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Indonesian Defense Industry


Jul 25, 2013
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So this make Indonesian Aerospace facilities in Bandung West Java has 8 production lines :

1. KF21/IFX
2. N219
3. CN 235
4. NC212i
5. MRO facilities (general)
6. MRO for C130 Hercules
7. Helicopter Assembly/Fitting
8. Turbin and plane engine MRO facility

Adding information

A. Part Manufacturing details use the same hangar & machine.
B. Hangar major assembly for each aircraft is different because the jig is specific.
C. The final assembly of CN235 and NC212 is mixed (same hangar)
D. New composite production hangar for KF21/IFX program is not yet completed but the hangar has already been built.
E. There is one Delivery Hangar
F. Design Center Building.
G. Aerostructure stress test facility
H. Engine MRO facility (PT Nusantara Turbin)
I. Show room /Marketing building

Other facilities like wind tunnel, bird impact, avionics test, etc are managed by BRIN (Gov Research Agency).

Indonesian Aerospace has another manufacturing complex that produce rocket and torpedo in other place in Java Island and also has one office building in Seatle, USA.
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Jul 25, 2013
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In connection with the contract for the procurement of Scorpene Evolved submarines, @PTPAL_INDONESIA was appointed as a strategic partner
@navalgroup to support the submarine ToT process. PT PAL plans to develop production facilities such as composite materials to torpedoes & electronics.



Jul 25, 2013
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Indonesian Aerospace get the contract from Ministry of Defense to develop Cruise Missile for 2024 fiscal year. Indonesian Aerospace will act as consortium leader and lead integrator of the missile. It is wildly known that the other company that will help the development is PT LEN Industry (Defense Electronics company).



Jul 25, 2013
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PT DI Again Runs the Ministry of Defense Equipment Modernization Program​

April 8, 2024, 06:00 PM

PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) is again trusted by the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemhan RI) to carry out various defense modernization works, one of which is the maintenance and modernization of the C130 Hercules aircraft in order to improve the ability of the Indonesian Air Force as the main guard of Indonesian airspace security.

The C130 Hercules modernization procurement contract between PT DI and the Indonesian Ministry of Defense has been effective as of February 2, 2024, for the work on several aircraft with the scope of Center Wing Box Replacement (CWBR) and Avionic Upgrade Program (AUP) replacement work, including engine & propeller overhaul activities, with a total work value of USD 150 million or equivalent to Rp 2.1 trillion.

In the process, PT DI collaborates with several partners to provide Center Wing Box and Avionic Upgrade work, thus it can form an expansion of the supply chain ecosystem and obtain technology transfer that can be absorbed progressively and mastered as a whole, through this defense equipment modernization program.

The cooperation carried out is a form of PT DI's readiness in implementing the success of the C130 Hercules modernization work program, as well as a form of PT DI's involvement in encouraging the independence of the defense industry and increasing Indonesia's military strength.

"With the effectiveness of the C130 Hercules modernization contract, it can then be calculated as a contribution to increasing activity in the manufacturing sector that will have a business impact and become an indicator of the progress of the culprit industry, in this case PTDI," said Gita Amperiawan, President Director of PT DI, in her statement, Monday (8/4).

The appointment of PT DI as the executor of Center Wing Box Replacement and Avionic Upgrade replacement work, including Engine & Propeller Overhaul activities is in line with the mandate of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who emphasized that Defend ID, the Defense Industry SOE Holding, including PT DI in it to spearhead independence while transforming to build a strong and modern defense industry ecosystem, This includes mastering the latest technology and component manufacturing based on dual-use technology by building the widest possible global cooperation.

Of course, this is also in line with President Jokowi's order which ordered that Indonesia's defense spending policy shift to long-term defense investment that is designed systematically, carried out consistently and sustainably, so that the independence of the defense industry and the creation of a stronger, advanced and independent state defense system can be realized.

In addition to its role in encouraging the independence of the defense industry, PT DI also seeks to make innovations and new business strategies, including the expansion of its market abroad, which then in parallel can also produce a multiplier effect whose benefits can be felt for the progress of the national defense industry in the global market.

The new contract worth USD 1 billion at the end of 2023 is the largest historical contract achievement for PT DI, it can be a capital for PTDI for future improvements and sustainability.

Various contracts were obtained from the Indonesian Ministry of Defense, both new procurement contracts for CN235 and N219 aircraft for end users of the Indonesian Army, as well as helicopter maintenance and maintenance contracts owned by Penerbad, as well as sales and purchase contracts for S-70M Black Hawk multipurpose transport helicopters and NC212i aircraft export procurement contracts for DND Philippines.

