Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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They said they will target the drone and missiles program.
How many targets within the range of Israel 's jets, I assume there are very few targets within the reach of Israel's military unless they will use Jericho series of ballistic missiles
How many targets within the range of Israel 's jets, I assume there are very few targets within the reach of Israel's military unless they will use Jericho series of ballistic missiles
Not much is known about the capabilities of Jericho. Israeli could be planning to hit easier to reach targets such as Kermanshah which is just over 1400 KM from Tel-Aviv.

This hypothetical scenario would allow Israeli Airforce to "theoretically" conduct air strikes inside Iranian territory via Iraqi Airspace whilst utilizing the US and UK assets positions in that region for over watch:

How many targets within the range of Israel 's jets, I assume there are very few targets within the reach of Israel's military unless they will use Jericho series of ballistic missiles
they will require refueling points. it has to be supported by either US tankers over Iraq or by Saudi to make it happen..

The best option is to use Jericho 2 conventional/nuclear, and SLCM Popeye, which can carry 200kton nuke weapon from Daphne class sub.
The Netherlands’ embassy in Tehran has, in an Instagram post, urged Dutch citizens to “leave Iran if it is safely possible.”
I have a theory that US did not allow Israel to use its F35s. Very soon after Iran attacked, the internet started flooding with articles about how Russia made a deal with Iran to build Irans air defence. I think US is worried aobut F35s getting shot down, thats why they create these articles, in case Israel doesnt listen. A single F35 getting shot down would be a nightmare for NATO, especially if it was shot down by an Iranian SAM.
I think the chances of Israel responding are 50-50. The resolve shown by Iran has demoralized them. The 50% chance is due to the public pressure.

If Israel bombs any place in Iran this time, Iran should aim to wreck havoc in Israel with all its might. If Israel targets civilians, Iran should also target civilians. If Israel targets hospitals, Iran should also target military hospitals. If Israel targets educational institutions, Iran should bomb the educational institutions in Israel. The ratio should be 1:10.. every one Iranian citizen should result in 10 Israelis. 1 building should result in 10 Israeli buildings. One Iranian soldier should result in the death of 10 Israeli soldiers.
I'm not talking about sanctions, sanctions doesn't hurt Iran much but strike from Israel hurt most of Iran
I think it would have the opposite effect. A lot of Iranians are not convinced that the west/Israel is a threat to Iran. An attack on Iranian soil would increase the support from Iranian people, and they would be less likely to object in the future when IRGC invests more money in arming Hezbollah, Houthis etc. It would strenghten the IRGC in my opinion.
I have a theory that US did not allow Israel to use its F35s. Very soon after Iran attacked, the internet started flooding with articles about how Russia made a deal with Iran to build Irans air defence. I think US is worried aobut F35s getting shot down, thats why they create these articles, in case Israel doesnt listen. A single F35 getting shot down would be a nightmare for NATO, especially if it was shot down by an Iranian SAM.
Its a good point but western analyst have been at pains to explain how the S300 is ineffective against advanced Israeli aircraft. But the S300 system is not the only thing that Iran has in its arsenal.
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