Indian Americans - USA and Western politics

All this signifies is the death of Christian america.

In the establishment, but not on the street, fully.

still some strong Christian identity in the USA.

What happened to judeo Christian civilization btw, the tent is very very open 😂
Once the ukraine ear is over, the americans, the west, ukraine and russia will all make up and have good relations with one another. It is inevitable. They are all white Christian europeans.

The Western liberal elites despise Russia. Russia doesn’t see itself as a Western country but it sees itself as an Eurasian country.

The Z’s fully support the Ukraine war despite Ukraine losing and having 1/3rd of its territory occupied.
Indians in general are smart, hardworking, less argumentative and aspirational. They will succeed wherever they go.
Not just in politics, you're going to see more Indian-origin folks in other areas as the newer generation spreads it's wings.
Better conserve some tears for future as well. 🤭

The same can be said about Chinese and other East Asians as well.
In the establishment, but not on the street, fully.

still some strong Christian identity in the USA.

What happened to judeo Christian civilization btw, the tent is very very open 😂

Judeo-Christian civilisation is now making way for sikhism and hiduism. At least we now know what MAGA stands for:

Make Akhand bharat Great Again.
But some so called, "brahmins" are completely dravidian themselves. There is 0 aryan anything about them. So this "white aryan" worship doesn't make sense. Also, what is it with successful indian women in the west desperate to breed with white european men? Why don't they prefer their own kind?
As a result of intermarrige between Aryans and aboriginals over millenia, the Aryan ethnicity merged with local ethnicities. But the orginial Aryan socio-psychological setting still largely lives on.
I have no quarrel or remark on that.

The purpose of this thread was more at the direction American conservatism is going, or this particular faction of American conservatism

This sort of religious or civilizational link attempted, so publicly is new, hence the topic
I think you are misunderstanding U.S. politics by trying to create some grand unified theory of "religion and civilizational link". That is not how politics works here. Both parties are coalitions of interest groups. Democratic party has slowly morphed into generally non-whites and better educated whites. Republican party - now MAGA - has morphed from an upper-class white to working class whites and some non-whites. Both parties have people of all religions. Jews are generally Democrats but there are many in Republican /MAGA too. In fact, the brain behind Trump's anti-illegal immigration (and likely 'Muslim' Travel Ban during the first term) is Stephen Miller, a Jew from California. Same with Indians. There are many Democrat politicians of Indian origin, the most famous being Kamala Harris who is a heartbeat away from becoming POTUS. If Trump wins the Presidency (as seems likely), expect Miller to be the face of anti-illegal immigration action for the next administration, notwithstanding all the excitement about Mrs. Vance.
I think you are misunderstanding U.S. politics by trying to create some grand unified theory of "religion and civilizational link". That is not how politics works here. Both parties are coalitions of interest groups. Democratic party has slowly morphed into generally non-whites and better educated whites. Republican party - now MAGA - has morphed from an upper-class white to working class whites and some non-whites. Both parties have people of all religions. Jews are generally Democrats but there are many in Republican /MAGA too. In fact, the brain behind Trump's anti-illegal immigration (and likely 'Muslim' Travel Ban during the first term) is Stephen Miller, a Jew from California. Same with Indians. There are many Democrat politicians of Indian origin, the most famous being Kamala Harris who is a heartbeat away from becoming POTUS. If Trump wins the Presidency (as seems likely), expect Miller to be the face of anti-illegal immigration action for the next administration, notwithstanding all the excitement about Mrs. Vance.
Have you watched the videos? Did you see the Sikh prayer being sung, what do you make of that
Lets contemplate a scenario where it is not China, but India who is the main geopolitical competitor of United States:

What you think would be the policies in the United States concerning indian americans and India-United states relationship?

- Would the Tech companies invest in India?
- would indian IT workers be allowed en masse into United States? And risk US IT security?
- visa restrictions
- political candidates with indian background be allowed anywhere near sensitive positions?
- indians be allowed anywhere near any politically or militarily sensitive area?
- any flirting with indian culture (hindu culture)?
- any Hollywood movies trying to make viewers positive to indians and indian culture?
Have you watched the videos? Did you see the Sikh prayer being sung, what do you make of that
Nothing, just routine politics to emphasize Republicans/MAGA is a "Big Tent" party and not just for whites/Christians etc., Not different from having Hindu or Muslim or Jewish etc., prayer in Congress or Whitehouse. If you read/watch U.S. media, 'diversity' is the big thing nowadays and what can be more diverse than a Sikh lady praying at a political convention?

Nothing, just routine politics to emphasize Republicans/MAGA is a "Big Tent" party and not just for whites/Christians etc., Not different from having Hindu or Muslim or Jewish etc., prayer in Congress or Whitehouse. If you read/watch U.S. media, 'diversity' is the big thing nowadays and what can be more diverse than a Sikh lady praying at a political convention?

Ok fair, but does this fit into maga expectations and can it persist

Can you really be having christ is king crowd being asked to listen to Hindu or Sikh stuff, I am just wondering.
Ok fair, but does this fit into maga expectations and can it persist

Can you really be having christ is king crowd being asked to listen to Hindu or Sikh stuff, I am just wondering.
Well, let us looks at some facts.

MAGA founder: Trump: so religiously illiterate that he couldn't give an example of one verse from Bible during 2016 campaign though this has been a standard question for probably 200 years or more. Also held on to a Bible upside down during a photo op.

First daughter converted to Judaism after marrying a practicing Jew (Kushner) and is fairly religious now.
Second daughter married Michael Massad Boulos, a Lebanese Arab (of unknown religious affiliation). Not publicly known to be practicing anything.

Vance: recent convert to Catholicism at the insistence of his wife. Previously not practicing.

Trump's advisor is Stephen Miller, a California Jew.

With all these facts, if Trump is still the messiah for MAGA, do you really think a prayer matters to anyone?
Well, let us looks at some facts.

MAGA founder: Trump: so religiously illiterate that he couldn't give an example of one verse from Bible during 2016 campaign though this has been a standard question for probably 200 years or more. Also held on to a Bible upside down during a photo op.

First daughter converted to Judaism after marrying a practicing Jew (Kushner) and is fairly religious now.
Second daughter married Michael Massad Boulos, a Lebanese Arab (of unknown religious affiliation). Not publicly known to be practicing anything.

Vance: recent convert to Catholicism at the insistence of his wife. Previously not practicing.

Trump's advisor is Stephen Miller, a California Jew.

With all these facts, if Trump is still the messiah for MAGA, do you really think a prayer matters to anyone?

That's not answering the question, you just set out some factoids hoping it would be an answer

Judaism is Abrahamic I suppose, it's not new on the scene

This latest spectacle is new, foreign and not judeo Christian

I don't detect positivity in the maga crowd

At best befuddlement
That's not answering the question, you just set out some factoids hoping it would be an answer

Judaism is Abrahamic I suppose, it's not new on the scene

This latest spectacle is new, foreign and not judeo Christian

I don't detect positivity in the maga crowd

At best befuddlement
They are not factoids. They are evidence that "Judeo-Christian" has no salience to MAGA. MAGA is economic protest. If inflation was much less in the last 4 years and people felt they have the same economic opportunities as in 1990s for example, MAGA would have gone the same way of Ross Perot's "United We Stand America". Do you remember them? Likely not. Do you remember "Tea Party Movement"? What happened to it? Do you think Kid Rock, Hulk Hogan, Dana White are "Judeo Christian"? Most will consider them trash. These flashes in the pan have no staying power absent grievances.

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