Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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I’m hearing Israel will attack Iran on or by Saturday. It appears Israel will primarily rely on air strikes to hit Iranian military assets and nuclear research facilities.

Just speculating here but they may combine air strikes with missile launches of their own.
Let the illegal settlers deal with the Iranian allies first!
Turkey, Jordan and the rest of Muslim countries have betrayed the Palestinians for their own selfish interests.

I'll give you Jordan. It even betrayed us prior to the start of the 1973 October War because of the fear of zionist reprisal.

I'm not sure I would put Turkey on the same level as Jordan but it's definitely guilty of a certain level of hipocrisy. But then again, which country isn't? Everyone's hands are dirty it's just a matter of what degree.

I just think that the common wish of the destruction of the demonic entity must be incumbent on the Muslim Ummah for the sake of the Palestinians is an unrealistic task, unless the Ummah's self-destruction is of no concern anymore and clearly that's off the table as it should be. Of course relieving the Palestinians of their oppression by the zionists is all of the Muslims countries Islamic duty & responsibility, but there needs to be a way to do it without the risk and cost of self-destruction.

And just as a reminder, Egypt led the Ummah in 1948 for exactly that purpose and has suffered greatly and is still dealing with the consequences. Not saying you're unaware of that but many here have no clue the sacrifice it endured. At the same time, countries like Saudi Arabia and the UAE have done so much more good for the Palestinians than meets the eye or that people realize.

Iran Israel war was something near to happen from 2011 to 2015 (Iran Deal). Under Nobel peace prize administration :ROFLMAO:.

So if you want to know what could happen now, you should read news of those dates.

(2015 news)
Saudis to Allow Israeli Jets Airspace for Strikes on Iran – Report
17:16 GMT 25.02.2015 (Updated: 02:58 GMT 26.02.2015)

(2013 news)
Baghdad has warned Israel that it would respond to any attempts by the Jewish state to use Iraqi airspace for a strike against Iran’s controversial nuclear program, a top Iraqi minister told AFP.

What has changed now?

Nothing has changed. From your own source.

"Although Jerusalem and Riyadh do not have diplomatic ties, there have been many unconfirmed reports about a possible coordination between them against Iran."

Let's stop chastising and vilifying Saudi Arabia based on fabricated rumors of unconfirmed reports. Besides, if anything has changed, it's exactly the opposite where relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran have improved exponentially which is amazing all things considered. So to suggest that Saudiya would allow the demonic, child-killing murderous entity its airspace to conduct attacks on Iran is preposterous beyond belief.

what made you stick with the various iterations of pdf for so long? I mean the world is a big place and there many defence forums out there.

Just FYI, when American veterans say "I am ex-USAF" it means they were in the Air Force. The Air Force is a general term and is comprised of many branches. It doesn't mean they are strictly pilots and it's even more vague when someone follows that with - "in the F-111 and later the F-16". In this case, Mr. Gambit was a member of the ground crew for both those aircraft. While his knowledge is extensive, he still should be more forthcoming.

@gambit , you know I'm going to call you out on this every time I see it and just because it's 'truthful' in your mind, it's still the half-truth and wording it that way while not being specific as to your actual duty is disingenuous. As a veteran you should do better.

“We are going to attack you Iran, but first we need a vacation”
Is that what Iran did before they attacked Israel? IF I remember they waited weeks and after ramadan they attacked so Israel will do it after their holy holiday which makes sense. It's like US decided to go to war days before Christmas... that aint happening. Besides it gives Israel, US and arabs time to prepare for what looks like a major regional war that will likely escalate into something worse.
Maybe I'm wrong but I think all the successful hits of Iran over Israel were ballistic missiles.

No drones, no cruise missiles hit Israel.

Or at least, that seems in the public videos posted.

Ballistic missiles are by far much more visible than drones or Cruise missiles at night. It should not come as a surprise that there are no footage of low flying drones/CMs hitting targets in remote areas within Israel.
White House - Significant sanctions incoming on Iran from the US and expected from G7 nations.
I dont think the sanctions can do much, if they tightening economic sanctions Iran should withdraw all support with the IAEA.
I agree - what is left to sanction in Iran? Iran has proved itself resilient enough to circumvent these sanctions and pivoted towards China and Russia. This will only be a move to "save face" and be seen to be doing something against Iran without directly entering any conflict.
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