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Indonesian Defense Industry


Jul 25, 2013
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Locally made tank turret

105 mm tank turret prototypes made by local companies. The prototype has been ready for testing this year. The turret is primarily intended to replace Belgian turret on Harimau Medium Tank for new production units.


Harimau Medium Tank production facility in PT Pindad



PT Pindad retrofitted AMX tank



Jul 25, 2013
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Indonesian Aerospace abandoned projects due to financing Issues

1. N250 program get abandoned due to IMF Condition (1997-1998 Asian Financial Crisis)


2. N2130 Program is abandoned due to IMF condition (1997-1998 Asian Financial Crisis)



3. NMX program

Indonesian Aerospace tried to develop private jets in 2005 but it doesnt get government funding and later the project being abandoned.


4. Attack Helicopter

Another abandoned project is Attack Helicopter development and being stopped after no funding given from government




Jul 25, 2013
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After N219 Amphibious development is completed inshaAllah, then expected new plane development from Indonesian Aerospace will likely be R80 program and will likely be a joint venture program with PT Regio Aviasi.

The plane can potentially be used for MPA, refueling (tanker), anti submarine, and AWACS versions.


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Dec 10, 2023
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After N219 Amphibious development is completed inshaAllah, then expected new plane development from Indonesian Aerospace will likely be R80 program and will likely be a joint venture program with PT Regio Aviasi.

The plane can potentially be used for MPA, refueling (tanker), anti submarine, and AWACS versions.

View attachment 26226

Indos, does Indonesia make or manufacture any aircraft engines ?

The R80 is a nice looking bird.


Jul 25, 2013
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Indos, does Indonesia make or manufacture any aircraft engines ?

The R80 is a nice looking bird.

Nope, but future is battery bro, there are already plane that can fly using battery powered engine. Indonesia tried to utilize its rich of nickel, chopper, bauxite (alluminium raw material), manganese, and Cobalt and try to take advantage and dominate the supply chain process from mining, refining, precursor, cathode, battery cell, battery pack production or end to end supply chain.

Indonesia is also about to sign contract to build Scorpene submarines in Surabaya, East Java, with lithium battery as propulsion. So even latest submarine technology is now using lithium battery. AIP is expensive operational wise and needs more complicated infrastructure to refill the AIP system.

3 years ago INKA, state own train maker, started testing a tram prototype using full battery as its propulsion system, so this will likely future to potentially replace diesel electric train.

Battery is predicted by many as future propulsion system, but for jet fighter it still needs jet engine. As it is not efficient to produce almost every thing, we will likely rely on friendly countries for jet engines while we will focus on battery technology.

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Jul 25, 2013
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France Offers New ‘Scorpene Evolved’ Li-Ion Submarine to Indonesia​


In its latest proposal to the Indonesian Navy, France's Naval Group is proposing a new variant of its Scorpene submarine featuring Lithium-Ion battery technology...​

Fauzan Malufti
13 Oct 2023

French shipbuilder Naval Group has recently updated its Scorpene submarine proposal to Indonesia. Dubbed ‘Scorpene Evolved’, the submarine’s propulsion system will be installed with a full Lithium-Ion Batteries (LIBs) configuration, thus giving it the longest endurance of any other variant in the Scorpene family. In February 2022, the two countries already signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for two locally-made Scorpene submarines.

Scorpene Evolved​


According to official sources, thanks to the full LIBs configuration, the Scorpene Evolved will have a total endurance of 80 days (with 78 of those submerged), an operational range of more than 8,000 nautical miles, a lower indiscretion rate, and maintain top speed longer. This can be achieved because LIBs can store and deliver more energy with shorter charging times than lead-acid batteries.

Full LIBs submarines are also selected because the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) will find it easier and less expensive to maintain and operate them compared with AIP submarines which will require it to build complex offshore facilities to resupply the system since it is not possible to resupply an AIP system at sea. Extra training for submariners and other personnel who will be involved in resupplying an AIP system will also be needed.


