India’s Two-Front Trap: Is It Turning Into A Reality? | The News9 Plus Show

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Can India sustain a two-front scenario?
The answer is a big NO, unless the entire West and Japan come to its rescue.

Modi very wisely kept silent during the Ladakh fiasco and did not provoke the dragon. Meanwhile, India has meticulously engaged Pakistan via its proxies in Afghanistan and kept us at bay. Our political chaos and economic vulnerability haven't helped either. Our calculations on the Taliban takeover have backfired. Saying that China and Turkey have been arming us to the teeth in recent years. Pakistan is today militarily better equipped than it was a few years ago. All we need now is our economy to fire, the nation to unite and the Afghans to come in line. This may take a little while, till then the Indians can sleep in peace.
Where is your horror movie that India was watching since 2020 after seeing PLA deployment?
Where is your mighty PLAAF that was waiting for orders to attack India?
Where are your those endless bakwas threads you were posting everyday after 2020 stand off??

You need to get economy on fire??

Grow up.... posting such bravados on forums doesn't help economy getting on fire..... you have to actually work hard for it..... all I see about your people hard working nature on Youtube is they work hard by standing in long ques early morning for nalli and nihari....
We are QUAD County...., attacking India from 2 sides will invite entire quad into an action......

Who is coming to your aid? Name them for me.

Your quad partners aren't helping you out when China and Pakistan mount a two front war.
India doesn’t have a “two-front trap.” India has a two-front delusion. India should quit harboring delusions that it can challenge China and all its stress will go away.

Indians truly believe that they can destroy China and Pakistan simultaneously.

Old Ancient Civilization thought process and actions (intellectual decisons) vs hot headed countries deriving delusions due to religious education. Pakistani people cannot grasp or appreciate what we do and why we do.

India and China will never go on a full fledged war. NOW. You do not go to war with 1.4 billion nation ....soon the 3rd largest economy. ...and capacity and capability growing....every day.

India does not need to match China at all. India has ample weapons to decimate China...totally. China logistically cannot cross Himalayas...anything they will build will get wiped out.....The reason India China does not allow any weapons to be used on border ( only sticks and stone).
Old Ancient Civilization thought process and actions (intellectual decisons) vs hot headed countries deriving delusions due to religious education. Pakistani people cannot grasp or appreciate what we do and why we do.

India and China will never go on a full fledged war. NOW. You do not go to war with 1.4 billion nation ....soon the 3rd largest economy. ...and capacity and capability growing....every day.

India does not need to match China at all. India has ample weapons to decimate China...totally. China logistically cannot cross Himalayas...anything they will build will get wiped out.....The reason India China does not allow any weapons to be used on border ( only sticks and stone).

Don't you Indians claim that you can defeat both China and Pakistan in a two front war? Do you really think you can defeat China and Pakistan in a two front war?

Where is your horror movie that India was watching since 2020 after seeing PLA deployment?
Where is your mighty PLAAF that was waiting for orders to attack India?
Where are your those endless bakwas threads you were posting everyday after 2020 stand off??

You need to get economy on fire??

Grow up.... posting such bravados on forums doesn't help economy getting on fire..... you have to actually work hard for it..... all I see about your people hard working nature on Youtube is they work hard by standing in long ques early morning for nalli and nihari....

Answer the question. Indian leaders and media have made a lot of hue and cry regarding two front war against China and Pakistan. Remember that these are your claims and this is your paranoia.

Can India defeat China and Pakistan in a two front war?
Two front war is not needed. Pakistan doesn’t need help of uyghur abusing chinese kafirs against India.

Can you win against China and Pakistan though? A two front war is inevitable. Your own leaders and media have been crying for years about a two front war.
Where is your horror movie that India was watching since 2020 after seeing PLA deployment?
Where is your mighty PLAAF that was waiting for orders to attack India?
Lol, they have taken 2000sqkm of your occupied territory without firing a shot.
Where are your those endless bakwas threads you were posting everyday after 2020 stand off??
All of those threads were generated quoting your media, no other source. The situation is still the same, the only difference is I haven't posted them for a while.
Grow up.... posting such bravados on forums doesn't help economy getting on fire..... you have to actually work hard for it
The easiest way is to make a pact with the ZIONIST, as Modi has done. Everything will come easily.

Presently, I am busy on other fronts, don't worry I will return to your forum in not so distant future.
Lol, they have taken 2000sqkm of your occupied territory without firing a shot.

All of those threads were generated quoting your media, no other source. The situation is still the same, the only difference is I haven't posted them for a while.

The easiest way is to make a pact with the ZIONIST, as Modi has done. Everything will come easily.

Currently, I am busy on other fronts, don't worry I will return to your forum in not so distant future.

These Hindutvatis cannot answer the question. They don't have an answer. Their own leaders and media have been stirring the debate regarding two front war. When you ask the Hindutvati he remains silent.

The question is very simple. Can India defeat both China and Pakistan in a two front war? I want a Hindutvati to answer this simple and innocent question.
Pakistan can't fight a war, and China is too busy with Taiwan and Pacific.

No actually they have also captured Chandigarh in fact.

That doesn't answer the question. Will India defeat both China and Pakistan when a war happens? Answer the question.

Your own media and BJP fantasises about a two front war.

Pakistan can't fight a war, and China is too busy with Taiwan and Pacific.

No actually they have also captured Chandigarh in fact.

I will answer the question. India will be decimated and turned to rubble if it only goes to war with China. China can destroy India comprehensively.

In a scenario where both China and Pakistan are involved India will cry for help from the US and NATO. Still India will lose.
Good actually India has been planning for 2.5 front. Anyways you cannot keep living in fear. Also just like India has lot more to loose in war against Pakistan , China has lot more to loose against India.

Also believe me if war of China-India starts , Pakistan will watch on sides else big daddy will come in play.

Pakistan doesn't need to come forward in a war between China and India. China will easily take care of India.

A two front war is more likely when India starts an all out war against Pakistan. Most definitely China is going to help Pakistan as it ought to.
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