India's Rise and The Weaponisation Of Rape

How are we borrowing anything when the experience is ours to begin with? There was no south Asia in 1857. Only British India. And you were a part of it.

And today we are the inheritors of that. Officially. As it should be.

You got your piece of the cake. In the form of land of your own, with zero links to or interference from us. That does not mean you appropriate our history. Our identity.

You are Pakistan. An entity that was born in 1947.

We are India. Timeless.

Cheers, Doc

Frankly I am surprised you are trying to explain this

1857 mutiny was about a joint Hindu Muslim action, let's put aside any other details to remain on topic. It's your problem if you cannot find a Hindu only framing to this issue, which is what you should be doing.
Frankly I am surprised you are trying to explain this

1857 mutiny was about a joint Hindu Muslim action, let's put aside any other details to remain on topic. It's your problem if you cannot find a Hindu only framing to this issue, which is what you should be doing.

Yes. I have a news flash for you.

India is and was Hindu Muslim.

You like scoring self goals?

Cheers, Doc
8 pages 🍻

Cheers, Doc
Al Jazeera. Hindu hostile Qatari petro dollar fueled Jihad.

Indian "Activist". With a bank balance fueled by the same petro dollars.

Exactly the sort of ecosystem this thread is about.

Thank you for bolstering my argument.

Cheers, Doc
The reflexive anti Al jazeera moan fest comes out🤣 yes you did not disappoint

This was the said lively discussion , it's surprising to hear that female police officers might be hostile to rape reports, this was surprising

The reflexive anti Al jazeera moan fest comes out🤣 yes you did not disappoint

This was the said lively discussion , it's surprising to hear that female police officers might be hostile to rape reports, this was surprising

We have such activists for sale on every nukkad.

Cheers, Doc
We have such activists for sale on every nukkad.

Cheers, Doc

You appear on Al Jazeera then obviously you are unprincipled and paid off.... obviously 😐

For shame.
You appear on Al Jazeera then obviously you are unprincipled and paid off.... obviously 😐

For shame.

Bro please. I deal with such professional activists quite often.

Activism is a multi billion dollar industry.

And activists are more often than not whores for sale on an hourly or per night basis.

And they come in all shapes and sizes. Often ultra successful very senior very rich doctors too.

Cheers, Doc
Another thing you should point out is that white middle class/upper class men from Europe, US, UK, Canada, AUS are are the most prolific rapists of young children. Nations that have this going on include the Philippines, Thailand, Gambia, Brazil, Cambodia, Kenya, Malaysia, Nepal, Vietnam and more.

No talk about their faith, culture or race with these lot.

Right wing papers sweep it under the carpet pretending it doesn't happen.

Sun Online saw first hand how poor Gambian children can be vulnerable to British paedos when we visited the beach resorts that dot Kololi on the country’s picturesque Atlantic coastline.

Our reporter was constantly shocked by the number of unaccompanied African minors he saw being cared for by middle-aged, Western men who did not appear to be their biological fathers.

The encounters witnessed included a girl aged between six and eight having lunch with a balding, white haired man in a restaurant filled with similarly aged tourists.

The same day we saw a stoutly built man in his 50s or 60s wading into the ocean gripping the hand of a tiny African child in white swimming shorts.

Equally unsettling was the sight of a Gambian toddler watching wide-eyed with fear as a middle-aged white woman got into a fist fight with a young black prostitute at a popular beach bar.

“Child abuse is going on all the time in The Gambia and the government is not doing enough to put a stop to it.

Our children are being approached directly on the beaches or the street and child abusers from all over Europe including the UK are coming here for this.

This one filth took the innocence of 200 infants and babies, yes that's one of them. Imagine networks where tens of thousands are operating together, sharing resources and plans.

Richard Huckle given 22 life sentences for abuse of Malaysian childre​

Briton, 30, will serve at least 25 years after admitting 71 offences against children aged between six months and 12 years

Karen McVeigh
Mon 6 Jun 2016 15.09 BST

One of Britain’s worst predatory paedophiles, who targeted, groomed and abused up to 200 Malaysian babies and children and shared images of his horrific crimes on the dark web, has been handed 22 life sentences.

Richard Huckle, 30, a photographer from Ashford in Kent, who posed as an English teacher and philanthropist in poor Christian communities in Kuala Lumpur, admitted an unprecedented 71 offences, including rapes, against young children aged between six months and 12 years between 2006 and 2014.
Leave aside the past @vsdoc, and look at recent times.

For all the firefighting we will do, there is a deeply entrenched nonchalance towards crimes on women in our society. I am not talking about any one political party here, but the society as a whole. Its in these times that we show (both men and women, yes women too), why societies are both boon and bane for humans.

Things are hyped for few days and then forgotten, unless there is some advantage to be garnered. There are so many nonchalant statements made (shamelessly and vulgarly), to normalize this vulgar behavior by people of every single party with vigor in their voice (fckin bastards).

Bastards have no care for the fact that, they came out of one.

What worries me is the fact that, there is selective outrage. Whether it be BJP or Congress or SP or BSP or TMC or whoever the eff it is, are these days throwing things up when its the others in the criminal side.

What's even more worrisome you know? Even women politicians are playing the ignore or hype things, as per party command. Goes to show that, even the other gender can be as heartless as us.

I am no atheist even though am not a practicing Hindu, so I will say these rascals shall burn (and I mean everyone of them) in the worst levels of hell for eternity. I hope they do as per my belief, rest the god can decide.

As for the hitjob you are talking about outsiders on India:

Let's start with what's happening in our society first

Its actually we who are giving the fodder, so why blame them for using it to light the fire???