On top of that, TNI AL must find local supply chains and companies that have the capacity and capability to provide enough ‘AIP-grade’ pure hydrogen, liquid oxygen, and/or other chemicals that an AIP system needs on time.

Even during peacetime, this could be a substantial logistical challenge especially if we consider TNI AL’s aspiration to deploy its future submarine fleet beyond the country’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). This means that sometimes the fleet could only rely on facilities that are available at forward bases, such as the one located on Natuna Island which borders the South China Sea. Compared to lead-acid batteries, LIBs also require much less maintenance and provide ~40% longer service life

Additionally, LIBs configuration is more consistent with the plan for Naval Group and the Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder, PT PAL, to, as part of the Scorpene deal, establish an Energy Research Lab in Indonesia with a focus on developing future submarine energy technology. If all goes well, the LIBs for the second and subsequent batches of Scorpene Evolved that Indonesia might purchase and build in the future will come from this lab. This lab could be used to develop other energy-related technologies for military and commercial markets.

Last but not least, Naval News understands that Naval Group could soon be proposing its diesel-electric submarine with LIB exclusively and stop offering them with lead-acid batteries, for all markets. That’s a direct consequence of the constant progress and the current maturity of LIB technology, an industry source familiar with the matter told us.

Indonesian Scorpene Lethality​


The Scorpene Evolved is offered with Black Shark and the more modern F21 heavy-weight torpedo, as well as a full integration of the MBDA Exocet SM39 submarine-launched cruise missile. If TNI AL chooses to purchase the F21 and SM39 later, no additional adjustments or upgrades will be required, including in terms of combat management system software. To note, since becoming a submarine operator in 1959, the Indonesian Navy has never operated missile-capable submarines, thus limiting its attack capability.

Meanwhile, since the late 1970s, TNI AL has been operating surface-launched Exocet which now become the primary anti-ship missiles in its inventory. In fact, this year, the Indonesian Navy has fired at least three Exocet MM40 Block 3 missiles in two different SINKEx in June and July.


F21 Heavy Weight Torpedoes. Naval Group picture.

Considering the idea among TNI AL planners to equip/integrate submarines with Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV), it will be interesting to see whether the Scorpene Evolved discussion between Jakarta and Paris includes the possible procurement of the D19 multirole UUV. Developed from the F21 torpedo, the D19 can be launched and recovered from a submarine, surface vessel, or shore.


The D19 UUV on a F21 torpedo base. Naval Group picture.

Even though it has higher performance than the basic Scorpene submarine variant, the Scorpene Evolved is still offered in a full local production, integration, and testing scheme for two submarines which will take place at PT PAL’s existing submarine construction facility in Surabaya. This scheme will see 30% of the total contract value returned to Indonesia in the form of technology transfer, offsets, and the opening of thousands of high-skilled jobs.

If realized, Scorpene Evolved will position TNI AL among the growing number of navies worldwide that have started to look for LIBs solution and make Indonesia follow Japan’s decision to choose LIBs over AIP for its newest submarines (Sōryū and Taigei classes).

Fauzan Malufti story, editing by Xavier Vavasseur
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Jul 25, 2013
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Dec 10, 2023
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Nope, but future is battery bro, there are already plane that can fly using battery powered engine. Indonesia tried to utilize its rich of nickel, chopper, bauxite (alluminium raw material), manganese, and Cobalt and try to take advantage and dominate the supply chain process from mining, refining, precursor, cathode, battery cell, battery pack production or end to end supply chain.

Indonesia is also about to sign contract to build Scorpene submarines in Surabaya, East Java, with lithium battery as propulsion. So even latest submarine technology is now using lithium battery. AIP is expensive operational wise and needs more complicated infrastructure to refill the AIP system.

3 years ago INKA, state own train maker, started testing a tram prototype using full battery as its propulsion system, so this will likely future to potentially replace diesel electric train.

