India’s Two-Front Trap: Is It Turning Into A Reality? | The News9 Plus Show

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Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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A two front war seems slightly dishonourable, unless it's all out war and world war

Hakikat ve Hikmet

Think Tank Analyst
Nov 14, 2015
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According to the Indian defense analyst Praveen Swahney, it'll be a reinforced single front......
Dec 23, 2023
India cannot sustain a long-term invasion of Pakistan, but a scenario similar to 1971 is possible. India could invade part or all of Pakistan, declare Balochistan or Sindhudesh as independent countries, and force the Pakistani army to sign surrender documents and vacate, declaring a ceasefire, just as in 1971. In 1971, all of this occurred within just 12 days, creating a world record with the surrender of 93,000 Pakistani soldiers, and 60% of Pakistan was declared Bangladesh.


Elite Member
Feb 21, 2015
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Given the poor economic state of Pakistan, it is not much of a 2nd front right now as it cannot sustain any war beyond several days anyway. The threat is overblown right now.
Wars are won on resources not on what economic stats are. If a group like hamas can't be defeated now imagine pakistan zillion times powerful than hamas. Plus in case of a two front war i am damn sure China will arm pakistan to its teeth and will flood it with resources. Just like US is giving billions to Israel. China view pakistan as its strategic depth .
India can't survive a single front with China ,if pakistan jumps in as well no chance for India.
Dec 23, 2023
Wars are won on resources not on what economic stats are. If a group like hamas can't be defeated now imagine pakistan zillion times powerful than hamas. Plus in case of a two front war i am damn sure China will arm pakistan to its teeth and will flood it with resources. Just like US is giving billions to Israel. China view pakistan as its strategic depth .
India can't survive a single front with China ,if pakistan jumps in as well no chance for India.
Wars are fought with political will, and the Pakistani race has historically lacked the political will to fight. Throughout the history of the Indian subcontinent, Turks, Afghans, and Arabs faced no resistance from what is now Pakistan. Those who resisted and fought against these invaders were from present-day India. There is no history of empires originating from Pakistan. When Afghans attacked Punjabi Muslims, it was Hindus and Sikhs who came to their rescue. Further back in history, you see the Gupta and Maurya Empires from Bihar, the Cholas from South India, and several other significant empires, but none from Pakistan.


Sep 14, 2006
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India cannot sustain a long-term invasion of Pakistan, but a scenario similar to 1971 is possible. India could invade part or all of Pakistan, declare Balochistan or Sindhudesh as independent countries, and force the Pakistani army to sign surrender documents and vacate, declaring a ceasefire, just as in 1971. In 1971, all of this occurred within just 12 days, creating a world record with the surrender of 93,000 Pakistani soldiers, and 60% of Pakistan was declared Bangladesh.

You need to read up more. First if you occupy land everything will be thrown at you and you will leave fast.
Pakistan can concentrate far greater levels of firepower in areas due to having less land to cover, your coverage is massive....
Second there wasn't 93,000 soldiers in Bangladesh ever. It was around 47,000.
Next where is the manpower going to come from to invade a population of 260 million, which is far younger than yours?


Sep 14, 2006
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Wars are fought with political will, and the Pakistani race has historically lacked the political will to fight. Throughout the history of the Indian subcontinent, Turks, Afghans, and Arabs faced no resistance from what is now Pakistan. Those who resisted and fought against these invaders were from present-day India. There is no history of empires originating from Pakistan. When Afghans attacked Punjabi Muslims, it was Hindus and Sikhs who came to their rescue. Further back in history, you see the Gupta and Maurya Empires from Bihar, the Cholas from South India, and several other significant empires, but none from Pakistan.

Your ancestors surrendered to these empires
The empires you also mentioned attacked other Indian states and made them weaker, hence India being taken over.
Pakistan's people did resist, where did Alexander fight Porus?


Sep 14, 2006
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For India, the prospect of a two-front war has been looming since long. China and Pakistan have had activated their forces several times at their respective borders with India. After 4 recent attacks in quick succession in J&K, the Union Territory is again becoming a flashpoint between India and Pakistan. The attack on innocent civilians signal a shift in terrorists’ strategy. What is their end-game? Has Pakistan again activated its agents? Or, are non-State actors behind the attacks? Join News9 Plus Editor Sandeep Unnithan as he breaks down the strategy along with colleague Justin Thomas, Lt General DS Hooda, Former Commander, Northern Army and Colonel Nikhil Apte, Defence Analyst. Don't miss out on this important discussion and don't forget to like, share and subscribe for more thought-provoking discussions.

On topic there will be no two front war or any war for that matter. Maybe skirmishes but there is too much too lose. Nations which have strong forces hardly ever clash in the modern era for a reason i.e. the immense damage that would be done.


Sep 14, 2006
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United states and the the world in general will.not allow two nations ganging up.on any one .

It just can't happen it's too serious a move

So the likely hood of this happening is rare

They won't give a hoot, try finding South Vietnam on a map. The US may make some noise and provide weapons but that is it. Have they got involved in Ukraine all gung ho? Nope it's all cloak and dagger and support.
Anyway, the scenario is highly unlikely i.e. a war between any of the three nations.


Senior Member
Feb 6, 2009
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We are QUAD County...., attacking India from 2 sides will invite entire quad into an action......

Sir, QUAD is not a military coalition (yet)... In fact, India do not have any official military coalition with any other nation. Our core is still NAM with a tinge of grey.


Full Member
Sep 21, 2020
More than India getting worried about a two front war with China and Pakistan,. it is China who should be be worried about a multi front war in the Himalayas, South China Sea and Taiwan Strait..

Indian two front war fear is to push the Government into buying more weapons of foreign origin rather than a real fear.. with the current state of Pakistan, it is no. more a factor for us, but China is
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