India supplying drones and artillery to Israel


Dec 16, 2023
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Hermes drones sent to Israel from.india intercepted by Spanish warships

India has been supplying Israel since the beginning of the war
Youtube Video
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Senior Member
Dec 24, 2015
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What drones and weapons is India exporting to Israel? Most probably India is supplying Israel with Israeli-origin weapons. It’s like saying the UK is exporting the US with F-35s simply because of some of the parts are made in the UK.

Clickbait thread.


Senior Member
May 4, 2019
What drones and weapons is India exporting to Israel? Most probably India is supplying Israel with Israeli-origin weapons. It’s like saying the UK is exporting the US with F-35s simply because of some of the parts are made in the UK.

Clickbait thread.
Looks like you are trolling. So let me add another example.

Just like china designed and developed aircraft jf17 for PAF airforce, after TOT - some parts being manufactured local in Pakistan, they are exporting to ther countries.


Full Member
Jun 26, 2022
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What drones and weapons is India exporting to Israel? Most probably India is supplying Israel with Israeli-origin weapons. It’s like saying the UK is exporting the US with F-35s simply because of some of the parts are made in the UK.

Clickbait thread.
Just like the Stryker joint production deal your government wants to do with us.


Senior Member
Dec 24, 2015
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Looks like you are trolling. So let me add another example.

Just like china designed and developed aircraft jf17 for PAF airforce, after TOT - some parts being manufactured local in Pakistan, they are exporting to ther countries.

Fake comparison and you have the gall to talk about “trolling.”

The JF-17 is a joint weapon system between Pakistan and China. Heck, china doesn’t even operate the JF-17.

There’s nothing “Indian” about these supposed drones India is “exporting” to Israel. India is a parts manufacturer, in all likelihood, and so the thread is misleading. India has been incorporated into the supply chain and simply executing an order for a part that originated from Israel. It’s misleading to insinuate “Indian drones” are being exported to Israel.


Senior Member
Dec 24, 2015
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Just like the Stryker joint production deal your government wants to do with us.

Exactly. If India were to export the Stryker IFV to the US, it would be misleading to claim “India is exporting IFVs to the US, without qualifying that claim by stating the weapon in question is of an American origin.


Mar 28, 2009
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When you ruled - I know to legit history and that tell that rule by Afghani, Irani and muslims from other countries over Pakistan, india etc.

When you ruled?

On topic - it is israel drone which is being manufactured in India. So people should not be surprised since Indian army yet not requested or completed the deal for purchasing.
Oddly, that false narrative is the cornerstone of Hindu extremism narratives against Muslims.

If “rule” is me saying I control land the size of a IIT campus then yes rule then extends to 1100 years plus.

However, this period includes times of fragmented control, regional kingdoms, and varying degrees of influence rather than a continuous, unified rule.

Actual rule from Dehli was approximately around 651 years BUT muslim rule was not uniform across the Indian subcontinent. Large areas, especially in the south and parts of the northeast, were under the control of Hindu, Sikh, and other local rulers during various times within this period. Hence, the notion of continuous, absolute control over the entire region is just fantasia for one extreme or the other.
Jun 10, 2024
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Fake comparison and you have the gall to talk about “trolling.”

The JF-17 is a joint weapon system between Pakistan and China. Heck, china doesn’t even operate the JF-17.

There’s nothing “Indian” about these supposed drones India is “exporting” to Israel. India is a parts manufacturer, in all likelihood, and so the thread is misleading. India has been incorporated into the supply chain and simply executing an order for a part that originated from Israel. It’s misleading to insinuate “Indian drones” are being exported to Israel.
Those aircrafts are being assembled here by a joint venture company, kind of how PAC is assembling the JF-17s under a JV. So no, we aren't executing a part of the order, but the entire UAV is being built in Indian assembly floors. And India has been exporting Israeli origin small arms through similar joint venture companies that also supply to Indian military as well while other Indian companies are exporting Indian origin small arms and artillery ammunition along with explosives to Israel.


Senior Member
Dec 24, 2015
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Those aircrafts are being assembled here by a joint venture company, kind of how PAC is assembling the JF-17s under a JV. So no, we aren't executing a part of the order, but the entire UAV is being built in Indian assembly floors. And India has been exporting Israeli origin small arms through similar joint venture companies that also supply to Indian military as well while other Indian companies are exporting Indian origin small arms and artillery ammunition along with explosives to Israel.

