Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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we can repeat what we did for 10 or 20 wave and then target their Defensive system , the power stations and then their critical infrastructure ,

this time we should give green light to our allies to attack usa bases in Iraq , Syria and jordan as well ,

I like see what would happen to USA destroyer in Mediterranean sea when they are ran out of interceptor and something like Khalij fars or Hormoz missiles are targeting those as well ...

if zions attack us , then all who are defending them will be our legitimate targets ...
Iran doesnt want to attack USA. Rich kids of Tehran love Western clothes, cars and alcoholic beverages :ROFLMAO:.

Even, I guess, Iran got greenlight to attak Israel from USA.

USA is the most liar and backstabbing empire of all mankind times.

USA wants war and oil consumption decreased in Middle East, they dont give a fck about who win.

Remember Trump declarations:

USA uses Israel like USA uses Iran.

USA is the root of all mayhem in this planet. And Jewish American ruling elite dont give a fck about their corrupt dumb poor cousins of Middle East.
I think Finland and Sweden are regretting about joining NATO because they involved themselves in something that they easily could avoid ...
Finnish and Swedish corrupt elite dont regret a damn thing, if problems happen they would be in a Miami flat with a bagful of money of American bribes.

Finnish and Swedish people certainly will regret trust in their corrupt dumbfucks leaders.

Here in Spain we have a lot of North European tourists, they always had fame of easy to deceive people.
It seems that the Jews are cowards and do not have the courage to attack Iran.
The people who choose to attack will attack and they are already cowards.
Bibi hid in a rich friend bunker like a rat the saturday, and his son is sunbathing in Miami. Meanwhile a 7 years old bedouin little girl is in hospital almost dead because evil Israel state didnt give shelters to his community.

Common Israeli people will suffer their coward corrupt elite decisions.

By the other side:


USA, the root of all evil in this planet.

Every word that it comes from USA is a LIE.
Every action that it comes from USA is a BACKSTABBING.
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It seems that the Jews are cowards and do not have the courage to attack Iran.
don't underestimate them, they will attack when we are relaxed ...
We keep them waiting for days, so they are doing same thing ...

the reality as to what is happening, and why an effort to neutralize Iran will happen..
@Hack-Hook or @Persian Gulf , what type of propellent is more commonly used in most of Iran's ballistic missiles? Are they solid or liquid-fueled?

With so many missiles, storage & subsequent launching must be quite the challenge.

🇮🇷 For the record:

This is a satellite photo of an Iranian ballistic missile storage / production facility. There are HUNDREDS of such warehouses and production facilities in Iran.

Practically every cent of Iran's defense budget has been spent on the mass production of ballistic missiles since the early 2000's.

The situation has now reached a point where the problem is not production capacity, but storage capacity. There are literally too many missiles to store. One commander famously said: 'We produce them like cigars'. Let this be clear.

The picture in this link is insane.

Can't see the pic link bro.
Israel is currently unable to win and extricate itself from the war in Gaza, it is now poised to start a regional conflict with Lebanon and Iran. There is understandable anxiety in the west at the prospect of this and what it will entail.

I think Iran should declare they will strike pre-emptively if they got intel that Israeli attack is imminent.

That will put cat among the pigeons. There should be no breathing space given to Israel. Their original sin of bombing the consulate is far to too big, a huge challenge to rule based system, which western leaders keep on harping about.

The most heavily defended place on earth got pinged so easily. This is so damning, because there was no element of surprise, they were expecting it, they already knew hours before Iran launched its slow moving drones. They were lock stock and barrel loaded to defend, not just Israel but US/UK/France.... yet middle fingered by Iran.

No wonder whole western media is only showing the shooting down of slow moving drones and keep on coming with crap about 99% shoot down rate of Israeli defences. Even if thats true, that 1% is the one which was used to hit the strategic assets and that is where the penny drop.
All he has are these made up scenarios of what ifs because reality is too upsetting so he makes up things in his head of what he hopes happens. That is some kind of coping if you ask me.
Over the yrs, 'coping' is the same for every iteration of technology in warfare in this forum.

Everyone celebrated the shoot down on an F-117 by a Cold War era SAM ran by a smart operator. From that point on, the chorus of how 'stealth' will be defeated went on and on. Until today.

Everyone celebrated the Ukrainian Kucholga bi-static radar system as how 'stealth' will be defeated. On and on went the mockery of US. Until today.

Everyone celebrated on how cheap UAVs will overwhelm any defense. Until today.

The list of coping is long. And entertaining. :LOL:
Arrow 3 costs $63M an interceptor
SM-3 $27M an interceptor
PAC-3 $3.7M an interceptor

Average Iranian BM $100-500K.

French destroyer had to return home after it ran out of interceptors. US navy had to ask Congress for $2B to replace the interceptors on its destroyers in Red Sea anti Houthi missions.

Now who do you think runs out of missiles first, Iran with a likely stockpile of 10,000-20,000 missiles Or Israel/US/Jordan?

Just look at Ukraine to see what happens as an ABM shield slowly starts to crumble under excessive cost and constrained supply of interceptors.

Israel cannot expect its ABM system to hold up for more than 1 or 2 weeks. It will end up blowing tens of billions of dollars during that time and run out of interceptors within a quick period of time. This not to mention every few attacks will air defense destroy systems. Which will only accelerate the collapse of the system. And remember during this attack HZ stayed silent. It has another 500,000+ rockets. No ABM system in world can be attacked by 500+ BMs 100+ CMs and 10,000 rockets a day and stay intact.

Israel knows this and US knows this. The economics just don’t add up.

That's not how cost works. As long as the cost of the interceptor missile is less than the cost of the damages the incoming target would have caused (which it almost always is, Patriots or Arrow only protect important things), then you have a positive cost/benefit situation. Also, even if it's negative, war is not economics. Dollar values don't represent strategic importance. And even beyond that, the US military and Zionists is so well funded that it can afford to make many actual negative cost exchanges with no consequence.
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