Hindus have no unity, or sense of history so they will keep falling. We have so many self burners inside, who will burn things up to show they are right and say haha said so. I have at least come to believe its so, not sure what but something has kept them running so far. Maybe few more centuries before it goes up in flames, and books are written about extinct cultures with our name in that list.

As for Indians on the whole, we have come to normalize this shit. We rage and froth at mouth, for few days and then go back to

Which politician did what and which film actor or actress did what

In between Kolkata horror I see a survey as to who is the best next PM, **** you all... shows our nations priorities.

P.S. - I wasn't sure if I should mention this but, I think I should. Since the elections are now over and that state has been won.. Do people remember Sandeshkhali now? I bet they don't

You know the caste of that community there right?

Its highly inflammable if I say this but.. think about why Sandeshkhali didn't get the kind of reaction, what happened in Kolkata did. That should tell you what's happening to our society.

There are gradations even in Evil
@indushek I do not deny as a society we are culpable, but I must tell you that what raised my hackles first thing in the morning was thos wholesale chtya hit job , INTERNAL hit job, on Indian males. On our boys. Wtf man. How do you think this makes boys growing up feel? That we are all innately culturally genetically rapists, waiting for the chrysalis to be shed, and the rapist to emerge?

That is just wrong. It does nothing for society. It does nothing for women because let's face it, women need men to protect them. They are too weak to do it on their own. So how does trashing their protectors work? And it sure does nothing for men.

Cheers, Doc
@indushek I do not deny as a society we are culpable, but I must tell you that what raised my hackles first thing in the morning was thos wholesale chtya hit job , INTERNAL hit job, on Indian males. On our boys. Wtf man. How do you think this makes boys growing up feel? That we are all innately culturally genetically rapists, waiting for the chrysalis to be shed, and the rapist to emerge?

That is just wrong. It does nothing for society. It does nothing for women because let's face it, women need men to protect them. They are too weak to do it on their own. So how does trashing their protectors work? And it sure does nothing for men.

Cheers, Doc
Well it depends on us men (and women), and I have a son too. Are we going to demonize all men like Westerners did, and then go search for Jordan Peterson and others of his ilk etc etc like they do these days??

India has always been two or three decades behind, depending on what we are talking about (tech or societal etc). While the local culture can act as a inhibitor, the fact that culture changes with times might be a oxidizer.

We Indians have a natural inferiority complex vis a vis West, so we take anything the West says as the ultimate. I could have said the White man two decades back perhaps, but in this day and age perhaps it will be considered racist no? So yeah Desi is regressive, and Western is progressive, that's what has been taught and believed for seven decades.

We gobbled up everything they threw at us, so we should gobble up this too and see where this takes us. Don't you now go tell them that, West can be wrong too.

In a lighter vein and being partisan perhaps - If you do, they will say that you are hedging bets for 2029 :ROFLMAO:

Development and decline go hand in hand - so ultimately, it depends on us as to how we take this forward. Just keep developing, or add these little little declining stuff along our path.
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Well it depends on us men (and women), and I have a son too. Are we going to demonize all men like Westerners did, and then go search for Jordan Peterson and others of his ilk etc etc like they do these days??

India has always been two or three decades behind, depending on what we are talking about (tech or societal etc). While the local culture can act as a inhibitor, the fact that culture changes with times might be a oxidizer.

We Indians have a natural inferiority complex vis a vis West, so we take anything the West says as the ultimate. I could have said the White man two decades back perhaps, but in this day and age perhaps it will be considered racist no? So yeah Desi is regressive, and Western is progressive, that's what has been taught and believed for seven decades.

We gobbled up everything they threw at us, so we should gobble up this too and see where this takes us. Don't you now go tell them that, West can be wrong too.

In a lighter vein and being partisan perhaps - If you do, they will say that you are hedging bets for 2029 :ROFLMAO:

Development and decline go hand in hand - so ultimately, it depends on us as to how we take this forward. Keep developing, or add these little little declining stuff along our path.

Excellent point on Jordan Peterson....

If every rapist is born from the womb of a mother,

Then equally every girl also has a father.
Excellent point on Jordan Peterson....

If every rapist is born from the womb of a mother,

Then equally every girl also has a father.
I would have thanked you, but this topic of crimes on women is something very sensitive to me personally.

I hate any person who talks of it lightly man

Consider this my last post on this topic, as I feel its not something we should talk lightly of. There is a reason they are called fairer sex

So many thoughts, but nah.. may light prevail.

Peace out
I would have thanked you, but this topic of crimes on women is something very sensitive to me personally.

I hate any person who talks of it lightly man

Consider this my last post on this topic, as I feel its not something we should talk lightly of. There is a reason they are called fairer sex

So many thoughts, but nah.. may light prevail.

Peace out

Ok. I just feel that we are doing the fairer sex no favors by throwing their men under a bus.

Who remains then when the men are gone?

P.S. I have not made a single flippant post on this topic.
Ok. I just feel that we are doing the fairer sex no favors by throwing their men under a bus.

Who remains then when the men are gone?

P.S. I have not made a single flippant post on this topic.
No Doc I didn't mean you, I am talking about the people in power in our country and on the media.

You and me can fight here, and feel great with few likes. We are piddi actually and don't matter

Think of the likes a person from every party gets (on any social platform), when he weaponizes rape by a person (actually or ideologically or figuratively) who belongs to a person of so called other side. That should tell you, there are sides now in evil.

There are many who have done that before (and from all sides), and do even now. Some guy said why did the doc stay in rest room, after 36 hrs of service. Apparently she is supposed to go into a bunker, and not be in the open.

Also like I said, yes we shouldn't but its us who have to decide if we should throw our kind under the bus or not. Only that as we take whatever West says as absolute, I feel we will throw our kind under bus (given our past and future with vested interests outside).

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