Battery is predicted by many as future propulsion system, but for jet fighter it still needs jet engine. As it is not efficient to produce almost every thing, we will likely rely on friendly countries for jet engines while we will focus on battery technology.

Wow it’s good to see Indonesia making its own trains and civilian jet liners. However I disagree with regards to engines. Indonesia should aim for domestic engines or co produce from Russia Ukraine or turkey and Iran which is also starting to make civilian aircraft engines. This will reduce the risk posed by sanctions etc


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Dec 10, 2023
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France Offers New ‘Scorpene Evolved’ Li-Ion Submarine to Indonesia​

View attachment 26435

In its latest proposal to the Indonesian Navy, France's Naval Group is proposing a new variant of its Scorpene submarine featuring Lithium-Ion battery technology...​

Fauzan Malufti
13 Oct 2023

French shipbuilder Naval Group has recently updated its Scorpene submarine proposal to Indonesia. Dubbed ‘Scorpene Evolved’, the submarine’s propulsion system will be installed with a full Lithium-Ion Batteries (LIBs) configuration, thus giving it the longest endurance of any other variant in the Scorpene family. In February 2022, the two countries already signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for two locally-made Scorpene submarines.

Scorpene Evolved​

View attachment 26431

According to official sources, thanks to the full LIBs configuration, the Scorpene Evolved will have a total endurance of 80 days (with 78 of those submerged), an operational range of more than 8,000 nautical miles, a lower indiscretion rate, and maintain top speed longer. This can be achieved because LIBs can store and deliver more energy with shorter charging times than lead-acid batteries.

Full LIBs submarines are also selected because the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) will find it easier and less expensive to maintain and operate them compared with AIP submarines which will require it to build complex offshore facilities to resupply the system since it is not possible to resupply an AIP system at sea. Extra training for submariners and other personnel who will be involved in resupplying an AIP system will also be needed.

View attachment 26432
On top of that, TNI AL must find local supply chains and companies that have the capacity and capability to provide enough ‘AIP-grade’ pure hydrogen, liquid oxygen, and/or other chemicals that an AIP system needs on time.

Even during peacetime, this could be a substantial logistical challenge especially if we consider TNI AL’s aspiration to deploy its future submarine fleet beyond the country’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). This means that sometimes the fleet could only rely on facilities that are available at forward bases, such as the one located on Natuna Island which borders the South China Sea. Compared to lead-acid batteries, LIBs also require much less maintenance and provide ~40% longer service life

Additionally, LIBs configuration is more consistent with the plan for Naval Group and the Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder, PT PAL, to, as part of the Scorpene deal, establish an Energy Research Lab in Indonesia with a focus on developing future submarine energy technology. If all goes well, the LIBs for the second and subsequent batches of Scorpene Evolved that Indonesia might purchase and build in the future will come from this lab. This lab could be used to develop other energy-related technologies for military and commercial markets.

Last but not least, Naval News understands that Naval Group could soon be proposing its diesel-electric submarine with LIB exclusively and stop offering them with lead-acid batteries, for all markets. That’s a direct consequence of the constant progress and the current maturity of LIB technology, an industry source familiar with the matter told us.

Indonesian Scorpene Lethality​

View attachment 26433

The Scorpene Evolved is offered with Black Shark and the more modern F21 heavy-weight torpedo, as well as a full integration of the MBDA Exocet SM39 submarine-launched cruise missile. If TNI AL chooses to purchase the F21 and SM39 later, no additional adjustments or upgrades will be required, including in terms of combat management system software. To note, since becoming a submarine operator in 1959, the Indonesian Navy has never operated missile-capable submarines, thus limiting its attack capability.

Meanwhile, since the late 1970s, TNI AL has been operating surface-launched Exocet which now become the primary anti-ship missiles in its inventory. In fact, this year, the Indonesian Navy has fired at least three Exocet MM40 Block 3 missiles in two different SINKEx in June and July.


