Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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They will never target a nuclear facility. Most likely target will be a garrison on the Iraqi border.
Never say never but odds are not likely to many for them to strike and way to many underground only America could do it and all it would do would make the Iranians kick all inspectors out and the Iranians would decide to build a nuclear device right a sustained bombing event, but yes it doesn’t seem this Israeli “government” doesn’t think about the consequences for tomorrow.
I have a theory that US did not allow Israel to use its F35s. Very soon after Iran attacked, the internet started flooding with articles about how Russia made a deal with Iran to build Irans air defence. I think US is worried aobut F35s getting shot down, thats why they create these articles, in case Israel doesnt listen. A single F35 getting shot down would be a nightmare for NATO, especially if it was shot down by an Iranian SAM.
That is some theory you got there based off nothing to go by especially when it's the opposite that is true. F-16's and F-15's first saw combat with IAF and years before that F-4 phantoms shot down many Soviet piloted Mig-21's with Egyptian markings. US doesn't sell weapons/weapon systems to Israel so that they can say don't use them we're "worried" about getting shot down. That is not how it works in the real world and soon you will find out that F-35's will be the ones that will be at the forefront of Israel's retaliation.

Also you haven't been paying attention to F-35's capabilities when it comes to IADS. F-35's fly freely over Syrian s300's and Russian s400's. After all it was an F-35 during daylight that took out two IRGC Generals next to Iranian embassy in Damascus with Syrian s300 and much further away Russian s400 that still covers Damascus. See how easy your theory falls apart?
That is some theory you got there based off nothing to go by especially when it's the opposite that is true. F-16's and F-15's first saw combat with IAF and years before that F-4 phantoms shot down many Soviet piloted Mig-21's with Egyptian markings. US doesn't sell weapons/weapon systems to Israel so that they can say don't use them we're "worried" about getting shot down. That is not how it works in the real world and soon you will find out that F-35's will be the ones that will be at the forefront of Israel's retaliation.

Also you haven't been paying attention to F-35's capabilities when it comes to IADS. F-35's fly freely over Syrian s300's and Russian s400's. After all it was an F-35 during daylight that took out two IRGC Generals next to Iranian embassy in Damascus with Syrian s300 and much further away Russian s400 that still covers Damascus. See how easy your theory falls apart?
Wait a sec...Wait a minute...Why are you talking common sense...??? 😭
That is some theory you got there based off nothing to go by especially when it's the opposite that is true. F-16's and F-15's first saw combat with IAF and years before that F-4 phantoms shot down many Soviet piloted Mig-21's with Egyptian markings. US doesn't sell weapons/weapon systems to Israel so that they can say don't use them we're "worried" about getting shot down. That is not how it works in the real world and soon you will find out that F-35's will be the ones that will be at the forefront of Israel's retaliation.

Also you haven't been paying attention to F-35's capabilities when it comes to IADS. F-35's fly freely over Syrian s300's and Russian s400's. After all it was an F-35 during daylight that took out two IRGC Generals next to Iranian embassy in Damascus with Syrian s300 and much further away Russian s400 that still covers Damascus. See how easy your theory falls apart?
You really can’t compare Syria and iran, iran basically spent past few decades attempting to build an air defense that might one day have to defend their airspace from attack, Syria doesn’t have anything more than just a spattering of air defenses and most strikes are done outside of Syrian airspace over Lebanon., we recall one of the times Israel came in force to attack Syrian and Iranian forces flying over Syria f 16 was destroyed. Iran say what you will it’s not a perfect military many things are still out of date but their air defenses are starting to look top notch, from many fast boats out in the sea that can be used separately or a saturation attack against targets, Imagine a hundred small boats firing off anti aircraft missiles, they have a layers anti aircraft defense domestically made that Israel has never faced in combat, the only protection they don’t really have is against ballistic missiles unless Israel decides to use nukes iran doesn’t have anything to worry about.
The thing is iran I am sure has been observing f 35 and f 22 past couple of decades curious if they are able to see them on their radars
Nuclear facility instead?
Zionia has ZERO options to effect Iran in any meaningful way. The math is simple. Simple as that. So let’s dispense with these strike this and that.

Now they could launch a ineffectual pinprick and amplify it with propaganda. In that case, the ball is in Iran’s hands.

Logic dictates Zionia won’t do anything beyond kicking and screaming. But logic often isn’t the dominant tool. Just look at the illogical attack on the consulate. Reports indicate Zionia’s AF went around Mossad otherwise the attack would’ve been vetoed.

Iran has already announced that it will respond massively. Let’s sit back and watch.
That is some theory you got there based off nothing to go by especially when it's the opposite that is true. F-16's and F-15's first saw combat with IAF and years before that F-4 phantoms shot down many Soviet piloted Mig-21's with Egyptian markings. US doesn't sell weapons/weapon systems to Israel so that they can say don't use them we're "worried" about getting shot down. That is not how it works in the real world and soon you will find out that F-35's will be the ones that will be at the forefront of Israel's retaliation.

