India pressed US to go easy on Hasina: report

As I said, an untapped 170 million strong patient base in our backyard.
Are you a real doctor off the virtual?

If so why don't more doctors concentrate, on the untapped potential within this country?

With rising medical bills, even a little 10% discount on total bill can get scores of local patients before outside patients.
Are you a real doctor off the virtual?

If so why don't more doctors concentrate, on the untapped potential within this country?

With rising medical bills, even a little 10% discount on total bill can get scores of local patients before outside patients.

I'm a real doctor. Doctors will seldom move out of the major cities. And big hospitals. There is a pecking order and a hierarchy. For talent. The patients of Bangladesh or India or Dubai are part of that system. Indian doctors are not going to the villages of Bangladesh. Or even tier II cities. Medicine os a profession like any other. Doctors more rhan any other pay their dues the longest. The most. And this is after the most grueling study course of all. And I am talking about the doctors who stay back in India here. And not move to the &K or Australia or the US.
I'm a real doctor. Doctors will seldom move out of the major cities. And big hospitals. There is a pecking order and a hierarchy. For talent. The patients of Bangladesh or India or Dubai are part of that system. Indian doctors are not going to the villages of Bangladesh. Or even tier II cities. Medicine os a profession like any other. Doctors more rhan any other pay their dues the longest. The most. And this is after the most grueling study course of all. And I am talking about the doctors who stay back in India here. And not move to the &K or Australia or the US.
I have nothing against the doctors, just that our medical system is so broken.

Whenever I see all these videos on, how patients from UK and US or whatever effin foreign countries are flying in, and how five star the treatment it is.. I get irritated.

Why do they have to charge 500 Rs as a minimum for a GP man? The specialists charge more than 1000 Rs these days (that's the max I paid I guess). But then there are good ones, there is one Murthy near my place (till I moved) he used to charge only 80 RS for visit and only recently increased it to 150 Rs recently (that was two years back) for Basti folk. He is a MBBS by the way

I have so many doubts on your ilk, that you rip us people off.

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