New Delhi slams Khamenei over his remarks about Indian Muslims

Iranian 🤡🤡🤡
I am sure for next fews days india will be the least of his worries.

Still Iran is more developed and clean and beautiful than your shithole country. Even after decades of US sanctions. 🤣🤣

Heck Iranian weapons are far superior to yours, and their scientists were regularly murdered by terrorist Israel. .
Still Iran is more developed and clean and beautiful than your shithole country. Even after decades of US sanctions. 🤣🤣

Heck Iranian weapons are far superior to yours, and their scientists were regularly murdered by terrorist Israel. .
All the best to iran.
Seems India supplying deadly artillery shells to Israel made Iran angry... if Iran can talk about our internal matters we should start talking openly about those Iran internal problems like Kurdistan....
What will happen to chahat-bahar ?

Although a much ado about nothing - it will be brushed in under realpolitik.
They issue one/two anti india statement a year. After that it's business as usual. They know we know.
Glad to see other Muslim countries waking up to what Pakistan has always said.

Iran supreme leader Khamanei made the remarks recently. This will likely result in Iran foreign policy changes with India and add to the growing isolation of India in Asia.

The Indian media and government of course are barking like dogs.

India is bad for minorities under Modi no doubt, but Iran ain’t no saint either. Iran has track record of persecuting and committing massacres against Christian, Jewish, Kurdish and Yazidi minorities in Iran. Also Jews and Christians have very few rights and religious freedom and Christians are often subjected to huge discrimination.

However, in my country Algeria, Christians are doing just fine and there are also good number of Jews in our neighbouring Morocco.
lol. No tears will be shed in New Delhi.

Iran is just pissed that India's partnership with the Arabs (KSA/UAE) is multiple times deeper and still increasing at a rapid pace. Between Iran and GCC, India obviously sees the GCC as partners for the future.
That's true, Iran isn't pleased with India getting closer to the Arab world, but I’m not sure why. India’s relations with the Arab world aren’t anti-Iran, and India hasn’t provided any military support to the Arab world.
Oh really ?
Nepal - anti india
Maldives - anti india
Sri Lanka - anti india
Pakistan - lol
Bangladesh - now anti India
China - lol
Myanmar - yes they keep bombing your territory
Bhutan - pro India

Nice try
Nepal- Indian ally Nepal congress now main leader in govt
Maldives- New leader now groveling before India. Fired two of his own ministers to please Modi.
Sri Lanka- Indian ally in power. China humiliated multiple times by Indian allied regime.
Myanmar- Civil war and anarchy. Neither India nor China nor US has much ground influence due to civil war.
Bangladesh- Already process initiated to infiltrate New regime with agents
In a vacume Iran is taking up the leadership in the Muslim world to call out injustices to Muslim communities. How this plays out one will see but its significant as their relationship with India has been warm.

I noted injustices seem to happen only to Muslims eh. You don't see 40,000 Jews, Christians, Hindus or Buddhists dying. Maybe you need to change your politics.
What will happen to chahat-bahar ?

Although a much ado about nothing - it will be brushed in under realpolitik.
Exactly, not long ago Indians were ready to turn their cows into Biryani to celebrate the joint venture, claiming it will kill Gwadar .
Oh well , back to Veg Thali then . 😆

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