Also you haven't been paying attention to F-35's capabilities when it comes to IADS. F-35's fly freely over Syrian s300's and Russian s400's. After all it was an F-35 during daylight that took out two IRGC Generals next to Iranian embassy in Damascus with Syrian s300 and much further away Russian s400 that still covers Damascus. See how easy your theory falls apart?
F-35 program is not just a weapon, it's an economic project and the symbol of American military superiority.

An F-35 being shot down by Iranian weapons (which you have been comparing to junk for years) could lead to reduced sales and financial blows for the U.S. defense industry.

If an F35 was shot down, it would show that "the most advanced U.S. aircraft" can be defeated by Iranian "junk". It would embolden China to challenge American air superiority claims. It would weaken U.S. geopolitical influence in the M.E. Today, GCC rely on your protection. You think they didn't take note of your state of the art AD being defeated by "junk"? Why are they paying you billions of dollars in protection money if Iranian junk can beat it?

NATO's collective defense relies on the "invincibility" of American military technology. A loss that highlights a critical vulnerability would shake the confidence of NATO in American military technology and their reliance on your protection for deterrence.

It's not the 1950s anymore.
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The fact that it takes so long to launch an attack indicates the possibility of a large-scale attack being planned, just as it did for Iran.
Of course, we cannot rule out the possibility that it is taking time to negotiate the opening of airspace to Saudi Arabia and Jordan, but at least Jordan would be willing to give up its own airspace.
The fact that it takes so long to launch an attack indicates the possibility of a large-scale attack being planned, just as it did for Iran.
Of course, we cannot rule out the possibility that it is taking time to negotiate the opening of airspace to Saudi Arabia and Jordan, but at least Jordan would be willing to give up its own airspace.
Jordan is moot considering the US bases in Iraq
F-35 program is not just a weapon, it's an economic project and the symbol of American military superiority.
And a good one.

An F-35 being shot down by Iranian weapons (which you have been comparing to junk for years) could lead to reduced sales and financial blows for the U.S. defense industry.
No, it would not. Why...???

If an F35 was shot down, it would show that "the most advanced U.S. aircraft" can be defeated by Iranian "junk".
Because when the F-117 was shot down, and remember everyone mocked US because the jet was shot down with an older SAM system, no one smart took it that 'stealth' was a bad idea.

It would embolden China to challenge American air superiority claims.
China copied US with the J-20. Am not saying the J-20 is a copy of the F-22. Am saying that China took on the idea of low radar observability and built their own 'stealth' platform. Why did they do that? Did they not learned from the shoot down of an F-117 meant 'stealth' was a bad idea?

It would weaken U.S. geopolitical influence in the M.E.
No. It would not. Smart people know the F-35 was built for combat. To NOT use it, no matter who, would be stupid. The US have been the world's leader in aviation, civilian and military. Every airplane, civilian and military, have had its mishaps. From design flaws to simply human stupidity. But no one is stupid enough to buy a 747 or an F-35 and not fly them because of the fear of having a mishap in the public eye. If Israel uses the F-35 to retaliate against Iran, it will be a harsh lesson about 'stealth' for Iran, even if there is a loss of a jet.

And a good one.

No, it would not. Why...???

Because when the F-117 was shot down, and remember everyone mocked US because the jet was shot down with an older SAM system, no one smart took it that 'stealth' was a bad idea.

China copied US with the J-20. Am not saying the J-20 is a copy of the F-22. Am saying that China took on the idea of low radar observability and built their own 'stealth' platform. Why did they do that? Did they not learned from the shoot down of an F-117 meant 'stealth' was a bad idea?

No. It would not. Smart people know the F-35 was built for combat. To NOT use it, no matter who, would be stupid. The US have been the world's leader in aviation, civilian and military. Every airplane, civilian and military, have had its mishaps. From design flaws to simply human stupidity. But no one is stupid enough to buy a 747 or an F-35 and not fly them because of the fear of having a mishap in the public eye. If Israel uses the F-35 to retaliate against Iran, it will be a harsh lesson about 'stealth' for Iran, even if there is a loss of a jet.
F35 shot down would an utter disaster. Economically, security, IP, etc. the reasons are obvious.

And they will be shot down. The results would be worse than the F117A where it was mothballed and/or reserved for defenseless opponents.

The king has no clothes and he runs a kingdom of the blind.
No, it would not. Why...???
Did you even read what I wrote, or did you just leave out what you didn't like? I explained very well. We beat your state of the art air defence using what you call "homemade piece of junk." What kind of message does it send when we beat your state of the art aircraft with the same junk? Will it send a message of confidence in American weapons to NATO? You tricked Europe into believing Russia is some sort of existential threat beating on their door, ready to nuke them all. Will Europe buy more and rely more on expensive American military hardware that can be beaten by Iranian junk to protect them from Russia? Will the GCC rely more on American protection? What's going to happen to the petrodollar?

There was a time you had absolute dominance in science and technology. Not a single country could rival you. no one denies that. But all empires fall, and your time is running out. You are becoming less and less relevant every day. Just accept it.
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