Indian Politics and Internal News

@Sharma Ji @Mrloveday

@Areesh @hussain0216 @PAKISTANFOREVER @Zarvan

As I was saying, so is Ranga saying.

Cheers, Doc
you cant stop it

even those from among us cant stop it

even those from among them, who may have had a change of heart

can not stop it

let us come together in the spirit of brotherhood and embrace our collective destinies

been a while the bhains been gone in paani

Take what is useful

destroy the rest

Progress cannot be halted.

We are the Harbinger of our destiny.
you cant stop it

even those from among us cant stop it

even those from among them, who may have had a change of heart

can not stop it

let us come together in the spirit of brotherhood and embrace our collective destinies

been a while the bhains been gone in paani

Take what is useful

destroy the rest

Progress cannot be halted.

We are the Harbinger of our destiny.

Which part of the boat would you like to work on building?
congress ship keeps sinking

Costa Concordia skipper got fired

here they give promotions because mummy dearest runs (ruins) it.

ain't nobody interested in having this place run by the bratty prince

Quite simply the Hindutva train has run its course.

These are 2 Hindus talking.

Cheers, Doc
Chandrashekhar Azad :ROFLMAO: .. couldn't you find anyone else to make a point ?
@Waz @Musings @Krptonite

The title of this thread is a flagrant violation of forum rules.

1) It has no connection with the title of the video posted in the OP

2) why the honorific "Ji " after an ex criminal CM and vile abuse, character assassination, and family name tarnishing and misogynist statements against women relatives if the Leader of the Opposition and Shadow PM of India is allowed on your forum?

3) Revolutionary and Ahead of its time how? This is straight out of the Naxi playbook of making the hated Juden wear the Star of David for ease of identification and retribution and eventual extermination .... nearly a century ago.

I do realise you have a soft spot for the OP for the amusement and traffic he provides.

But this is plain wrong. Think of the impression a title like this gives a reader about your forum.

Close to 36 hours and 4 pages worth of time you have allowed this before I had to point it out.

Cheers, Doc
Last edited:
@Waz @Musings @Krptonite

The title of this thread is a flagrant violation of forum rules.

1) It has no connection with the title of the video posted in the OP

2) why the honorific "Ji " after an ex criminal CM and vile abuse, character assassination, and family name tarnishing and misogynist statements against women relatives if the Leader of the Opposition and Shadow PM of India is allowed on your forum?

3) Revolutionary and Ahead of its time how? This is straight out of the Naxi playbook of making the hated Juden wear the Star of David for ease of identification and retribution and eventual extermination .... nearly a century ago.

I do realise you have a soft spot for the OP for the amusement and traffic he provides.

But this is plain wrong. Think of the impression a title like this gives a reader about your forum.

Close to 36 hours and 4 pages worth of time you have allowed this before I had to point it out.

Cheers, Doc
Going blind, are we ?

The thread is titled VERBATIM .. word for word exactly the same as the video in the OP
@Waz @Musings @Krptonite

The title of this thread is a flagrant violation of forum rules.

1) It has no connection with the title of the video posted in the OP

2) why the honorific "Ji " after an ex criminal CM and vile abuse, character assassination, and family name tarnishing and misogynist statements against women relatives if the Leader of the Opposition and Shadow PM of India is allowed on your forum?

3) Revolutionary and Ahead of its time how? This is straight out of the Naxi playbook of making the hated Juden wear the Star of David for ease of identification and retribution and eventual extermination .... nearly a century ago.

I do realise you have a soft spot for the OP for the amusement and traffic he provides.

But this is plain wrong. Think of the impression a title like this gives a reader about your forum.

Close to 36 hours and 4 pages worth of time you have allowed this before I had to point it out.

Cheers, Doc

just tag me if you need one of these spam threads merged in with the politics compiler thread.

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