Iran Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence (civilian and military)

If there were easy fixes empires would be born every day, now wouldn’t they?

First and foremost is stop abusing your population when your under draconian sanctions. This forces large % of educated talent to leave for western pastures. The brain drain alone has cost Iran $100T+ (ie unquantifiable) in economy potential in past 30 years. You have Iranians now managing or leading in some of the biggest western companies in the world. Shame.

Compare that to India/China/Japan/South Korea/Taiwan where the brain drain is not nearly as severe. In case of India and China they can rely on statistical distribution curve of their population to have a constant supply of highly educated worker pool.

The 2nd move would be to reign in corruption and improve contract laws. The basic building blocks of any foreign investor is strong enforcement of property rights and contract laws. The same fundamental structure that allows Iran to circumvent sanctions also breeds corruption and stagnation.

After the initial JCPOA was signed a wave of naive investors (including Western based Iranians) ran to Iran to hit the so called gold mine - an opening of the biggest underdeveloped economy since Soviet Union collapse.

Quickly many got taken advantage of because in Iran it’s more about who you know and how much influence you have then actual legal basis. Fraud is disguised very well. If you try to sue me or take me to court, I’ll go to the judges house that night and put an envelope of cash in his hands. It’s really that easy. It’s a game of ‘climb the ladder’ who can go up higher on the ladder to curry favor. If you know people in IRGC or government agencies then forget about it, you can crush your opponents especially naive foreigners.

Lastly largely prioritizing domestic industry has been shown widely in economic academia to be negative to long term GDP/per capita. Resistance economy is an oxymoron since it’s kills the economy as it breeds corruption and lack of necessary institutions/reform that facilitate long term sustainable growth.

China can do a resistance economy, not Iran. First you need to master the technologies (play nice to the superior tech organization) THEN you play hardball and can shield your nation from sanction. Iran came out of the gate swinging at everyone because it thought black gold will flow forever and couldn’t envision the rise of deep sea oil drilling and shale oil revolutionizing oil production (known as Dutch disease).

Iran’s problems don’t have easy fixes. But it doesn’t appear that any administration has taken any serious attempt to fix them, other than reducing subsidies to improve government budget and sustainability.
Iranian government is doing its best IMO. The biggest issue is the population itself. You can see right here on the forum people promoting western relationships—which just prolongs the pain for themselves. As for ‘abusing your population’ I have no idea what you’re talking about. All I hear is bitch screaming by liberals or those stuck in the crap of millennia old stories of ‘empire’.

All that said, there are fundamental issues with corruption, management, and of course terribly poor messaging.
maybe more helpful if you post the article rather than just the headline


Finally, a possible explanation for why Biden’s Iran envoy​

With lawmakers left to dig up clues, Robert Malley should be charged or given a chance to clear his name.

May 7, 2024 at 4:38 p.m.

