Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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As i mentioned earlier i think that genocidal maniac netanyahu will retaliate but it will be limited. Attacking civilian or nuclear facilities will be a major escalation. They might attempt to attack missile facilities or even the airbase which houses the F14s.
i think there was a very good detailed article regarding the guidance and accuracy of Iranian BMs on old PDF and Laser ring gyros made in iran which was real breakthrough tech.

Laser ring gyros is not the industry standard?

All missiles INS used that.

Example applications
Airbus A320[6]
Agni III[7] and Agni-IV[8]
ASM-135 US Anti-satellite missile
Boeing 757-200
Boeing 777[10]
B-52H with the AMI upgrade[11]
EF-111 Raven
F-15E Strike Eagle
F-16 Fighting Falcon
HAL Tejas
MC-130E Combat Talon I and MC-130H Combat Talon II
MQ-1C Warrior
MK39 Ship's Internal Navigation System used in NATO surface ships and submarines[12]
P3 Orion (with upgrade)
Shaurya missile.
MH-60R, MH-60S, SH60F and SH60B Seahawk helicopters
Sukhoi Su-30MKI
Trident I and Trident II Missiles
PARALIGN, used for roller alignment
International Space Station
JF-17 Thunder[13]

Anyway that give some extra accuracy only to gyroscope, one part of INS, accelerometer is the important part to know where is the missile in the map, is it? gyr is more to do with keep the rocket in some position.

I think, Israel only can do jamming to GNSS (GPS/Beidou/Glonass) in the last 10% flight part of the missile/drone, and in a ballistic missile that is useless. The ballistic missile start to fall to the half path and in that moment is when accuracy is needed and the missile is still far from Israel jamming.
Nothing has changed. From your own source.

"Although Jerusalem and Riyadh do not have diplomatic ties, there have been many unconfirmed reports about a possible coordination between them against Iran."

Let's stop chastising and vilifying Saudi Arabia based on fabricated rumors of unconfirmed reports. Besides, if anything has changed, it's exactly the opposite where relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran have improved exponentially which is amazing all things considered. So to suggest that Saudiya would allow the demonic, child-killing murderous entity its airspace to conduct attacks on Iran is preposterous beyond belief.

The problem is KSA (and all GCC) is always very quiet about Israel/Iran tensions. They were very quiet one decade ago in important Hormuz tensions and they still are.

I understand, they dont need to report (or lie) to their people like West do.

But they could condemn Israel and they dont it.

Diplomatic relations between Israel and GCC also improved last years.

So it's not so easy like you say. Simply, we dont know. There is no public information about real KSA and GCC positions about Israel vs Iran conflict.

I hope they say something.
As i mentioned earlier i think that genocidal maniac netanyahu will retaliate but it will be limited. Attacking civilian or nuclear facilities will be a major escalation. They might attempt to attack missile facilities or even the airbase which houses the F14s.
I agree it.

But keep in mind: Iran has promised respond to Israeli responses, and faster than they already did.

So an escalation is expected.

Likely Israel will reply after Jewish Passover (it ends April 30th this year).

You are pretending like out of 350 missile/drones only three missed and 347 goes on target, destroyed Israel ....but it is quite opposite

Operation "Iron shield" is a success Europe UK and USA are celebrating it
Oh boy 🤣

Definition of resistance axis visually defined in one figure (after losing Libya and saving Syria)
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Arrow 3 costs $63M an interceptor
SM-3 $27M an interceptor
PAC-3 $3.7M an interceptor

Average Iranian BM $100-500K.

French destroyer had to return home after it ran out of interceptors. US navy had to ask Congress for $2B to replace the interceptors on its destroyers in Red Sea anti Houthi missions.

Now who do you think runs out of missiles first, Iran with a likely stockpile of 10,000-20,000 missiles Or Israel/US/Jordan?

Just look at Ukraine to see what happens as an ABM shield slowly starts to crumble under excessive cost and constrained supply of interceptors.

Israel cannot expect its ABM system to hold up for more than 1 or 2 weeks. It will end up blowing tens of billions of dollars during that time and run out of interceptors within a quick period of time. This not to mention every few attacks will air defense destroy systems. Which will only accelerate the collapse of the system. And remember during this attack HZ stayed silent. It has another 500,000+ rockets. No ABM system in world can be attacked by 500+ BMs 100+ CMs and 10,000 rockets a day and stay intact.

Israel knows this and US knows this. The economics just don’t add up.

we can repeat what we did for 10 or 20 wave and then target their Defensive system , the power stations and then their critical infrastructure ,

this time we should give green light to our allies to attack usa bases in Iraq , Syria and jordan as well ,

I like see what would happen to USA destroyer in Mediterranean sea when they are ran out of interceptor and something like Khalij fars or Hormoz missiles are targeting those as well ...

if zions attack us , then all who are defending them will be our legitimate targets ...
After some serious beating in Russia Ukraine theatre I believe many of Western countries have had enough and don't want to get involve in yet another conflict. But who knows?

The psychological effect of realizing even their best and most expensive defensive system can't save them from a coordinate and well performed attack is going to discourage them ...

I think Finland and Sweden are regretting about joining NATO because they involved themselves in something that they easily could avoid ...

European are in state of panic and that why are saying so many things against us .... and Persian Gulf Arabs are keeping their mouth shout because they simply understand that they just wasted their wealth to buy almost useless system ....
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