In the eyes of the world, are China, the United States and Russia the real big powers? What is the difference between other countries?


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In the eyes of the world, are China, the United States and Russia the real big powers? What is the difference between other countries?

2024-05-21 00:37 Source: Three Golden Weapons Theory

Published in: Zhejiang Province

On today's world stage, China, the United States and Russia are often regarded as the real major powers. They have a decisive influence in politics, economy, military and other aspects, and are considered to be an important force in shaping the international order and regional situation.


However, this status is not only due to their economic size or military strength, but more to their role or influence in international affairs.

Why in the eyes of the world, China, the United States and Russia are the real big countries? What is the difference between other countries?

first. Political status and global influence


China, the United States and Russia, three countries have significant status and influence on the international political stage, which is one of the important signs that they are regarded as major powers.

As one of the most populous countries in the world, China plays an extremely important role in international affairs, both in terms of its economic rise and its increasing comprehensive national strength. It actively participates in discussions and decision-making on global issues, and proposes a series of important initiatives to advocate multilateralism or build a community with a shared future for mankind, thus contributing to the stability and development of the international community.

As the world's largest economy and military power, the United States has an extensive network of allies and global influence. He often plays a leadership role in international affairs, promoting the popularization of democracy, freedom and human rights on a global scale, and his policy propositions in areas such as international security, trade and climate change, all of which have a profound impact on the world. .


Russia has emerged on the international stage with its rich resources, strong military strength and unique geopolitical status. And its geopolitical influence in the Middle East, Europe and the Asia-Pacific is increasing day by day, and its actions in Syria, Ukraine and other regions affect the global security pattern.

Therefore, the status and influence of these three countries on the international political stage, China, the United States, and Russia, is one of the important reasons why they are regarded as real great powers.

The second aspect. Economic power and global influence

The three countries, China, the United States and Russia, have strong economic strength, which is one of the important foundations for them to become real great powers.

As the world's second largest economy, China's economic aggregate has surpassed Germany and Japan and has become one of the main engines of global economic growth. It ranks among the best in the world in terms of manufacturing, technological innovation and infrastructure construction, and its influence on the global industrial chain is increasing day by day.

The United States is famous for its developed market economic system, technological innovation capabilities and financial strength. With the most developed high-tech industries and financial markets in the world, its leading role in the global economy cannot be ignored. At the same time, its leading position in international trade, finance, investment and other fields also gives it a pivotal position in the global economic system.

Although Russia's economy is relatively small, its rich resource reserves and strong military manufacturing industry give it an important position in the fields of energy and arms exports. In particular, Russia's oil, natural gas and other resources occupy an important position in the global market, and its military industry is also famous for its high-quality weapons and equipment.

Therefore, the strong economic strength of these three countries, China, the United States, and Russia, is also one of the important guarantees for them to become a truly great power.

The third aspect. Military Power and Geostrategy


Among the three countries, China, the United States and Russia have a unique geostrategic position and relatively strong military strength. This is also one of the important factors for it to be regarded as a truly great power.

As the times progress, China has also made great progress in military modernization. Its navy, air force, missile force and other armed forces have continued to grow, becoming an important force in maintaining national security and regional stability.

The United States has the most powerful military power in the world. Its global network of military bases, ballistic missile defense systems and other military strategic layouts also enable it to occupy a dominant position in geopolitical competition.


Russia is known for its powerful nuclear weapons capabilities and advanced military technology. With world-leading land, navy and air forces and diversified military equipment, it plays an important role in international military affairs.

In addition to their military strength, these three countries also have unique geostrategic positions, which also makes them extremely important in regional and global affairs.

We must know that China is located in the eastern part of the Asian continent. It has the longest land border and the richest population resources in the world. Its geographical advantages make it play an important role in the geopolitical structure of the Asia-Pacific region.

The United States is located in North America, with the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west. Its strategic location allows it to have important influence in global political, economic, and military affairs.


Russia spans the two continents of Europe and Asia, with vast territory and rich resources. It is bounded by the Pacific Ocean to the east, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Arctic Ocean to the north, and the Black Sea to the south. Its geographical location makes it an important hub and regional hegemony of the Eurasian continent.

