more leverage on the international stage to advocate for Kashmir and strengthen its negotiating power.
  21. Support for Palestine: By supporting Palestine, Pakistan could align itself with global humanitarian efforts and take a more active role in advocating for oppressed communities, improving its international standing, especially among Muslim-majority nations.
Overall, the agenda aims to promote civilian control, transparency, accountability, and democratic values while reducing military interference in politics and governance. This could lead to more balanced governance, a stronger economy, and improved relations with both domestic institutions and international partners.
He should write a book so we can publish it after he dies or is exiled to london due to health issues

It would be fun read like "my brother"
He seems to learn from his mistakes. Can you say the same for Nawa Sharif, Shahbaz Sharif, and Zardari ? Establishment ended their tenures multiple times even though they came through vote. But they still put all their confidence in establishment so that they can have one more turn and share power. What does it tell you about the alternatives to IK ?
That ik has huge delusions regarding the people of Pakistan
What is source wo reported it ???

Anyway just for sake of Record my POV on the following points

Defence Budget Reduction: Cutting the defence budget by 50% would free up significant resources for social, economic, and infrastructure development, addressing urgent civilian needs such as health, education, and poverty alleviation.
Strongly disagree
Merit-Based Army Chief Appointment: By aligning the appointment process with that of the Chief Justice, this promotes a transparent, seniority-based selection, reducing political influence and favouritism.
Partially disagreement
Improved Relations with Neighbouring Countries: Strengthening ties with regional powers such as India, China, and Iran would improve economic opportunities, regional stability, and diplomatic cooperation, contributing to overall growth and peace.
How ????

Partially disagree
He seems to learn from his mistakes. Can you say the same for Nawa Sharif, Shahbaz Sharif, and Zardari ? Establishment ended their tenures multiple times even though they came through vote. But they still put all their confidence in establishment so that they can have one more turn and share power. What does it tell you about the alternatives to IK ?
I don't have a dog in this fight. In pakistan the establishment will remain the real thing for a foreseeable period of time. So who ever heads the civilian govt will toe the the line to an extent.
These are all necessary reforms for the survival of the Pakistan State. You cannot continue in this "state".

They say, The pen is mightier than the sword. Once these ideas are put into writing, they will eventually be implemented. No matter how much blood is shed.

By the way, @Hakikat ve Hikmet; it would be great if you stopped attributing everything to RTE and your blind admiration for RTE. In Turkey, the army did not interfere much with civilian commercial life before RTE. In fact, in the RTE period, I think the Turkish army was filled with less qualified people than in the past.
Folks had gone through "28 February" tribulations followed by that by FETO. Reis may have shortcomings, but what he has done for the Muslims in Turkey can never be repaid no matter how much admiration is shown to him. The liberation of the Aya Sofia itself has broken 90 years of shackles around the body and seals on the soul.....

As for the military personnel and military industrial complex, he's witch hunted the FETO cliques. What more do you want? What were the success rates against PKK before FETO revolt and after that? I can't be blind to that.....
There is more to be achieved by throwing water in the air to land on a pile of fecal matter than these rather utopian ideals a the failed state led by a morally, socially, ethically corrupt cabal of people representing disparate entities pretending to be part of a system.

None of these points offer anything to the weasels and jackals sitting in office in and out of uniform - and even if some will agree to it they will shrug their shoulders knowing their counterparts selfish interests and let it be
He seems to learn from his mistakes. Can you say the same for Nawa Sharif, Shahbaz Sharif, and Zardari ? Establishment ended their tenures multiple times even though they came through vote. But they still put all their confidence in establishment so that they can have one more turn and share power. What does it tell you about the alternatives to IK ?
PMLN is in regression. An interesting tweet on their rehtoric from now and 2013.

While Zardari thing can be ignored as politics is still politics, it has shown it's true face by becoming a ANP variant in Punjab whose SMT brigades are openly ethno nats yet pretend to represent Pakistan

Reform when you are in position of power. IK didn't when he was PM so I wonder how will he make everyone follow on these alleged points now?

Sounds nice but naive to believe these will be implemented. even 4 out of 21 of these won't be followed.
There is more to be achieved by throwing water in the air to land on a pile of fecal matter than these rather utopian ideals a the failed state led by a morally, socially, ethically corrupt cabal of people representing disparate entities pretending to be part of a system.

None of these points offer anything to the weasels and jackals sitting in office in and out of uniform - and even if some will agree to it they will shrug their shoulders knowing their counterparts selfish interests and let it be
Before someone bells the cat, which might take generations, somebody needs to create the bell in the first place. Remember, for Pakistan movement to emerge, there had to be an Aligarh movement. And for that, there had to be a Sepoy Mutiny and end of the Mughals. IK will never see these get implemented in his lifetime, he probably knows that.
3, 6, 7 are hogwash.
Why ban military officers retiring from military to take any job for 10 years?
How will they survive?

Military run businessess are a good thing as the Fauji foundation who runs these businesses also caters for veterans, CMH and many other benefits for serving and retired military personnel. All that from own effort without burdening national budget.
Over 9.5 million Pakistani citizens benefit from these "Military businesses".

