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India supplying drones and artillery to Israel

Jun 10, 2024
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So you don’t deny it. That is at least a start.

When you know that country is using the arms you provide, regardless of if they are your allies, in the manner Israel has been using them, and you still keep supply them, you become complicit in what they do.

I know that always how India portrays Pakistan’s actions for allegedly arming this and that group. Shouldn’t Pakistan get a pass as well, by your logic.

If you know they are being used overwhelming against civilians, …., what’s the use in convincing you. You and your country have made their stance. Let’s let the Arab world and Persians make their judgment on what they think of India after its complicity has been documented.
Nobody on earth cares about human rights. Let's get real. I have all sympathies with people who feel they are oppressed or are in middle of a conflict zone, like the people of Gaza, but then if I am in a position of disproportionate inferiority in front of a far superior enemy, I would fight with them at my own risk. Arab countries realised that Israel can never be defeated by them, what makes Hamas think they can? What one calls a freedom fighter is a terrorist for the other and vice versa. Even Iran has stopped wasting their resources over Israel. It's about time Hamas does too.
I’m not focusing on the drones, I’m focusing on the explosives in artillery shells that Israel is using as fast as they can get them.
Is there any pictoral evidence of their usage other than what some serial fake news peddling tabloid like The Liar claims?


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Indian is an opportunist vulture. We know what to expect with the guidance of Modi.
We should focus our rage to those Islamic brotherly Arabic nations that allow supplies such as oil to go through. Those cousins of Palestine are not supportive - why would we expect the likes of India to boycott?

Yes but India has clearly chosen a side in one of the most pivotal moments of this century.

It must never be allowed to forget this.


Sep 14, 2006
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How is this news? It's a well known fact. India backs Israel to the hilt, why do people expect them to care about the Palestinians?


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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India's behavior is unsurprising, it's not exactly a state known for its moral high ground.
It’s not surprising at all. I’m just Marking the moment so we can come back to it for the years, years we will refer to it in discussions with Arabs and Iranians. So much for being a leader of the global south. But hey, don’t stop your enemy when they are making a mistake. Am I right?
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Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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Nobody on earth cares about human rights. Let's get real. I have all sympathies with people who feel they are oppressed or are in middle of a conflict zone, like the people of Gaza, but then if I am in a position of disproportionate inferiority in front of a far superior enemy, I would fight with them at my own risk. Arab countries realised that Israel can never be defeated by them, what makes Hamas think they can? What one calls a freedom fighter is a terrorist for the other and vice versa. Even Iran has stopped wasting their resources over Israel. It's about time Hamas does too.

Is there any pictoral evidence of their usage other than what some serial fake news peddling tabloid like The Liar claims?
The Israeli ambassador to India says it happened. India changed its tune quickly, stopped talking out of both sides of its mouth on the Palestinians. Israel is a good character witness for India. ;)

Indians might as well join in this photo and stand on the Saudi flag alongside the Israelis. Show the Arabs exactly how you feel about them, the way the Israelis do.

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Jun 23, 2011
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How is this news? It's a well known fact. India backs Israel to the hilt, why do people expect them to care about the Palestinians?
Its news because the TVA brigade like to do mental gymnastics and do starfish jumps - showing their love and desire for people killing Muslims. Perhaps they believe by helping the Israel - they will be accepted and they will offer their women to Indians to marry. They just love that olive white skin and some are prepared to die for them.
Marvelous and phull shuppport as ever.........


Mar 6, 2024
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This is why Pakistan shouldn't cower and at least support Palestinians through covert means. Israelis openly brag how they support India against Pakistan. This is an open acknowledgement of enmity against the Pakistani state.
They supported India, they don't give a crap about Pakistan other than fantasy tales spun in Pakistan about its relevance.
Jun 10, 2024
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The Israeli ambassador to India says it happened. India changed its tune quickly, stopped talking out of both sides of its mouth on the Palestinians. Israel is a good character witness for India. ;)

Indians might as well join in this photo and stand on the Saudi flag alongside the Israelis. Show the Arabs exactly how you feel about them, the way the Israelis do.

1. He isn't the ambassador, he's the former ambassador of Israel to India.
2. You still haven't shown any pictorial evidence of Indian arty shells being used by IDF.


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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1. He isn't the ambassador, he's the former ambassador of Israel to India.
2. You still haven't shown any pictorial evidence of Indian arty shells being used by IDF.
Current ambassador , former ambassador, once a Schmuck always a Schmuck.

If it’s India’s policy to arm the Israelis with potentially lethal components, it will come to light soon enough. The Israeli soldiers love posting photos, they will be the ones to expose India the way they have exposed themselves.
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lightning f57

Senior Member
Feb 27, 2022
How is this news? It's a well known fact. India backs Israel to the hilt, why do people expect them to care about the Palestinians?
Its good to expose these lot, they are the enemy make no mistake about it. The butcher is their leader after all.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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It’s not surprising at all. I’m just Marking the moment so we can come back to it for the years, years we will refer to it in discussions with Arabs and Iranians. So much for being a leader of the global south. But hey, don’t stop your enemy when they are making a mistake. Am I right?

These images of Indian made ordance being used to commit genocide in Gaza can be used for decades to come as to what India really is.

When the Hinduvta's try to portray themselves as being "one of us" one of us when Zio-western dominance has been ended, then we can shove these images back in their faces.

The Indians will come to see this arming of the entity as a spectacular strategic mistake in the future when the world no longer needs to pay attention to the Zio-west.


Dec 20, 2023
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We should not at all supply lethal weapons to Israel.... at the best we should offer help monetarily as we can't forget his support in our tough times..... only difference between India and Israel is we were fighting a real war whereas they can call it war but in my eyes its a genocide....
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