'Indus Water Treaty Not feasible to maintain': India serves notice to Pakistan, seeks Modification.

It's not the number of rivers that matter, it's the amount of water. You can easily revitalize the lost rivers using canals from other 3 rivers. You simply let the precious water run to the ocean. We built canals from the water we got, that's why some rivers on your side dried up although it's within mandates of the treaty.
As per intl obligation the upper riparian state should supply 50% of the water to lower riparian state. As per the treaty, Pakistan is entitled to 80% of the water india is trying to re arrange the sharing.
I don't think there is any universal rule of 50%. We are not bound to send even 50%. It was a treachery from Nehru to allow such distribution and let it continue despite so many agressions and terrorism at LOC.
Article 370 is worth the paper its written on, we still hold every single inch as we do before Modi time. So whats changed? Nothing. Infact after this so called 370, you endup being kicked out by PLA from thousand of square kms of territory when they used the spiked bats on you.

IK did beat the crap out of you though when he authorised swift retort on you. Made Modi look like a chimp.

Same for Indus treaty. It's value is nothing more than the paper it's written on, We will take what's ours now.
Its not 85% or some other BS %. Pakistan got full share on 3 western rivers and India on 3 eastern rivers. This is where India need to give more share on eastern rivers while taking some from western.
Water flow in 3 western rivers is a lot lot more than in Eastern rivers.

India should give 50 percent of Water from Eastern rivers and take 50 percent of water from Western rivers.

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Ideally this treaty should have been done and dusted the moment Pakistan invaded in 65. Now you're writing useless letters. Make some noise, maybe you'll get something
The main point is that if any one of the two countries has violated the treaty by stealing water share of the other country should be fined and punished first then if both are agree then any one or more changes can be made in the previous treaty.
Why should we pay🤑 for something which we can do by formally renegotiating the distribution.
when you dont show them money they play hard to get just pay them 100-200 odd millions and you can easily buy billions of worth of water id say good deal! why waste time on them!
Same for Indus treaty. It's value is nothing more than the paper it's written on, We will take what's ours now.

Yours is a doc which is written by you which has no value to us or any nation other then you. Indus treaty is however a document signed by us , you and world bank. So no my putter, its worth much more then your constitution.
Yours is a doc which is written by you which has no value to us or any nation other then you. Indus treaty is however a document signed by us , you and world bank. So no my putter, its worth much more then your constitution.
It has no value for us. It's plain and simple. There is a reason why it will be renegotiated you like it or not.
Yours is a doc which is written by you which has no value to us or any nation other then you. Indus treaty is however a document signed by us , you and world bank. So no my putter, its worth much more then your constitution.
It doesn't work like that as this treaty can not be enforced against India. You can go to war but you'd end up losing the war and the treaty.

The water needs to be divided up equal. Right now over 80% water flow goes to Pakistan.
World Bank is a party to this treaty.

Any unilateral steps taken by India could result in severe economic sanctions on India from the G7, NATO and EU.
It's nothing new - a treaty can be broken... If one of the party take the back seat... World Bank can't do much... They are helpless..

Anyway - Pakistan must get the water .. but India should get full water of rest three Rivers... There nothing to compromised
India has sent Pakistan a formal notice seeking a review in the crucial Indus Water Treaty, arguing reassessment and negotiations of the pact over “fundamental and unforeseen” changes.

A report by PTI quoted government sources as saying that the notice to Pakistan was issued on August 30 under Article XII(3) of the Indus Water Treaty (IWT).

As per sources to News18, India, in the notice issued to Pakistan, stated that it was not feasible to maintain the same treaty in today’s scenario and needed to be reassessed.
Is such a warning by India unprecedented?
It doesn't work like that as this treaty can not be enforced against India. You can go to war but you'd end up losing the war and the treaty.

The water needs to be divided up equal. Right now over 80% water flow goes to Pakistan.

No one is enforcing, its you, yourself who signed over dotted lines with your free will. We expect you to live by your obligation. Simple as that. As for war, we can win and destroy you with or without treaty, your establishment is not stupid to go to war over this treaty.

Just suck it up and live by what is already agreed on.
No one is enforcing, its you, yourself who signed over dotted lines with your free will. We expect you to live by your obligation. Simple as that. As for war, we can win and destroy you with or without treaty, your establishment is not stupid to go to war over this treaty.

Just suck it up and live by what is already agreed on.
And india had made it clear it no longer intends to abide by it. No one including the world Bank can enforce it if india decides to junk it.

Pakistan has the right to go to war. You can chose to exercise that right. But regardless of that, this treaty is no longer acceptable and will be abrogated or renegotiated.

Either way the good luck this unequal treaty will not live much longer.

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