Government arranged benefits and pensions are already equal for both civilians and military, as both are classed as federal government employees,cand get same pensions.

I doubt such I'll informed points are even written by Imran khan.

Seems more of a propaganda
  1. Merit-Based Army Chief Appointment: By aligning the appointment process with that of the Chief Justice, this promotes a transparent, seniority-based selection, reducing political influence and favouritism.
  2. Ban on Extensions for Government Positions: This ensures that no official stays beyond their term, allowing for fresh leadership and preventing the monopolisation of power by certain individuals.
  3. Restrict Military Involvement in Civilian Sectors: Preventing military officers from taking roles in civilian institutions would encourage merit-based recruitment and reduce military influence in non-defence sectors, thereby reinforcing civilian supremacy.
  4. Separation of Military from Government Affairs: Closing the Military Secretary's office in the Prime Minister's House would further distance the military from political matters, ensuring that governance is led by elected representatives without undue influence from military officials.
  5. Navy and Air Force for Security: Assigning the Prime Minister’s House security to the Navy and Air Force creates a more balanced approach and reduces the concentration of power within the Army.
  6. Equal Benefits for All Officers: By ensuring equal healthcare, pensions, and educational opportunities for both civilian and military personnel, this promotes social justice and eliminates the stark inequalities between the two sectors.
  7. Restrictions on Post-Retirement Jobs for Military Officers: Prohibiting retired officers from taking foreign jobs for 10 years would help retain national security integrity and reduce the potential for sensitive information leaks or conflicts of interest.
  8. Restructuring ISI for National Interests: Adopting a civilian-led intelligence model would increase accountability and align intelligence operations more closely with national interests rather than military goals.
  9. Civil and Judicial Reforms: These reforms could improve the efficiency and fairness of Pakistan's administrative and judicial systems by promoting merit-based recruitment and reducing nepotism.
  10. Ban on Military Businesses: Ending military involvement in businesses could reduce the conflict of interest where military institutions are involved in both security and commercial activities. This would also encourage a more competitive civilian business sector.
  11. Judicial Accountability via Whistleblower System: This would promote transparency and accountability in the judiciary, encouraging judges to act with integrity knowing their actions are being monitored.
  12. Defence Budget Reduction: Cutting the defence budget by 50% would free up significant resources for social, economic, and infrastructure development, addressing urgent civilian needs such as health, education, and poverty alleviation.
  13. Limiting ISPR’s role: Restricting ISPR to purely professional matters would reduce the military’s ability to shape public opinion and interfere in political discourse.
  14. Revised Pakistan Studies Curriculum: Including lessons on democratic principles and the military’s historical role would foster a better understanding of democracy, encouraging future generations to prioritise democratic governance over authoritarianism.
  15. Post-Retirement Job Ban for Judges and Bureaucrats: This would prevent conflicts of interest, reducing the likelihood of former officials using their past influence to benefit private enterprises or foreign entities.
  16. Public Disclosure of Tax Returns: Making the tax returns of government officers public would enhance transparency, discourage corruption, and restore public trust in government officials.
  17. Election Commission Reforms and Digital Voting: These reforms would strengthen the electoral system, ensuring fairer and more transparent elections, reducing rigging, and making it easier for citizens, especially overseas Pakistanis, to participate.
  18. Overseas Pakistanis Voting System: Implementing a digital voting system for overseas Pakistanis would empower millions of expatriates to participate in elections, ensuring that their voices are heard in national decisions.
  19. Improved Relations with Neighbouring Countries: Strengthening ties with regional powers such as India, China, and Iran would improve economic opportunities, regional stability, and diplomatic cooperation, contributing to overall growth and peace.
  20. Economic Strength to Support Kashmir: Enhancing the country’s economic position would give Pakistan more leverage on the international stage to advocate for Kashmir and strengthen its negotiating power.
  21. Support for Palestine: By supporting Palestine, Pakistan could align itself with global humanitarian efforts and take a more active role in advocating for oppressed communities, improving its international standing, especially among Muslim-majority nations.
Overall, the agenda aims to promote civilian control, transparency, accountability, and democratic values while reducing military interference in politics and governance. This could lead to more balanced governance, a stronger economy, and improved relations with both domestic institutions and international partners.
Source please.
I can't find this news anywhere.
Why ban military officers retiring from military to take any job for 10 years?
How will they survive?
Foreign jobs. Read #7 again
Military run businessess are a good thing as the Fauji foundation who runs these businesses also caters for veterans, CMH and many other benefits for serving and retired military personnel. All that from own effort without burdening national budget.
Some of these businesses have been making a lot of money while enjoying tax exemptions as so called "non profits", if same Business demand was met by a private business, it would have been paying taxes.

Then there are businesses like DHA which have been granted land bigger than cities for pennies. Not to mention other land grants.

Businesses that do pay taxes, don't necessarily pay them on time.

Next to no transparency.

Businesses also get preferential treatment for government contracts especially in construction of mega projects.

One can write a thesis on how the Military inc. costs Pakistan billions in lost revenue every month if they didn't exist or had to compete with everyone else with no preferential treatment.

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