Robert Malley, the U.S. special envoy for Iran, speaks at the Doha Forum in Qatar in March 2022. (Lujain Jo/AP)
Considering Iran’s collaboration with U.S. adversaries in the Middle East crisis and the Ukraine war, not to mention the Islamic republic’s nuclear ambitions, the Biden administration would surely like to have its top diplomat for Iran on the playing field. But the State Department’s special envoy, Robert Malley, has been sidelined while under federal investigation for going on one year — without any official explanation. Now, new information about the case is coming to light. Malley, who was appointed to his role by President Biden in 2021 and was intimately involved in back-channel talks with Iran, was placed on leave and had his security clearance suspended in April 2023. On Monday, the top Republicans on the Senate Foreign Relations and House Foreign Affairs committees sent a letter, a copy of which I obtained, to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, decrying the lack of information about the official investigation and laying out the results of their own inquiry. “Due to the Department’s evasiveness and lack of transparency, we have worked to glean information from other sources,” Sen. James E. Risch (Idaho) and Rep. Mike McCaul (Tex.) wrote in the letter. “Our own investigations have uncovered the following information and troubling allegations. We ask that you confirm the information we have learned.”
Risch and McCaul are asking the State Department to confirm that Malley’s security clearance was suspended by the State Department’s Diplomatic Security Service because he “allegedly transferred classified documents to his personal email account and downloaded these documents to his personal cell phone.” Through leaks in the Tehran Times, an Iranian state-controlled media outlet, it had already been reported that Malley was under federal investigation for potentially mishandling classified documents, but Risch and McCaul are claiming to have discovered more details. In the letter, the Republican lawmakers also ask the State Department to confirm their belief that “a hostile cyber actor was able to gain access to his email and/or phone and obtain the downloaded information.” In August, the Tehran Times also published multiple articles it claims were based on leaked secret U.S. government documents, including one about Biden’s internal diplomatic strategy. The State Department inspector general’s office is investigating those leaks. Risch and McCaul contend they are connected to a hack of one of Malley’s personal devices.]“When and how did the cyber actor compromise Mr. Malley’s account?” the letter asks. “Did the compromise of Mr. Malley’s device enable subsequent compromise of other senior officials at the State Department, National Security Council, or other agencies? How did the malign cyber actor utilize the information obtained from Mr. Malley?”
Last June, the State Department did acknowledge that Malley had been placed on leave, and subsequent reports revealed that the FBI is also participating in the investigation. But the Justice Department has produced no charges and has made no comment on the matter. Malley, who is teaching at Princeton and Yale, declined to comment. His deputy has been serving as acting envoy.
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The State Department also declined to comment on the case, and the Justice Department did not respond to a request for comment.
Risch and McCaul are demanding that the State Department answer several questions about the investigation, including how many classified documents are at issue, to whom they were allegedly transferred, and what if any assessment has been done as to the national security implications of the alleged mishandling of classified information.
“The allegations we have been privy to are extremely troubling and demand immediate answers,” the letter concludes. “These allegations have substantial impact on our national security and people should be held accountable swiftly and strongly.”
Mishandling of classified documents can be a felony in some instances, but the Justice Department’s approach to such investigations varies greatly case to case. Biden, former vice president Mike Pence and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton were all investigated but never charged. Former president Donald Trump was charged, albeit under very different circumstances.The letter is a sign of the deep frustration on Capitol Hill about the lack of public information regarding the case. Risch and McCaul also ask whether the FBI has recommended charges and what, if anything, the White House or State Department has done to weigh in on the matter behind the scenes.
Meanwhile, Malley sits in limbo, unable either to clear his name or avail himself of legal remedies. In many cases, officials are able to contest allegations of mishandling of classified information and thereby avoid charges (as in the Clinton case). If Malley were formally charged with a crime, at least he would then be afforded due process to defend himself.
Malley has critics in Congress who see him as too cozy with the Iranian regime and its allies. Lawmakers and the public have a right to know the details of any alleged transgressions. But Malley also has a right to know his fate, one way or the other. And the administration should have its top Iran envoy either cleared or charged, so it can effectively manage this crucial foreign policy challenge.
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do they need to do it , American themselves do a damn fine job of it .
just provoke some Joe somewhere , do a little social engineering , and then sit and sip your tea and laugh your ass of what they themselves do.
Yes. The way it’s done is to start throwing stones EXACTLY because an underlying cause exists.

You don’t create a cause when, even much better, you can ride one that’s already there.

This way you can manage and time it better around target or opportunity events (Eg when a woman dies after going to court for a hejab violation).
Yes. The way it’s done is to start throwing stones EXACTLY because an underlying cause exists.

You don’t create a cause when, even much better, you can ride one that’s already there.

This way you can manage and time it better around target or opportunity events (Eg when a woman dies after going to court for a hejab violation).
a social media campaign by Iran only attract like minded and NCR bots.
media campaign by some American affect USA population.

its your choice. select anyone you prefer
a social media campaign by Iran only attract like minded and NCR bots.
media campaign by some American affect USA population.

its your choice. select anyone you prefer
I don’t understand your post.
I don’t understand your post.
it come down to your social media campaign must affect your target population, and one heralded by Iranian affiliated account only attract NCR bots and the ones who have same ideas as the account handler
it come down to your social media campaign must affect your target population, and one heralded by Iranian affiliated account only attract NCR bots and the ones who have same ideas as the account handler
How are these accounts ‘Iranian affiliatesd’? By the time and if they’re identified it’s too late. Plus other accounts immediately pop up. Can’t whack all the moles.

You’re arguing against the very nature of why social engineering campaigns are successful. Not to mention cheap.
A hacker Group called IR_leak announced they hacked Hajj and Piligrimage organization data center and stole 1.25 tb of data
The stolen data include costumers information from the year 1363 to the year 1402 and included but not limited to piligrims flight information , their insurance data, their collateral , their banking information , their payment info , complete information of haj resellers, the housing situation of the pilligrims ,the complete information of government representatives, the complete information of the people who were entitled to go to pgrimage on especially situation like martyrs family .
It's the data leaked
Screenshot_20240601_205927_Samsung Internet.jpg

And you yourself read their response

Yes they only care about sooner providde service and nobody care about see why it happened and how to prevent it . Only fix the disruption in website.
Getting inspiration from China space program to take wise decisions in cybersecurity

What hardware and most important: what software use China space program?

In this video from Tiangong space station we can see they use Lenovo Thinkpad as laptop

And in this video from China space control station we can see a screenshot of what it seems Kylin OS

second 00:23

same recycle bin icon than this KylinOS desktop screenshot?


KylinOS is unrelated to UbuntuKylin, it only shares the name, but it's unrelated OS.

The most wise option then for get high level of security would be a own OS, based in opensource code, modified, but without disclose the code.
some clue about what software/hardware uses Iranian space program?
Iran space program uses Windows


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