F21 Heavy Weight Torpedoes. Naval Group picture.

Considering the idea among TNI AL planners to equip/integrate submarines with Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV), it will be interesting to see whether the Scorpene Evolved discussion between Jakarta and Paris includes the possible procurement of the D19 multirole UUV. Developed from the F21 torpedo, the D19 can be launched and recovered from a submarine, surface vessel, or shore.

View attachment 26434
The D19 UUV on a F21 torpedo base. Naval Group picture.

Even though it has higher performance than the basic Scorpene submarine variant, the Scorpene Evolved is still offered in a full local production, integration, and testing scheme for two submarines which will take place at PT PAL’s existing submarine construction facility in Surabaya. This scheme will see 30% of the total contract value returned to Indonesia in the form of technology transfer, offsets, and the opening of thousands of high-skilled jobs.

If realized, Scorpene Evolved will position TNI AL among the growing number of navies worldwide that have started to look for LIBs solution and make Indonesia follow Japan’s decision to choose LIBs over AIP for its newest submarines (Sōryū and Taigei classes).

Fauzan Malufti story, editing by Xavier Vavasseur
Why not acquire more submarines from South Korea or join the Turkish milden project? They are probably cheaper and provide the same capabilities.


Jul 25, 2013
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Wow it’s good to see Indonesia making its own trains and civilian jet liners. However I disagree with regards to engines. Indonesia should aim for domestic engines or co produce from Russia Ukraine or turkey and Iran which is also starting to make civilian aircraft engines. This will reduce the risk posed by sanctions etc

When I see our turbojet research program, they are now changed into EDF ( Electrict Duct Fans) from turbo jet engine. I believe it is because we are too late in doing the research on this areas and better open up new frontier where we have advantage. In term of EV battery we already have state owned company ( IBC) who has deep cooperation with leading companies in EV battery sector which are CATL ( 6 billion USD partnership) and LG Chem ( 9 billion USD partnership).

Future Cruise missile and MALE UCAV I believe will use electrict engine as it is more silent than jet engine and turboprop engine. Many drones are already using battery, including kamikaze drones that are many used in Ukraine war.


Jul 25, 2013
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Why not acquire more submarines from South Korea or join the Turkish milden project? They are probably cheaper and provide the same capabilities.

South Korea submarine project is likely continued under new administration as Prabowo has more ambition regarding our military and defence industry than Jokowi.

For Turkey, it is expected very strong defense industry relation between Indonesia and Turkey.

Indonesia - Turkey Cooperation :

1. Medium Tank JV ( 50:50)
2. Indonesian Aerospace has become Turkish Aerospace design center and help several Turkish programs. We also want to be Boeing design center, replacing design center in Russia. It is part of offset of our F15 EX MOU that will likely go ahead under Prabowo Presidency.


1. Atmaca Missiles
2. Missiles for drones

We are ordering ANKA drone and has set up air defense system with Turkish missiles with Naval missiles system that is planned to use Turkish system as well


Jul 25, 2013
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1/ Photo from the Instagram account @ hillaryooscar clearly shows the ASTRO inertial navigation system (INS) made by Astronautics Corporation of America on the Hawk 209 aircraft. Apart from that, you can also see the early generation DVR device from the "Optimax" brand made by PT. Infoglobal.


Jul 25, 2013
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Indonesian Aerospace is building new hangar for C-130 MRO program (Refurbished, upgrade) near its existing complex in Bandung, West Java.

So far Indonesian Aerospace has added three new production hangars for KF21/IFX program and C 130 MRO program. This will enlarge the existing facilities since both assets lies within Indonesian Air Force asset that located just beside Indonesian Aerospace existing complex. Minister of Defense last year has made decision to transfer 2 KFX/IFX hangars (composite manufacturing and assembly hangars) and land to Indonesian Aerospace.


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