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India supplying drones and artillery to Israel


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Some Indians Also Doing

This is why Pakistan shouldn't cower and at least support Palestinians through covert means. Israelis openly brag how they support India against Pakistan. This is an open acknowledgement of enmity against the Pakistani state.


Senior Member
May 4, 2019
So you supply the ammunition to kill Palestininans and then support them with medical aid?

Your number has been marked.
If india will be iN war - will Bangladesh go against china, Pakistan or anyone, and will supply weapons and ammunitions to india?
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May 5, 2024
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This is why Pakistan shouldn't cower and at least support Palestinians through covert means. Israelis openly brag how they support India against Pakistan. This is an open acknowledgement of enmity against the Pakistani state.

Please Carry On with Your Enmity

As If Israel cares about Pakistan

They are spinning the Entire Western Liberal World on their
Index Finger 🀣


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Please Carry On with Your Enmity

As If Israel cares about Pakistan

They are spinning the Entire Western Liberal World on their
Index Finger 🀣

Israel's time has come. The amount of criticism and protests against the illegitimate child murderers is unprecedented. Israelis aren't looked upon favorably. Just because you Indians worship and cheerlead for your Zionist brothers doesn't mean that the entire world does. You can parrot the Israeli stance as much as you like. It won't make a difference now anymore. The world has witnessed the barbaric Zionists with their own eyes.

Oh by the way, your country India openly admits that it provides weapons to the Zionists that end up killing babies and children. You must be very proud of this achievement. It is purely a business transaction for India to provide weapons to a baby killing machine?


Senior Member
May 4, 2019
No it's not. It is an anti-Islam alliance. India and Israel share the same objectives against Muslims.
Believe whatever but when you usually turn your eyes for ugyur muslims when they need support.. Your being fake leadership of Muslims world get exposed. So please don't bring religious you ignore when comes about your national interests.

As per Indian - israel, it's all about trust and they help each other's during their crises. Nothing related to religious
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Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Believe whatever but when you usually turn your eyes for ugyur muslims when they need support.. Your being fake leadership of Muslims world get exposed. So please don't bring religious when you ignore when comes about your national interests.

I am surely not going to believe a guy that defends selling weapons to a baby killing state. It doesn't make you look very trustworthy.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Oh no a Bangladeshi marking our number we are so scared.πŸ˜‚

India will continue to support Israel with anything they need. Palestinians are not special people no matter how many people go crazy over it. Then again India is not even the largest supplier, see the US just made a comment saying they will support Israel in case of a war with Hezbollah and will provide them with whatever weapons they need. Don't pick on India or it'll only harden the stance India takes for Israel.

The company that's complecent in all this is Adani defence and aerospace. Adani also owns part of the Haifa port in Israel and at this point it's safe to assume Adani is the unnofficial arm of the Government of India (for plausible deniability) with bigger tentacles.

"Global South" has your number marked.


Jun 23, 2011
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Pakistanis getting into hissy fit
How dare India sell weapons drones munitions to Israel
Brothersx we are selling weapons all over the world Russia Ukraine Armenia phillipines Vietnam south American etc

It's really sticking in the throat
you’re on a Pakistani forum and seem surprised that Pakistanis respond? Stop bringing Pakistan into everything.


Jun 23, 2011
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You will pay and be very sorry.

This genocide will be a marker in history and everyone knows what India did in it.
Indian is an opportunist vulture. We know what to expect with the guidance of Modi.
We should focus our rage to those Islamic brotherly Arabic nations that allow supplies such as oil to go through. Those cousins of Palestine are not supportive - why would we expect the likes of India to boycott?


Senior Member
Dec 24, 2015
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I never said that those UAVs are a joint product, I said it is being produced under a joint venture company that has its plants in India. And I won't touch the JFT further because as usual it will turn the thread into a trollfest. Let's leave it here.

Well then, we’re on the same page regarding the joint venture issue. Same way a Tesla produced in China won’t become a joint US-China product.

Thank you as this was what I have been trying to make these delusional guys understand.


Full Member
Dec 31, 2023
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Well then, we’re on the same page regarding the joint venture issue. Same way a Tesla produced in China won’t become a joint US-China product.

Thank you as this was what I have been trying to make these delusional guys understand.

Its same as how Pakistan larps as JF17 developer, when there is zero to negligible technical contribution in any component of the aircraft.

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