The reason why these three countries, China, the United States and Russia, are regarded as: real great powers. Not only does it have strong economic strength and strong military strength, but also because of its status and influence on the international political stage, as well as its unique geostrategic position
Good china and Russia are teamed up now to fend off US global hegemony.
Good china and Russia are teamed up now to fend off US global hegemony.
US gave free aid and global leadership for decades. What did China and Russia do for the world ?. Nothing.

Instead China bankrupted poor African countries thru dubious loans and Russia annexed Crimea and Ukranian territory.
US gave free aid and global leadership for decades. What did China and Russia do for the world ?. Nothing.

Instead China bankrupted poor African countries thru dubious loans and Russia annexed Crimea and Ukranian territory.
Yeah, US waged wars and carpet bombed Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria to name a few, murdered tens of millions people around the world, brought chaos and sufferings to many countries by setting fire and stoking color revolutions there, thanks to your master US credits. And what African countries have China bankrupted, lol, just come out your loud mouth with no back up ? China brought developments and prosperities to Africa as Africans themselves said. Overwhelming African countries loans are from US and EU countries and institutions, not China. You can keep worship and be brainwashed by your master US. And who is you Turkmen to blame African problem imagined on China ? And, it's NATO's fault to push Russia into a corner try to strangle it to death.

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China brought developments and prosperities to Africa as Africans themselves said.
Have you seen the actual whipping video of this...???

Not good. And this is one of the few reported incidents of Chinese managers physically abusing Africans to the point many called akin to being 'slaves'.
Have you seen the actual whipping video of this...???

Not good. And this is one of the few reported incidents of Chinese managers physically abusing Africans to the point many called akin to being 'slaves'.
Lol, lecture from someone in a country that carpet bombed and murdered tens of millions people in the world, its police force open shoot and kill Black Africans in your country at will, a country that had really practiced widespread real slavery of Black Africans for centuries, a country that has total disregard for human lives not to say human rights. The snapshots don't tell the real stories.
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In the eyes of the world, are China, the United States and Russia the real big powers? What is the difference between other countries?

2024-05-21 00:37 Source: Three Golden Weapons Theory

Published in: Zhejiang Province

On today's world stage, China, the United States and Russia are often regarded as the real major powers. They have a decisive influence in politics, economy, military and other aspects, and are considered to be an important force in shaping the international order and regional situation.


However, this status is not only due to their economic size or military strength, but more to their role or influence in international affairs.

Why in the eyes of the world, China, the United States and Russia are the real big countries? What is the difference between other countries?

first. Political status and global influence


China, the United States and Russia, three countries have significant status and influence on the international political stage, which is one of the important signs that they are regarded as major powers.

As one of the most populous countries in the world, China plays an extremely important role in international affairs, both in terms of its economic rise and its increasing comprehensive national strength. It actively participates in discussions and decision-making on global issues, and proposes a series of important initiatives to advocate multilateralism or build a community with a shared future for mankind, thus contributing to the stability and development of the international community.

As the world's largest economy and military power, the United States has an extensive network of allies and global influence. He often plays a leadership role in international affairs, promoting the popularization of democracy, freedom and human rights on a global scale, and his policy propositions in areas such as international security, trade and climate change, all of which have a profound impact on the world. .


Russia has emerged on the international stage with its rich resources, strong military strength and unique geopolitical status. And its geopolitical influence in the Middle East, Europe and the Asia-Pacific is increasing day by day, and its actions in Syria, Ukraine and other regions affect the global security pattern.

Therefore, the status and influence of these three countries on the international political stage, China, the United States, and Russia, is one of the important reasons why they are regarded as real great powers.

The second aspect. Economic power and global influence

The three countries, China, the United States and Russia, have strong economic strength, which is one of the important foundations for them to become real great powers.

As the world's second largest economy, China's economic aggregate has surpassed Germany and Japan and has become one of the main engines of global economic growth. It ranks among the best in the world in terms of manufacturing, technological innovation and infrastructure construction, and its influence on the global industrial chain is increasing day by day.

