'Indus Water Treaty Not feasible to maintain': India serves notice to Pakistan, seeks Modification.

That's the beauty of this conversation. It shows your and Pakistani hypocrisy.

You're calling taking 80% of the water as 'fair' and attempts to renegotiate as 'unfair'. Shows to me that any Indian effort of morality with Pakistan is a wasted one.

The best part, however, of this is that India does not need Pakistan's validation, approval, or even acceptance to abrogate the treaty. After the notices are sent, India can abrogate it and move on.

This is new India. It won't fullfil any treacherous treaty signed by traitor Nehru. India will take what belongs rightfully to it
You both are deluded, renege unilaterally on internationally brokered treaties and you will be seen as an unreliable partner.

Also big words try and threaten Paks water security and you will find out what will happen, your not dealing with Palestine here.
Yes this treaty Pakistan gets 80% of the share and India 20℅ . It should be 50-50.

How? 90% of indus rivers length is in Pakistan. India is lucky to have full control of 3 eastern rivers thanks to bastard dictator Ayub Khan who sold punjab water. 20% is 10% too much and India knows it, they have irrigated desert Rajasthan with our water.

Does India share 50/50 water with China?
Standard stuff they make a statement about the treaty. But being a severe low riparian state themselves they can't do much without implications from neighbors, especially China.
Having idiots in charge of Pakistan certainly doesn't help.
How? 90% of indus rivers length is in Pakistan. India is lucky to have full control of 3 eastern rivers thanks to bastard dictator Ayub Khan who sold punjab water. 20% is 10% too much and India knows it, they have irrigated desert Rajasthan with our water.

Does India share 50/50 water with China?
We have started utilizing our share of water which is around 20℅ till now.

Sharing should be based on volume and not count(3:3). Indus briefly flows through India and we should be allowed to utilise it's water, not just Indus other rivers too. Pakistan should utilize it's share of water by building dams and irrigation system.

We have no control on rivers coming from China, if they plan to divert them there is nothing much we can do. The major river coming from China is Brahmaputra, but good point for us is most of the tributaries making it big are in India.
Standard stuff they make a statement about the treaty. But being a severe low riparian state themselves they can't do much without implications from neighbors, especially China.
Having idiots in charge of Pakistan certainly doesn't help.
We don't have any treaty with China, and they are already doing they can. They can reduce the flow of water in Brahmaputra river , but they cannot stop it has major tributaries are in India. BD will be badly effected.

This govt is dead serious to renegotiate but he treaty, my fear is if Pakistan doesn't respond they will do it unilaterally.
There is one river which has stopped flowing to Pakistan, you will get used to it. You guys cannot manage anything. When you have water it flows directly to see. Now we will use the water which is going to sea.

All the threats worked with old India, things have changed. This is new India with the fist pm who was born after independence. All the older generation who had the baggage are gone. In short our Salman will explain.

What is this new India? One who got bitch slapped by Pakistan during operation swift retort or the the one who was crushed by Chinese spiked bats and made to lose the territory by force?

I actually found old India more resilent then this new one you mentioned.
We don't have any treaty with China, and they are already doing they can. They can reduce the flow of water in Brahmaputra river , but they cannot stop it has major tributaries are in India. BD will be badly effected.

This govt is dead serious to renegotiate but he treaty, my fear is if Pakistan doesn't respond they will do it unilaterally.

They will do alot, lot more I don't think you get it. They can stop many tributaries which will effect the Ganga, Sutlej etc. I went through this many times on this forum.
The gov you speak of is smiting its face to hurt Pakistan, foolish but there you go.

China is constructed a new dam on the Mabja Zangbo river in Tibet, near to the tri-junction, which is a matter that worries both India and Nepal. The Mabja Zangbo river has its source in Nagari county of Tibet, travels through Nepal to the Ghaghara river, and then it meets the Ganga in India. According to sources in the security establishment, the new dam is situated opposite the Kalapani region of Uttarakhand and is roughly 16km north of the tri-junction.


China’s new dam in Tibet near Indian border

China is constructed a new dam on the Mabja Zangbo river in Tibet, near to the tri-junction, which is a matter that worries both India and Nepal. The Mabja Zang...


Good to know they have their 'strategic' thinking cap on. 🤨
There is one river which has stopped flowing to Pakistan, you will get used to it. You guys cannot manage anything. When you have water it flows directly to see. Now we will use the water which is going to sea.

All the threats worked with old India, things have changed. This is new India with the fist pm who was born after independence. All the older generation who had the baggage are gone. In short our Salman will explain.
Whatever we do with our water is our issue.

Old India or new India. If it wants to become a nuclear wasteland it can try and unilaterally change the Indus water treaty. Pakistan doesn’t have much to lose.

View attachment 65747

Good to know they have their 'strategic' thinking cap on. 🤨
How many times do we have to tell you that majority of water in Indian rivers comes from the rain/glaciers within Indian territory. We even had to open some dams during monsoon to get rid of excess water.
You both are deluded, renege unilaterally on internationally brokered treaties and you will be seen as an unreliable partner.

Also big words try and threaten Paks water security and you will find out what will happen, your not dealing with Palestine here.
Unreliable partner ? You think Pakistan is, After initiating wars multiple times?

It depends against whom we withdraw the treaty. You think civvies shed tears if police thrashes some pickpocket or mobile snatchers.
Whatever we do with our water is our issue.

Old India or new India. If it wants to become a nuclear wasteland it can try and unilaterally change the Indus water treaty. Pakistan doesn’t have much to lose.
We don't take nuclear threats from OSPs serious. Grow some balls and start living in Pakistan first to be taken seriously.
India signed a bad deal. Nehru's obsession with grandeur led to this generosity where majority of the water flow goes to Pakistan.

It needs to be 50-50 at the very least.
You are misinformed. During the day the treaty was signed, there was no economically feasible technology available to use our share of water.
So, Nehru signed it to avoid future threat of wars over water.
Even now situation is not significantly different.
But this surely will change as water availability is going down year by year and newer technologies are emerging.
I don't see any reason why India shouldn't back out from this Treaty.

More over Pakistan won't get any support globally to make India adhere to this inequal treaty.

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