Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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Japan's SS-520, one of the world's smallest launch vehicles, weighs only half the weight of Kheibar Shekan, but its launch cost is estimated to be between $1.3 million and $2 million.
The U.S MGM-31, which is about the same size as the Kheibar Shekan, cost between $1 and $2 million in the 1960s.
In the 1960s, cars price only $2,000 to $3,000.
The prices of cars, home appliances, and machine tools in Iran are the same as in other countries around the world.
The estimate that Iran's MRBM costs between $100,000 and $200,000 is likely an underestimate.
Waiting for it to be revised to 60%
A few baby killer supporters were cheering a lot here that Isra-hell made 99% interceptions and it was a "huuuuuuge success".
This is what 99% interception rate looks like to Genocide cheerleaders!
I can only imagine what high-ranking Iranian military personnel and generals and IRGC and all the air defense & intelligence assets are currently doing as they watch every potential for a criminal attack. There must be quite the heavy-duty surveillance and intel-gathering operation going on at the moment and for the unseen future. Not to mention its assets in Syria & Lebanon and even Yemen.


And I'm sure the US is concerned about any potential counter-threat to the Strait of Hormuz and the vital shipping lanes in & out of the Persian Gulf. I'm sure Saudi Arabia is on the phone regarding that specific issue. Should the criminal entity be the reason for the world to face an oil crisis worse than 1973, that won't sit very well with Saudiya, the US nor will it with the European Union. Another reason why this supposed attack is being delayed and might not even result in what so many are expecting.
I can only imagine what high-ranking Iranian military personnel and generals and IRGC and all the air defense & intelligence assets are currently doing as they watch every potential for a criminal attack. There must be quite the heavy-duty surveillance and intel-gathering operation going on at the moment and for the unseen future. Not to mention its assets in Syria & Lebanon and even Yemen.

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And I'm sure the US is concerned about any potential counter-threat to the Strait of Hormuz and the vital shipping lanes in & out of the Persian Gulf. I'm sure Saudi Arabia is on the phone regarding that specific issue. Should the criminal entity be the reason for the world to face an oil crisis worse than 1973, that won't sit very well with Saudiya, the US nor will it with the European Union. Another reason why this supposed attack is being delayed and might not even result in what so many are expecting.
I especially do not care that much about the AD, if they can intercept whatever target they can acquire its still a good job, the thing is how Iran will again retaliate if IAF crosses the airspace to throw bombs at target and killing civilians in the process (which they will call "terrorists", because everyone besides Israelis and whites are terrorists)

It will also be a great time to revise the nuclear position and kick out AEIA inspectors and finally having some devices and working to upgrade them for fitting into missiles etc
I would be very careful about this
Maybe Dimona is filled with nothing but air.

Remember, unlike Iran nuclear plants, Dimona is not a nuclear plant, it's a nuclear facility for research.

And others

A explosion in a Iran nuclear plant means a Fukushima scenario.

But maybe a explosion in Dimona nuclear facility means nothing, because it's empty.

Iran has operational nuclear plants, Israel has no nuclear plants, just Dimona nuclear research center.
If they do close the straight, we are going to pay 7eur for a liter of gas, and pay 6eur for a pack of 5 biscuits, this would be at this point that Americans and Europeans should start to hate Israel more and more because it is the sole responsible for a war like always
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