The United States is famous for its developed market economic system, technological innovation capabilities and financial strength. With the most developed high-tech industries and financial markets in the world, its leading role in the global economy cannot be ignored. At the same time, its leading position in international trade, finance, investment and other fields also gives it a pivotal position in the global economic system.

Although Russia's economy is relatively small, its rich resource reserves and strong military manufacturing industry give it an important position in the fields of energy and arms exports. In particular, Russia's oil, natural gas and other resources occupy an important position in the global market, and its military industry is also famous for its high-quality weapons and equipment.

Therefore, the strong economic strength of these three countries, China, the United States, and Russia, is also one of the important guarantees for them to become a truly great power.

The third aspect. Military Power and Geostrategy


Among the three countries, China, the United States and Russia have a unique geostrategic position and relatively strong military strength. This is also one of the important factors for it to be regarded as a truly great power.

As the times progress, China has also made great progress in military modernization. Its navy, air force, missile force and other armed forces have continued to grow, becoming an important force in maintaining national security and regional stability.

The United States has the most powerful military power in the world. Its global network of military bases, ballistic missile defense systems and other military strategic layouts also enable it to occupy a dominant position in geopolitical competition.


Russia is known for its powerful nuclear weapons capabilities and advanced military technology. With world-leading land, navy and air forces and diversified military equipment, it plays an important role in international military affairs.

In addition to their military strength, these three countries also have unique geostrategic positions, which also makes them extremely important in regional and global affairs.

We must know that China is located in the eastern part of the Asian continent. It has the longest land border and the richest population resources in the world. Its geographical advantages make it play an important role in the geopolitical structure of the Asia-Pacific region.

The United States is located in North America, with the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west. Its strategic location allows it to have important influence in global political, economic, and military affairs.


Russia spans the two continents of Europe and Asia, with vast territory and rich resources. It is bounded by the Pacific Ocean to the east, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Arctic Ocean to the north, and the Black Sea to the south. Its geographical location makes it an important hub and regional hegemony of the Eurasian continent.

The reason why these three countries, China, the United States and Russia, are regarded as: real great powers. Not only does it have strong economic strength and strong military strength, but also because of its status and influence on the international political stage, as well as its unique geostrategic position
In today's time, USA, China, and Russia are the empires of today's times.
US gave free aid and global leadership for decades. What did China and Russia do for the world ?. Nothing.
And what aid has the US given to your country Turkmenistan, lol ? Maybe US wants to bring the dreaded color revolution to your country indeed, good luck to your future with that.
In the eyes of the world, are China, the United States and Russia the real big powers? What is the difference between other countries?

2024-05-21 00:37 Source: Three Golden Weapons Theory

Published in: Zhejiang Province

On today's world stage, China, the United States and Russia are often regarded as the real major powers. They have a decisive influence in politics, economy, military and other aspects, and are considered to be an important force in shaping the international order and regional situation.


However, this status is not only due to their economic size or military strength, but more to their role or influence in international affairs.

Why in the eyes of the world, China, the United States and Russia are the real big countries? What is the difference between other countries?

first. Political status and global influence


China, the United States and Russia, three countries have significant status and influence on the international political stage, which is one of the important signs that they are regarded as major powers.

As one of the most populous countries in the world, China plays an extremely important role in international affairs, both in terms of its economic rise and its increasing comprehensive national strength. It actively participates in discussions and decision-making on global issues, and proposes a series of important initiatives to advocate multilateralism or build a community with a shared future for mankind, thus contributing to the stability and development of the international community.

As the world's largest economy and military power, the United States has an extensive network of allies and global influence. He often plays a leadership role in international affairs, promoting the popularization of democracy, freedom and human rights on a global scale, and his policy propositions in areas such as international security, trade and climate change, all of which have a profound impact on the world. .


Russia has emerged on the international stage with its rich resources, strong military strength and unique geopolitical status. And its geopolitical influence in the Middle East, Europe and the Asia-Pacific is increasing day by day, and its actions in Syria, Ukraine and other regions affect the global security pattern.

Therefore, the status and influence of these three countries on the international political stage, China, the United States, and Russia, is one of the important reasons why they are regarded as real great powers.