"This is certainly an achievement, as well as a challenge for PTDI. It is a big step towards the revival and advancement of PTDI's business. It is hoped that all contracted programs can be completed properly and then can open up greater opportunities for the acquisition of other new contracts in the future," added Gita Amperiawan.

PT DI for the last three consecutive years achieved positive performance, where the record Audited Net Profit for Fiscal Year 2021 was USD 1.8 million; Financial Year 2022 of USD 2.3 Million; and Financial Year 2023 of USD 1.6 million. In the future, Net Profit achievement is projected to increase by obtaining new aircraft contract targets from the Five-Year Needs Plan (Renbut) of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense for 2025-2029 and other customers outside the Indonesian Ministry of Defense, both at home and abroad.

"It is expected that PT DI will continue to be trusted to meet the defense equipment needs of the Renbut, so that the Company's profitability in the future can also be maintained, of course, this has positive implications for stakeholders, including investors and vendors," said Gita.

The formulation of Renbut is nothing but a form of government support to the defense industry which can then also create long-term business sustainability.



Jul 25, 2013
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C 130 modernization program is also conducted by GMF Aero Asia



Jan 17, 2024
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PK Defence yg lama udah aktif lagi kok ada forum ini lagi ?


Jul 25, 2013
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PK Defence yg lama udah aktif lagi kok ada forum ini lagi ?

PK defense yg lama enggak jelas siapa yg punya, PK defense yg sekarang dimanage sama respected members ; previous PK defense moderators and some respected Think Tank analysts (that now have become moderators)


Jul 25, 2013
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Pindad Reports Rp 8 Trillion Sales in 2023​

Aep Sopandi
May 1, 2024 | 7:40 am

Bandung. The state-owned defense company Pindad has recently reported sales of Rp 7.98 trillion ($490.5 million) for the fiscal year 2023, marking a significant increase from Rp 6.4 trillion in the previous year.

Based in Bandung, the company achieved a net profit of Rp 120.7 billion last year, compared to Rp 101.6 billion in 2022.

Pindad CEO Abraham Mose expressed optimism about the company's future prospects, citing secured deals with customers at substantial values, attributed to product enhancements and innovations.

"We have introduced new amphibious weapons and the latest version of our assault rifles. Additionally, we have recently secured a major production contract for our tactical vehicles, known as Maung 3," Abraham stated.

"The current contract is valued at Rp 25.7 trillion, and we are on track to achieve a revenue of around Rp 8.9 trillion," he added.

Abraham noted that global crises have led to price increases in materials crucial to the industry, particularly propellant and bullet-proof steel plates.

To address this challenge, Pindad aims to increase the utilization of locally-sourced materials and components to at least 50 percent, he said.



Jul 25, 2013
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Bappenas' Efforts to Realize the Dream of Aerospace Industry Glory through Collaboration​


Aircraft Hangar PT Dirgantara Indonesia /DIY News/ MR Firmansyah

MR Firmansyah
- 19 Desember 2022, 11:19 WIB

DIY NEWS - Twenty-seven years ago, the Hangar Main Assembly Line IPTN Husein Sastranegara Airport, Bandung, witnessed the first flight of the N-250 aircraft, Gatotkaca, which is the original aircraft made by the nation's children, Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie.

On August 10, 1995, Gatotkaca's N-250 aircraft flew for the first time gallantly, dismissing the pessimistic tone of foreign media predicting this aircraft would crash. Gatotkaca became the first aircraft in the subsonic speed class with fly by wire technology or its entire motion was computerized controlled, which could be airborne without problems.

This momentum is predicted to be a milestone in the history of Indonesia's aerospace glory. The N-250 civilian passenger aircraft, which can accommodate 50 to 70 passengers on board, is projected to win market share of propeller-class aircraft.

But unfortunately, this dream fell apart when the monetary crisis hit Indonesia since 1997. This has an impact on aviation industry no longer able to get state financial support. Because to get out of the crisis, Indonesia must put aside this project as part of saving the economy.

Although the dream was dashed to the point of IPTN disbanded, which later changed its name to PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI), but the Main Assembly Line hangar in the Husein Sastranegara Airport complex, Bandung, is now still firmly standing, keeping the dream of glory of the national aerospace industry.

When he visited it in October 2019, the paint on the hangar's iron structure had peeled off a lot. Even the glass of the room on the left side of the building looked dull, like it hadn't been used for a long time. The building, although magnificent, only looks like an ordinary old aircraft hangar.

But who would have thought, the hangar became a silent witness that the dream of homeland aerospace glory was treated. Also in October 2019, the Main Assembly Line hangar witnessed PTDI's CN235-220 military aircraft being exported to Nepal.


