Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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Before the attack, Israel promised immediate response.

Now it is in the right time and place.
Strategic patience
Iran flipped the switch on Israel: now Iran is escalating and Israel is exercising strategic patience. Lol

@Hack-Hook or @Persian Gulf , what type of propellent is more commonly used in most of Iran's ballistic missiles? Are they solid or liquid-fueled?

With so many missiles, storage & subsequent launching must be quite the challenge.
probably Fateh class (solid fuel) and subsequent generations (Dezful, Haj Qasem, Kheibar Shekan, Fattah) are more mass produced

but Shahab-3 class (liquid fuel) and subsequent generations (Emad, Ghadr, Rezvan) and Khorramshahr class are also mass produced in huge numbers

That leaves UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain.

What a fearsome coalition
UAE will not join any anti-Iran coalition for sure

Saudi Arabia probably not overtly after rapprochement

Leaving Bahrain, lol
@Hack-Hook or @Persian Gulf , what type of propellent is more commonly used in most of Iran's ballistic missiles? Are they solid or liquid-fueled?

With so many missiles, storage & subsequent launching must be quite the challenge.

🇮🇷 For the record:

This is a satellite photo of an Iranian ballistic missile storage / production facility. There are HUNDREDS of such warehouses and production facilities in Iran.

Practically every cent of Iran's defense budget has been spent on the mass production of ballistic missiles since the early 2000's.

The situation has now reached a point where the problem is not production capacity, but storage capacity. There are literally too many missiles to store. One commander famously said: 'We produce them like cigars'. Let this be clear.

The picture in this link is insane.
i say mainly solid of fateh family
there are still liquid fuel missiles such as imad, rezvan and ... they use N2O4 / UDMH
I’m hearing Israel will attack Iran on or by Saturday. It appears Israel will primarily rely on air strikes to hit Iranian military assets and nuclear research facilities.

Just speculating here but they may combine air strikes with missile launches of their own.
I’m hearing Israel will attack Iran on or by Saturday. It appears Israel will primarily rely on air strikes to hit Iranian military assets and nuclear research facilities.

Just speculating here but they may combine air strikes with missile launches of their own.
Zionia will attack Iran 'tomorrow',,, :D
I’m hearing Israel will attack Iran on or by Saturday. It appears Israel will primarily rely on air strikes to hit Iranian military assets and nuclear research facilities.

Just speculating here but they may combine air strikes with missile launches of their own.
If they want war then they will do that. I think they will try something limited.
I’m hearing Israel will attack Iran on or by Saturday. It appears Israel will primarily rely on air strikes to hit Iranian military assets and nuclear research facilities.
I rate this as <5% likelihood

They want deescalation and just a response to have the last word, not to start war, and strikes against nuclear facilities will for sure start war.

what is Pyrrhic victory?
what is Moral victory?
Yes, bro.
Please note that I have seen many people now trying to justify the Irani failure by making absurd claims such as Iran wanted to give sleepless night to Zionists, Iran wanted to give a calculated response, or Iranians wanted to probe Israeli defences - all total nonsense. You don't really do that by hurling more than 300 drones/missiles. It's more like grapes are sour scenario. Iran had claimed to retaliate for the killing of many Irani generals. That has clearly not been achieved. I hope Iranians don't fall to disgrace by resorting to missile hits on to smaller Muslim countries just to get out of the deep imbalancement they find themselves in at present.
Yes, bro.
Please note that I have seen many people now trying to justify the Irani failure by making absurd claims such as Iran wanted to give sleepless night to Zionists, Iran wanted to give a calculated response, or Iranians wanted to probe Israeli defences - all total nonsense. You don't really do that by hurling more than 300 drones/missiles. It's more like grapes are sour scenario. Iran had claimed to retaliate for the killing of many Irani generals. That has clearly not been achieved. I hope Iranians don't fall to disgrace by resorting to missile hits on to smaller Muslim countries just to get out of the deep imbalancement they find themselves in at present.
you should engage your username and try to think a bit harder

and while you are at it, tell your fat leaders to close the israeli embassy they welcomed into their emirate
Since this attack the Gaza massacre has been very minimal and less than 2 per day from several hundred per day.
Great observation! Yeah, getting a C-130 partially damaged in the Irani attack is too great a price for Zionists to keep attacking Gaza.
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