Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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That is some theory you got there based off nothing to go by especially when it's the opposite that is true. F-16's and F-15's first saw combat with IAF and years before that F-4 phantoms shot down many Soviet piloted Mig-21's with Egyptian markings. US doesn't sell weapons/weapon systems to Israel so that they can say don't use them we're "worried" about getting shot down. That is not how it works in the real world and soon you will find out that F-35's will be the ones that will be at the forefront of Israel's retaliation.

Also you haven't been paying attention to F-35's capabilities when it comes to IADS. F-35's fly freely over Syrian s300's and Russian s400's. After all it was an F-35 during daylight that took out two IRGC Generals next to Iranian embassy in Damascus with Syrian s300 and much further away Russian s400 that still covers Damascus. See how easy your theory falls apart?
Wait don't talk sense bro they don't have that talk like Iran is the sole superpower on Earth and other countries living on its mercy
Did you even read what I wrote, or did you just leave out what you didn't like? I explained very well. We beat your state of the art air defence using what you call "homemade piece of junk." What kind of message does it send when we beat your state of the art aircraft with the same junk? Will it send a message of confidence in American weapons to NATO? You tricked Europe into believing Russia is some sort of existential threat beating on their door, ready to nuke them all. Will Europe buy more and rely more on expensive American military hardware that can be beaten by Iranian junk to protect them from Russia? Will the GCC rely more on American protection? What's going to happen to the petrodollar?
You are pretending like out of 350 missile/drones only three missed and 347 goes on target, destroyed Israel ....but it is quite opposite

Operation "Iron shield" is a success Europe UK and USA are celebrating it
You are pretending like out of 350 missile/drones only three missed and 347 goes on target, destroyed Israel ....but it is quite opposite

Operation "Iron shield" is a success Europe UK and USA are celebrating it
Must be why they went from “all options are on the table” to “we are not seeking escalation”

You are a pathetic Indian pretending to be Pakistani.
Must be why they went from “all option are on the table” to “we are not seeking escalation”

You are pathetic
Well despite the fact that both USA and Israel has killed your Generals
You still believe this
Are you in your senses
And don't get personal I don't want to waste "Words" on you
F-35 program is not just a weapon, it's an economic project and the symbol of American military superiority.

Duh! Finally a smart post.
An F-35 being shot down by Iranian weapons (which you have been comparing to junk for years) could lead to reduced sales and financial blows for the U.S. defense industry.

If an F35 was shot down, it would show that "the most advanced U.S. aircraft" can be defeated by Iranian "junk". It would embolden China to challenge American air superiority claims. It would weaken U.S. geopolitical influence in the M.E. Today, GCC rely on your protection. You think they didn't take note of your state of the art AD being defeated by "junk"? Why are they paying you billions of dollars in protection money if Iranian junk can beat it?

If this if that... Ifs is all you got. I'm amazed, not in a good way, how you come up with all these scenarios you pulled out of your... pull out of thin air with no thinking behind it. All you do is make up stuff of what ifs.
NATO's collective defense relies on the "invincibility" of American military technology. A loss that highlights a critical vulnerability would shake the confidence of NATO in American military technology and their reliance on your protection for deterrence.

Again I just love the way you just happen to know how things would go down if this or that happens... where do you come up with this?
It's not the 1950s anymore.
What! When did this happened?
And a good one.

No, it would not. Why...???

Because when the F-117 was shot down, and remember everyone mocked US because the jet was shot down with an older SAM system, no one smart took it that 'stealth' was a bad idea.

China copied US with the J-20. Am not saying the J-20 is a copy of the F-22. Am saying that China took on the idea of low radar observability and built their own 'stealth' platform. Why did they do that? Did they not learned from the shoot down of an F-117 meant 'stealth' was a bad idea?

No. It would not. Smart people know the F-35 was built for combat. To NOT use it, no matter who, would be stupid. The US have been the world's leader in aviation, civilian and military. Every airplane, civilian and military, have had its mishaps. From design flaws to simply human stupidity. But no one is stupid enough to buy a 747 or an F-35 and not fly them because of the fear of having a mishap in the public eye. If Israel uses the F-35 to retaliate against Iran, it will be a harsh lesson about 'stealth' for Iran, even if there is a loss of a jet.
All he has are these made up scenarios of what ifs because reality is too upsetting so he makes up things in his head of what he hopes happens. That is some kind of coping if you ask me.
All he has are these made up scenarios of what ifs because reality is too upsetting so he makes up things in his head of what he hopes happens. That is some kind of coping if you ask me.
Yes. Yes. I am sad that you went from "all options are on the table" to "we are not looking for an escalation" I had to make stuff up.
I don't know View attachment 34559what the hell are talking about
Do you even search for news just living in your dreams?
Where does it say US will join? You have been cirklejerking with the Americans for the past hour, and now you show a screenshot of some news about potential Israeli attacks? We are not worried about them.
It will certainly prove more difficult than imagined to mount an effective counterattack against Israel, which is surrounded by multiple layers of tight security by U.S. forces deployed throughout the Middle East, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia.

The Diplest trajectory, which was originally expected to have some effectiveness against missile defense, has now become a target for interception by U.S. forces in Iraq and Jordan as its altitude is lowered.

There seems to be no better way than to strengthen the steady effort to give technology and arms factories to Hezbollah and the Iraqi and Syrian resistance forces and to develop their capabilities.

The only way to fight a huge enemy is to bring them into close combat, a lesson learned since the Vietnam War.
It will certainly prove more difficult than imagined to mount an effective counterattack against Israel, which is surrounded by multiple layers of tight security by U.S. forces deployed throughout the Middle East, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia.

Arrow 3 costs $63M an interceptor
SM-3 $27M an interceptor
PAC-3 $3.7M an interceptor

Average Iranian BM $100-500K.

French destroyer had to return home after it ran out of interceptors. US navy had to ask Congress for $2B to replace the interceptors on its destroyers in Red Sea anti Houthi missions.

Now who do you think runs out of missiles first, Iran with a likely stockpile of 10,000-20,000 missiles Or Israel/US/Jordan?

Just look at Ukraine to see what happens as an ABM shield slowly starts to crumble under excessive cost and constrained supply of interceptors.

Israel cannot expect its ABM system to hold up for more than 1 or 2 weeks. It will end up blowing tens of billions of dollars during that time and run out of interceptors within a quick period of time. This not to mention every few attacks will air defense destroy systems. Which will only accelerate the collapse of the system. And remember during this attack HZ stayed silent. It has another 500,000+ rockets. No ABM system in world can be attacked by 500+ BMs 100+ CMs and 10,000 rockets a day and stay intact.

Israel knows this and US knows this. The economics just don’t add up.

The full context of his speech said he will continue the struggle and be the voice of oppressed Palestinians — still waiting to hear at what point he'll pick up his rifle and fight.

He's nothing but a charlatan using religious affinity to further his own politicial life cycle.

Also, the oil cargo is still going.
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