Indian Americans - USA and Western politics

Because India Pak is something that exists under the skin, it's easy to mobilise populations

Its harder to get Indians to feel the same about china I think, unless they can manufacture a scenario
In future Pakistan will not be a threat to India, not in the way it was in the past anyways..
The only worry is that if Pakistan descends into too much of a chaos, there will be some spillover into India.. like how Afghanistan is to Pakistan.
Even China has scaled back its CPEC as it has realized that it is a sunk cost to invest where leadership is not honest with its population.
The west isn't concerned about India, if they wanted to they could ram the stick so far Into India's dark hole that they could hoist India up as a scarecrow

What they want is a tool against China.
What they still want from Pakistan is a hedge against India

The west has been playing games for a while now
Everyone is playing games.. West, China, India..
West wants India as a tool.. India wants West as a tool.

Not sure West will want much from Pakistan now after how they were betrayed by Pakistan in Afghanistan.
In future Pakistan will not be a threat to India, not in the way it was in the past anyways..
The only worry is that if Pakistan descends into too much of a chaos, there will be some spillover into India.. like how Afghanistan is to Pakistan.
Even China has scaled back its CPEC as it has realized that it is a sunk cost to invest where leadership is not honest with its population.

Are you sure CPEC has been scaled-down? If what you say is true then remember to post the links to the genuine and irrefutable evidence that confirms that CPEC has been scaled back.
Are you sure CPEC has been scaled-down? If what you say is true then remember to post the links to the genuine and irrefutable evidence that confirms that CPEC has been scaled back.
Thats the perception I have. I am happy to proven wrong.. What better than our adversary sinking more money.
Thats the perception I have. I am happy to proven wrong.. What better than our adversary sinking more money.

Sinking? You sure about that? Funny you should say that as I was in Pakistan some 2 months ago for several weeks. If anything, all over Pakistan, the infrastructure and the living standard there has never been this higher in all of Pakistan's history. Also, I did not witness any extreme poverty or hunger.
Everyone is playing games.. West, China, India..
West wants India as a tool.. India wants West as a tool.

Not sure West will want much from Pakistan now after how they were betrayed by Pakistan in Afghanistan.

Pakistan has it's own strategic interests it had to protect and the U.S, NATO, India playing around in Afghanistan just wasn't acceptable to Pakistan

Your right, they are very very salty BUT they will look at the bigger picture and they need a hedge against India, just like the need India against China

The entire region can pull the rug out from under them if China, India, Pakistan, BRICS, SCO etc come together
These people think they are whiter……
Sinking? You sure about that? Funny you should say that as I was in Pakistan some 2 months ago for several weeks. If anything, all over Pakistan, the infrastructure and the living standard there has never been this higher in all of Pakistan's history. Also, I did not witness any extreme poverty or hunger.
ok then.. when are you informing IMF that you dont need anymore package from them?
ok then.. when are you informing IMF that you dont need anymore package from them?

Couldn't care less about the imf. I'm more concerned about the infrastructure of Pakistan improving and not having massive starvation and malnutrition issues in our country. The mismanagement of Pakistan's economy by traitors within is not the issue here.
Couldn't care less about the imf. I'm more concerned about the infrastructure of Pakistan improving and not having massive starvation and malnutrition issues in our country.
Its not about you caring or not.. your leadership is seeking loans from IMF .. Pakistan is staring starvation with the prediction of its population doubling by 2050.
Its not about you caring or not.. your leadership is seeking loans from IMF .. Pakistan is staring starvation with the prediction of its population doubling by 2050.

Can you post the links to the irrefutable evidence that confirms Pakistan is facing a starvation issue? For someone who was in Pakistan very recently, I can confirm there is no starvation issues in Pakistan. Currently, india is ranked lower than Pakistan in the global hunger index. india has a level of hunger that is serious. Here is the independent data that confirms this:

The west isn't concerned about India, if they wanted to they could ram the stick so far Into India's dark hole that they could hoist India up as a scarecrow

What they want is a tool against China.
What they still want from Pakistan is a hedge against India

The west has been playing games for a while now
Mashallah, nice front row seats you watching from ! :p
Can you post the links to the irrefutable evidence that confirms Pakistan is facing a starvation issue? For someone who was in Pakistan very recently, I can confirm there is no starvation issues in Pakistan. Currently, india is ranked lower than Pakistan in the global hunger index. india has a level of hunger that is serious. Here is the independent data that confirms this:

No evidence will convince you if you stick your head in a sand.. but still, here's one for you from your own newspaper
Noticeably and very recently a few new Indian/ Indian American faces have made some prominent public appearances with right wing movements

How is this sitting with the MAGA racial white?

It feels like a very ambitious move to try and blend these groups together with the racial Christian right wing

Its also amusing the irony of national conservative movements going very woke and dei.

Will this persist, can it persist?

The Republicans are not for gays, they are not for transexuals, they are not uncontrolled immigration, they are for lower taxes, they are for less regulation

A lot of Indian and Pakistani Americans like those positions. They like the GOP leaders in their community who stand for those positions.

Most of those Pakistani Americans do not give a rat ass about Israel bombing Gaza or Imran Khan supporters being beaten in a Lahore jail. It is their right whether you like it or not.
Are you sure CPEC has been scaled-down? If what you say is true then remember to post the links to the genuine and irrefutable evidence that confirms that CPEC has been scaled back.

If you cannot repay $25 billion back why would China double down with more investments ?

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