Export of PTDI-produced military aircraft to Nepal in front of the hangar of the Main Assembly Line News DIY/ MR Firmansyah

PTDI's Production Director, Batara Silaban, said that since 1976 until now, his party has sent 466 aircraft to more than 50 customers, both from within the country and abroad.

In producing the aircraft, there was the role of 3,700 PTDI workers, of which nearly 40 percent were engineers. He assessed that the aerospace human resources owned are reliable state assets in the future.

"These are indeed human resources who will certainly be able to contribute to the aerospace industry," he said in a Special Session at the Indonesia Development Forum 2022, Tuesday, November 22, 2022.

Indonesia Aerospace Industry Ecosystem Roadmap 2022-2045

Various types of aircraft have now been successfully produced by PTDI. There are 2 types of aircraft that can be made by the manufacturer from Bandung, namely fixed wing aircraft or fixed-wing aircraft and rotary wing aircraft or aircraft with rotary wings.

The fixed wing aircraft produced by PTDI include N219 Nurtanio, NC212 family, CN235 family, and CN295. The aircraft was built to meet the needs of civil airlines, military operators and special mission needs.

Meanwhile, the rotary wing aircraft that PTDI has successfully made are AS550 helicopters, A565 helicopters, Superpuma Family helicopters and Bell 412EP helicopters. This helicopter product is manufactured under agreement with Airbus Helicopter and Bell Helicopter Textron.

To increase the capacity of the domestic aerospace industry, the Ministry of National Development Planning or Bappenas, together with the Diaspora and Migration Program (PMD) GIZ and ITB published the Indonesian Aerospace Industry Ecosystem Roadmap 2022-2045.

The roadmap is expected to be a reference for aerospace industry stakeholders in supporting the integration of local industries, commercialization of research, design and development, fulfillment of quality standards, growth of new local players and supporting industries, and capacity expansion to participate in global supply chains.

In the 2022-2045 Indonesian aerospace industry ecosystem roadmap, there are 2 pillars set, including the aerospace product pillar, as well as aerospace services and supporting ecosystems. For the aerospace product pillar, it consists of the development of the aircraft industry as well as components and supply chains. Meanwhile, the aerospace services pillar and supporting ecosystem, consisting of maintenance, repair, overhaul and after-sales, as well as aviation and airport services.


Deputy for Economic Affairs Bappenas, Amalia Adininggar Widiyasanti, explained that when the aircraft industry is encouraged to develop, the related industries will be moved. Of course, this will create a positive double effect for the Indonesian economy.

"One of our keys to driving economic growth in the long haul can only be by increasing productivity. Without increased productivity, Indonesia cannot grow high sustainably for the long term," she explained.

Learning from the United States, according to her presentation, the aerospace industry is the industry with the second largest average wage rate after the IT sector. To increase sustainable per capita income, the development of the aerospace industry can be a solution.

"If we want to increase sustainable per capita income, because later this aerospace industry will encourage strategies to increase the productivity of the economic sector through the industrialization process," said Amalia.

This is very important, looking at the Indonesian Aerospace Industry Ecosystem Roadmap 2022-2045 prepared to achieve the vision of a Golden Indonesia in 2045, one of which is realizing a better and more equitable level of welfare of the Indonesian people with higher human quality.

In addition, the roadmap is also believed to be able to release Indonesia from the middle income trap to the upper class. Development aviation industry rated effective for achieving this goal.

"One thing that was said by the Minister (Bappenas, Suharso Monoarfa), that from the stage of industrialization in Indonesia, the rightmost (best) is the human capital intensive industry, where the human capital intensive industry is the industry that can provide the greatest added value among other industries," she said.


Indonesia Development Forum 2022 Dok Bappenas

In the Special Session session at the Indonesia Development Forum 2022, Amalia explained, in carrying out the 2022-2045 Indonesian Aerospace Industry Ecosystem Roadmap, a new financing scheme is needed so that it does not only rely on the State Budget. Learning from the case of the N250 aircraft, where its development stalled because its funding relied on the Government.

"To run the Aerospace Industry Ecosystem Roadmap, we definitely need financing. Because this development is expected not to be entirely dependent on the Government's budget, but how we mobilize new business models so that we can both encourage, develop, and realize Indonesia to become one of the leading aircraft manufacturers in the world," said Amalia.



Jul 25, 2013
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Locally developed and made in Indonesia RCWS



Jun 4, 2024
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PT NTP belum investasi di bidang manufaktur ya? Sayang kalo belum, padahal bisa dipakai buat ngerakit mesin turbin

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