The second aspect. Economic power and global influence

The three countries, China, the United States and Russia, have strong economic strength, which is one of the important foundations for them to become real great powers.

As the world's second largest economy, China's economic aggregate has surpassed Germany and Japan and has become one of the main engines of global economic growth. It ranks among the best in the world in terms of manufacturing, technological innovation and infrastructure construction, and its influence on the global industrial chain is increasing day by day.

The United States is famous for its developed market economic system, technological innovation capabilities and financial strength. With the most developed high-tech industries and financial markets in the world, its leading role in the global economy cannot be ignored. At the same time, its leading position in international trade, finance, investment and other fields also gives it a pivotal position in the global economic system.

Although Russia's economy is relatively small, its rich resource reserves and strong military manufacturing industry give it an important position in the fields of energy and arms exports. In particular, Russia's oil, natural gas and other resources occupy an important position in the global market, and its military industry is also famous for its high-quality weapons and equipment.

Therefore, the strong economic strength of these three countries, China, the United States, and Russia, is also one of the important guarantees for them to become a truly great power.

The third aspect. Military Power and Geostrategy


Among the three countries, China, the United States and Russia have a unique geostrategic position and relatively strong military strength. This is also one of the important factors for it to be regarded as a truly great power.

As the times progress, China has also made great progress in military modernization. Its navy, air force, missile force and other armed forces have continued to grow, becoming an important force in maintaining national security and regional stability.

The United States has the most powerful military power in the world. Its global network of military bases, ballistic missile defense systems and other military strategic layouts also enable it to occupy a dominant position in geopolitical competition.


Russia is known for its powerful nuclear weapons capabilities and advanced military technology. With world-leading land, navy and air forces and diversified military equipment, it plays an important role in international military affairs.

In addition to their military strength, these three countries also have unique geostrategic positions, which also makes them extremely important in regional and global affairs.

We must know that China is located in the eastern part of the Asian continent. It has the longest land border and the richest population resources in the world. Its geographical advantages make it play an important role in the geopolitical structure of the Asia-Pacific region.

The United States is located in North America, with the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west. Its strategic location allows it to have important influence in global political, economic, and military affairs.


Russia spans the two continents of Europe and Asia, with vast territory and rich resources. It is bounded by the Pacific Ocean to the east, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Arctic Ocean to the north, and the Black Sea to the south. Its geographical location makes it an important hub and regional hegemony of the Eurasian continent.

The reason why these three countries, China, the United States and Russia, are regarded as: real great powers. Not only does it have strong economic strength and strong military strength, but also because of its status and influence on the international political stage, as well as its unique geostrategic position
US is a true global hegemon, not a "true" global leader. Leadership seems more about leading by example, but hegemony is based around imposing views through military and economic means. US is coercive, hypocritical and double standard all the time to say the least.
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Lol, lecture from someone in a country that carpet bombed and murdered tens of millions people in the world, its police force open shoot and kill Black Africans in your country at will, a country that had really practiced widespread real slavery of Black Africans for centuries, a country that has total disregard for human lives not to say human rights. The snapshots don't tell the real stories.
Am not lecturing anyone. Chinese masters in Africa are the ones doing the lecturing and the whippings.
Am not lecturing anyone. Chinese masters in Africa are the ones doing the lecturing and the whippings.
You Americans do much worse in large scale. And An African American few years ago came to China to teach at an university savagely murdered a Chinese college girl because she didn't want to have a relationship with him, how low and savage can you Americans be ?
US gave free aid and global leadership for decades. What did China and Russia do for the world ?. Nothing.

Instead China bankrupted poor African countries thru dubious loans and Russia annexed Crimea and Ukranian territory.
Lol, US give "free aid" around the globe for decades...
Instead China bankrupted poor African countries thru dubious loans
LOl, You sound really like this funny brainwashed American woman, see what she got

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US gave free aid and global leadership for decades. What did China and Russia do for the world ?. Nothing.

Instead China bankrupted poor African countries thru dubious loans and Russia annexed Crimea and Ukranian territory.

Yes, this skyline is an example of US help..which is underestimated by PDF members

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