India's Agnikul Cosmos Launches Agnibaan SoRTed-01: Breakthrough in Additive Manufacturing for Semi-Cryogenic Liquid Engines

It is great success indeed.
Participation of private entities widens the field and makes it more competitive for everyone. Really happy for this development.
But, why is there no video of the launch?
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I feel so proud that a company incorporated at my alma mater i.e., IITM Research Park is beginning to make a dent in the field of launch vehicles. It is quite interesting to see that they also filed a patent for their semi cryogenic engine (in fact this was the first indigenous semi cryogenic engine (SCE) flown into space from Indian soil!). Of course, ISRO is working on a much bigger SCE producing 2000kN but this is also a good achievement especially from a pvt sector start up!

This also points towards a growing trend in the creation of intellectual property within India where a lot of Indian and MNCs are filing patents for the technology they develop in India. For instance, this year close to 83000 patents were filed at Indian patent office:
Now what has changed? The fundamental thing is, there was hardly any awareness regarding intellectual property in India 1-2 decades back. In addition, the magnitude of quality research and avenues where people could create intellectual property working for an organization were pretty limited. But this has changed drastically in past 10-15 years. And there are ripple effects all across. One of the primary ripple effects is that it motivates a lot of MNCs to set up their R&D centers in India from where they file tons of patents in their home country. Further, it incentivizes existing MNCs to broaden the scope of the R&D project and increase the degree of research collaboration. On the manpower side, it synergizes the R&D working base as the same manpower could easily move between an Indian company and an MNC. This leads to self-sustaining economic activity and it directly benefits the economy of India. And it is the economy of India that brings both soft and hard power at the end of the day.

I myself have been part of that journey and have filed 7 patents at the German patent office in the field of advance control theory (stable adaptive dynamic programming for autonomous vehicles).

@Nilgiri , @Joe Shearer , @Oscar
And people say what Modi did. There you go , Modi opened up space and defense sectors to private player and created synergy with ISRO and HAL.
And people say what Modi did. There you go , Modi opened up space and defense sectors to private player and created synergy with ISRO and HAL.
There are great things which our PM did (like for instance economy, digital infra, hard infra etc.) and then there are not-so-great things he does. We must be objective in our criticism (or support) and not let sentiments cloud our rational abilities. I mean blindly attributing everything to Modi is also not good. Lets be little objective.
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There are great things which our PM did (like for instance economy, digital infra, hard infra etc.) and then there are not-so-great things he does. We must be objective in our criticism (or support) and not let sentiments cloud our rational abilities. I mean blindly attributing everything to Modi is also not good. Lets be little objective.
Oh 100% agree I have zero issues but let me know if anything was wrong in what I said. Opening up space and defense to private players is done by Modi government hence credit is given.

There are things I dislike which has been done by Modi or how they were executed but then I feel to make a ghee you have to boil makkhan. So pot stirring is needed in India.

Also I will say opposite of what you said is more important. As Modi haters will find it hard to say one good thing about his work so as they say talli do haath se bajti hain.
I feel so proud that a company incorporated at my alma mater i.e., IITM Research Park is beginning to make a dent in the field of launch vehicles. It is quite interesting to see that they also filed a patent for their semi cryogenic engine (in fact this was the first indigenous semi cryogenic engine (SCE) flown into space from Indian soil!). Of course, ISRO is working on a much bigger SCE producing 2000kN but this is also a good achievement especially from a pvt sector start up!

This also points towards a growing trend in the creation of intellectual property within India where a lot of Indian and MNCs are filing patents for the technology they develop in India. For instance, this year close to 83000 patents were filed at Indian patent office:
Now what has changed? The fundamental thing is, there was hardly any awareness regarding intellectual property in India 1-2 decades back. In addition, the magnitude of quality research and avenues where people could create intellectual property working for an organization were pretty limited. But this has changed drastically in past 10-15 years. And there are ripple effects all across. One of the primary ripple effects is that it motivates a lot of MNCs to set up their R&D centers in India from where they file tons of patents in their home country. Further, it incentivizes existing MNCs to broaden the scope of the R&D project and increase the degree of research collaboration. On the manpower side, it synergizes the R&D working base as the same manpower could easily move between an Indian company and an MNC. This leads to self-sustaining economic activity and it directly benefits the economy of India. And it is the economy of India that brings both soft and hard power at the end of the day.

I myself have been part of that journey and have filed 7 patents at the German patent office in the field of advance control theory (stable adaptive dynamic programming for autonomous vehicles).

@Nilgiri , @Joe Shearer , @Oscar

Good to see you here again buddy. Very good to hear about your success.

Yes indeed, this is part of ongoing expansion of say global capability centres in India.

IITs are major patent contributor to PCT filings internationally, so what you mention is not surprising:


India needs to achieve some serious breakthroughs here (if you look at what PRC has achieved with say Huawei, which alone files about 20,000 patents internationally in same couple years....though of course some of these are IP spread over many patents so there is proliferation phenomenon).

I talk about IP w.r.t PRC, Japan and US here earlier, @Oscar and @FuturePAF and others may be interested to read:

If we look at India, in 2022 it "imported/licensed" about 10 billion USD worth of IP and "exported" about 1 billion USD.

Only with serious breakthrough in some spheres in concrete way we get the sudden IP ecosystem of scale that PRC has with say Huawei/ZTE (i.e telecoms IP)....if you look at how it jumped from its 1 billion a year to 10+ billion a year now.

With GCC model though India might see good numbers reflect on the service side of things compared to direct IP payment/receipts (and patents) though. We will have to see how things go this decade.

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