In China, demons rampant. Signs of the collapse of the CCP dynasty.

Expressing loyalty is an easy task. I can also say 'I love CCP'. But is CCP worth loving? Systemic corruption is beyond any control. Large scale transfer of state property. The unemployment rate remains high. The people are heavily in debt. And then you said, "CCP manages this 1.4 billion people nation very well”??

What standards do you use? African standards?

Oh. I know. So why did Mao Zedong brutally crack down on China's private enterprises? You don't seem to have provided an explanation for this? Is this caused by the barbarism of communism?

And then Deng Xiaoping knelt down to foreign private companies (including Korea private companies). Until 1992. Dwarf Deng began to forgive Chinese private enterprises.

Because of the "hard work" of Fat Mao and Dwarf Deng. In the 1990s, China's technology fell far behind the mainstream of the world. And the Chinese market has been sent to foreign private enterprises by Dwarf Deng.

What a great CCP.
From you perspective CCP should manage CN like USA deficit printing nothing but printing political elites copium smoking, CEO getting millions citizens munching melons. :rofl:
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CCP officials typically embezzle hundreds of billions of yuan. At present, the highest record for corruption set by CCP officials is 970 billion yuan.


And this year. Chinese people are worried about the 400 yuan medical insurance.

tell the truth. We don't know what CCP fans want to change here?
The Chinese economy is almost stagnant. When the Chinese people bear high debts. CCP provides 360 billion yuan in free aid to Africa.

growing 5+% is stagnant? 😭high debts
Trillions of debts is advancing?:nana:write off
ah. I can't compare with you. You can embezzle 970 billion yuan in China.
Ignoring the huge debts of the Chinese people. CCP provides 360 billion yuan (40 billion USD) in non repayable aid to Africa.

ah. I can't compare with you. You can embezzle 970 billion yuan in China.

China GDP is second to US surpassing Japan Germany etc. Even no 1 in term of PPP.
Their technology is head to head with US.

China debt is not worse than that of US, Japan, UK, etc.

What else doubt you?
China GDP is second to US surpassing Japan Germany etc. Even no 1 in term of PPP.
Their technology is head to head with US.

China debt is not worse than that of US, Japan, UK, etc.

What else doubt you?
I don't think they can surpass CCP officials' corruption record of 970 billion yuan. The true world no.1.
I don't think they can surpass CCP officials' corruption record of 970 billion yuan. The true world no.1.
So 970 B rmb RECORD corruption (which you claim is 150+- B usd ) peanuts more then 20 Trillions usd GDP? Other then CCP, there is zero, zilch, nada corruption in your lala "OVER CAPACITY" money printing democratic world ? 1B=1000T? :rofl: 废柴 dead wood. Oh no, CN isnt in the prestiges Top 10 club😭wood
So 970 B rmb RECORD corruption (which you claim is 150+- B usd ) peanuts more then 20 Trillions usd GDP? Other then CCP, there is zero, zilch, nada corruption in your lala "OVER CAPACITY" money printing democratic world ? 1B=1000T? :rofl: 废柴 dead wood. Oh no, CN isnt in the prestiges Top 10 club😭wood
It's meaningless for you to shift the topic here. My suggestion is for you to open an independent thread to discuss “There is no problem with CCP officials embezzling 970 billion yuan”. I believe you will bravely tell the world that CCP officials can embezzle 970 billion yuan. isn't it?

I don't think they can surpass CCP officials' corruption record of 970 billion yuan. The true world no.1.

What you think will be useless if simply backed by tendentious assumption rather than solid data.

The fact is China is not only growing fast, but compete with US in many aspect, including technology, economy, education, and military. Something beyond the reach of comparable countries like India.
What you think will be useless if simply backed by tendentious assumption rather than solid data.

The fact is China is not only growing fast, but compete with US in many aspect, including technology, economy, education, and military. Something beyond the reach of comparable countries like India.
It's meaningless for you to tell me this. As Jiang Jieshi said to the Chinese people, "Although KMT is very corrupt, KMT is still doing well". It doesn't make any sense.


You may try to explain it to the Chinese people. Why can a CCP official embezzle 970 billion yuan. See if the Chinese people are willing to listen to your answer.

Just like CCP Qingdao police have issued official announcements twice. They twice tried to explain to the Chinese people why CCP mistresses do not constitute crimes. But the Chinese people still refuse to forgive the CCP and his mistress.

When disappointment reaches a certain level. All your defense is a joke to the Chinese people.

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