Iran Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence (civilian and military)

maybe more helpful if you post the article rather than just the headline

but from what I read earlier they say he downloaded classified material and sent them to his personal phone and then his phone might have been hacked
maybe more helpful if you post the article rather than just the headline

but from what I read earlier they say he downloaded classified material and sent them to his personal phone and then his phone might have been hacked
Already there. Click on the headline.
Made in Iran Sorena-4 humanoid robot. A good video clip of Sorena's evolution, design and completion.

These and similarly conditional or algorithmic based systems have become garbage overnight. Here's an example of the new generation and future of automata based on LLMs which are far more advanced:

BTW, Figure01 was created in only 18 months (starting when company was founded). The LLM is OpenAI's GPT 4.x.
These and similarly conditional or algorithmic based systems have become garbage overnight. Here's an example of the new generation and future of automata based on LLMs which are far more advanced:

BTW, Figure01 was created in only 18 months (starting when company was founded). The LLM is OpenAI's GPT 4.x.

Iran is behind in many of the future critical technologies of 22nd century. Semi-conductors, Quantum computing, Fusion, Space, AI, clean energy, etc.

That’s what happen when “resistance economy” is an absolute failure and corruption continues to run rampant unabated.

Iran had 30 years to prepare for the draconian sanctions and still never thought that a world could exist where it’s oil would ever get sanctioned without throwing global oil supply and demand in turmoil.
Iran is behind in many of the future critical technologies of 22nd century. Semi-conductors, Quantum computing, Fusion, Space, AI, clean energy, etc.

That’s what happen when “resistance economy” is an absolute failure and corruption continues to run rampant unabated.

Iran had 30 years to prepare for the draconian sanctions and still never thought that a world could exist where it’s oil would ever get sanctioned without throwing global oil supply and demand in turmoil.
Cut the hand of corrupt politician and their partners in crime .
بطور خلاصه بکارگیری نیروهای متخصص به جای نیروهای به اصطلاح متعهد
Iran is behind in many of the future critical technologies of 22nd century. Semi-conductors, Quantum computing, Fusion, Space, AI, clean energy, etc.

That’s what happen when “resistance economy” is an absolute failure and corruption continues to run rampant unabated.

Iran had 30 years to prepare for the draconian sanctions and still never thought that a world could exist where it’s oil would ever get sanctioned without throwing global oil supply and demand in turmoil.
Iran is already producing required Semi conductors for local customers. Less reliable but homemade

Iranian universities are already busy with developing quantum computers. It needs funding at the moment. For sure it is progressing slowly. That field requires cooperation of AEOI.

Clean energy depends on nuclear progress too. Slowly but surely.
Iran will soon unveil its quantum based communication necessary for developing quantum radars.

Quantum radars

If there were easy fixes empires would be born every day, now wouldn’t they?

First and foremost is stop abusing your population when your under draconian sanctions. This forces large % of educated talent to leave for western pastures. The brain drain alone has cost Iran $100T+ (ie unquantifiable) in economy potential in past 30 years. You have Iranians now managing or leading in some of the biggest western companies in the world. Shame.

Compare that to India/China/Japan/South Korea/Taiwan where the brain drain is not nearly as severe. In case of India and China they can rely on statistical distribution curve of their population to have a constant supply of highly educated worker pool.

The 2nd move would be to reign in corruption and improve contract laws. The basic building blocks of any foreign investor is strong enforcement of property rights and contract laws. The same fundamental structure that allows Iran to circumvent sanctions also breeds corruption and stagnation.

After the initial JCPOA was signed a wave of naive investors (including Western based Iranians) ran to Iran to hit the so called gold mine - an opening of the biggest underdeveloped economy since Soviet Union collapse.