Again misleading.

The joint venture is simply reproducing a weapon system that was already in operation. A very poor comparison with JF-17, even though I understand the desperation. PAC was involved in the design and manufacture of the JF-17 from day one.

It’s like saying the Agosta-90B are a joint product between Pakistan and France.

India is assembling these drones under license. Get real.
Jun 10, 2024
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I never said that those UAVs are a joint product, I said it is being produced under a joint venture company that has its plants in India. And I won't touch the JFT further because as usual it will turn the thread into a trollfest. Let's leave it here.
Again misleading.

The joint venture is simply reproducing a weapon system that was already in operation. A very poor comparison with JF-17, even though I understand the desperation. PAC was involved in the design and manufacture of the JF-17 from day one.

It’s like saying the Agosta-90B are a joint product between Pakistan and France.

India is assembling these drones under license. Get real.


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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India supplied artillery shells to Israel in May.

Drones are one thing, but selling lethal munitions, after knowing how Israel was using artillery shells to indiscriminately kill civilians, makes India complicit in the genocide. That not just me saying that, that is the Indian news agency the wire’s assessment as well:

“New records show that India’s Munitions India Ltd (MIL), a public sector enterprise under the Ministry of Defence, was allowed to ship arms to Israel, potentially making New Dehli complicit in war crimes committed in Palestine, The Wire reported on 7 May.”

“Private Indian company Premier Explosives Ltd (PEL) was also reported to have been exporting explosives and allied accessories to Israel since at least 2021. PEL was granted permission to ship these goods twice since the war on Gaza began, on 20 November 2023 and 1 January of this year.”

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Senior Member
May 4, 2019
India supplied artillery shells to Israel in May.

Drones are one thing, but selling lethal munitions, after knowing how Israel was using artillery shells to indiscriminately kill civilians, makes India complicit in the genocide. That not just me saying that, that is the Indian news agency the wire’s assessment as well:

“New records show that India’s Munitions India Ltd (MIL), a public sector enterprise under the Ministry of Defence, was allowed to ship arms to Israel, potentially making New Dehli complicit in war crimes committed in Palestine, The Wire reported on 7 May.”

“Private Indian company Premier Explosives Ltd (PEL) was also reported to have been exporting explosives and allied accessories to Israel since at least 2021. PEL was granted permission to ship these goods twice since the war on Gaza began, on 20 November 2023 and 1 January of this year.”

Israel is a nation that the Indian government trusts and believes will support us again in a time of need, even though they helped during the Kargil War.

India therefore has no right to refuse Israel's request for armaments. and
India's actions. It is very rare for a country to support a country during a time of crisis. its mutual understanding


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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Israel is a nation that the Indian government trusts and believes will support us again in a time of need, even though they helped during the Kargil War.

India therefore has no right to refuse Israel's request for armaments. and
India's actions. It is very rare for a country to support a country during a time of crisis. its mutual understanding
So you don’t deny it. That is at least a start.

When you know that country is using the arms you provide, regardless of if they are your allies, in the manner Israel has been using them, and you still keep supply them, you become complicit in what they do.

I know that always how India portrays Pakistan’s actions for allegedly arming this and that group. Shouldn’t Pakistan get a pass as well, by your logic.

If you know they are being used overwhelming against civilians, …., what’s the use in convincing you. You and your country have made their stance. Let’s let the Arab world and Persians make their judgment on what they think of India after its complicity has been documented.
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Dec 16, 2023
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Hermes drones are built in India apparently...The ship was seized with drones on board
Why has it caused a stir is beyond me
India is not some banana republic going round begging for imf handouts knocking on arab doors couple of billion dollars

It's a Massive economy
Huge it industrial base
Increasing weapons manufacturing industry base
Shares deep security base with Israel already
So why the uproars it's not even a Indian website but western


Senior Member
May 4, 2019
Do you don’t deny it. That is at least a start.

When you how that country is using the arms you provide, regardless of if they are your allies, you become complicit in what they do.

I know that always how India portrays Pakistan’s actions for allegedly arming this and that group. Shouldn’t Pakistan get a pass as well, by your logic.

If you know they are being used overwhelming against civilians, …., what’s the use in convincing you. You and your country have made their stance. Let’s let the Arab world and Persians make their judgment on what they think of India after its complicity has been documented.
No I said, it's israel drone that being manufactured in India with some part made in india

Ithe drone only shipped back to Israel.

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