Quickly many got taken advantage of because in Iran it’s more about who you know and how much influence you have then actual legal basis. Fraud is disguised very well. If you try to sue me or take me to court, I’ll go to the judges house that night and put an envelope of cash in his hands. It’s really that easy. It’s a game of ‘climb the ladder’ who can go up higher on the ladder to curry favor. If you know people in IRGC or government agencies then forget about it, you can crush your opponents especially naive foreigners.

Lastly largely prioritizing domestic industry has been shown widely in economic academia to be negative to long term GDP/per capita. Resistance economy is an oxymoron since it’s kills the economy as it breeds corruption and lack of necessary institutions/reform that facilitate long term sustainable growth.

China can do a resistance economy, not Iran. First you need to master the technologies (play nice to the superior tech organization) THEN you play hardball and can shield your nation from sanction. Iran came out of the gate swinging at everyone because it thought black gold will flow forever and couldn’t envision the rise of deep sea oil drilling and shale oil revolutionizing oil production (known as Dutch disease).

Iran’s problems don’t have easy fixes. But it doesn’t appear that any administration has taken any serious attempt to fix them, other than reducing subsidies to improve government budget and sustainability.
Iran is already producing required Semi conductors for local customers. Less reliable but homemade

Iranian universities are already busy with developing quantum computers. It needs funding at the moment. For sure it is progressing slowly. That field requires cooperation of AEOI.

Come on don’t mock us now.

If you follow the quantum computing industry, you will realize how extremely difficult building quantum computers are. Especially solving the high error rate (high computing) vs low error rate (low computing) paradox. We are still in laboratory qbit era.

Iran isn’t even within the realm of scalable quantum computing and lagging far behind its opponents. You think Iran can compete with the power of mega giant tech firms like Intel, Apple, IBM, Microsoft, Google, Facebook just to name a few?


That’s what your competing against in the tech space. Near Bottomless pockets. That’s just the civilian sector. Now remember that military research institutes (DARPA, Skunkworks, etc) are usually 10-20 years ahead in many national security risk fields.

For Iran, it’s need economic growth to do funding. Or else North Korea would have taken over south Asia if ingenuity and resilience was all you needed.

Clean energy depends on nuclear progress too. Slowly but surely.

You poured concrete into Arak reactor. How long has it been shut down waiting for the white man to aid us in “redesign”? Meanwhile tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars every year in heavy water that could be sold to foreign markets has been lost.

That nuclear program has likely cost the country over $1T in economic cost as well as physical cost.

Meanwhile Fusion will be a reality by 2050 and other than being a part of the fusion project in France(?) we have no access to the tech.

Where is the naval reactor for ships we were promised that was started pre 2010?

If you say funding issue again, remember the cost of having a broken economy. Waiting for America to collapse from within is not a strategy.

Iran will soon unveil its quantum based communication necessary for developing quantum radars.

Quantum radars

Highly theoretical at this point. Explain how you going to keep a photon entanglement stable? They notoriously collapse very easily. I’m dumb as a door and understand that. But here is the paper that the article uses the graphic from

Due to many problems, entanglement radar is sort of a bit out of control. One major issue is that the undeniable fact that within the microwave regime, a reliable and stable single entangled photon transmitter has yet to be produced. All previously proposed models had a photon source coming from random methods of parametric down-conversion. Research works shows that the larger the value of QRCS is, the more powerful is the scattering capacity for the incident photons; accordingly, a better detection performance can be obtained between quantum radar and targets. Also by solving more problems on target scattering character, such as how to obtain more information about the target by identifying the states of photons

Btw, the US has been working on quantum radar since at least 1990 and that is with the full might and backing of the ‘black project budget’. Iran starting in 2020-2024 isn’t going to make breakthrus anytime soon.

But the positive is that quantum radar is more feasible (in theory) to scale than quantum computing. The easiest and soonest tech we are likely to see is quantum encryption/communication which needs to be established prior to any quantum computing reaches the hands of the general public. Or else many security protocols that form the basis of modern IT security could be quickly unraveled by the unparalleled processing capacity of a mature quantum processor.

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