Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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Only Saudis have 55 bn military budget and , they cry for the security? Dear God , what is really paradoxical is that their so called Ullama crying for years, like Muslims need to prepare themselves for so called fight with the West. Almost 100 years and not able to defend themselves, then they will make videos how I am supposed to tie my shoes.

As this is not a natural country that was formed organically.

It will collapse like a house of cards if there was to be a massive attack by another nation on it and split along tribal lines.

There are very few Arab countries that are real nations and they include ones such as Egypt and Morocco. Most are lines on a map drawn by UK and France at the end of WW1.
Maybe Dimona is filled with nothing but air.

Remember, unlike Iran nuclear plants, Dimona is not a nuclear plant, it's a nuclear facility for research.

And others

A explosion in a Iran nuclear plant means a Fukushima scenario.

But maybe a explosion in Dimona nuclear facility means nothing, because it's empty.

Iran has operational nuclear plants, Israel has no nuclear plants, just Dimona nuclear research center.
OSINT satellite imagery shows they are building extensive underground facilities there + already have huge underground facilities

we know Dimona is active because one of their scientists leaked hundreds of photos from inside many decades ago
Japan's SS-520, one of the world's smallest launch vehicles, weighs only half the weight of Kheibar Shekan, but its launch cost is estimated to be between $1.3 million and $2 million.
The U.S MGM-31, which is about the same size as the Kheibar Shekan, cost between $1 and $2 million in the 1960s.
In the 1960s, cars price only $2,000 to $3,000.
The prices of cars, home appliances, and machine tools in Iran are the same as in other countries around the world.
The estimate that Iran's MRBM costs between $100,000 and $200,000 is likely an underestimate.
$300,000-$500,000 per Fateh class missile is reasonable. Iran prioritises cost effective mass production above all else

probably more expensive for Khorramshahr, but not much more

Israel has c. 200 Arrow-2/3 interceptor missiles in total (100 deployed + 100 reserve). Significantly less than I had initially estimated (134 deployed + c. 300 in reserve).

Israel claims to have intercepted c. 50 Iranian missiles, so a reasonable estimate is that Israel used c. 50 / 200 total Arrow missiles = c. 25% depletion of entire Arrow ABM inventory already?

That is not good for Israel.
OSINT satellite imagery shows they are building extensive underground facilities there + already have huge underground facilities

we know Dimona is active because one of their scientists leaked hundreds of photos from inside many decades ago
Who scientist? Vanunu?

Anyway, even if that Made in Israel operation were true, it was "many decades ago", it's not now.
Should we believe this funny lie? Was this kid in the Ramon military base?
Is she the commander of the Ramon base who was killed?
Welcome to the world of collateral damage.
What is so strange for you?

It's something shameful for Israel state, because his community had no shelters.

A injured avoidable if the racist Israel state would have been spent a little money in shelters for bedouins.
Iran doesnt want to attack USA. Rich kids of Tehran love Western clothes, cars and alcoholic beverages :ROFLMAO:.
95% of those are fakes that made in south tehran
Japan's SS-520, one of the world's smallest launch vehicles, weighs only half the weight of Kheibar Shekan, but its launch cost is estimated to be between $1.3 million and $2 million.
The U.S MGM-31, which is about the same size as the Kheibar Shekan, cost between $1 and $2 million in the 1960s.
In the 1960s, cars price only $2,000 to $3,000.
The prices of cars, home appliances, and machine tools in Iran are the same as in other countries around the world.
The estimate that Iran's MRBM costs between $100,000 and $200,000 is likely an underestimate.
not really , most of those price is the producer benefit
Who scientist? Vanunu?

Anyway, even if that Made in Israel operation were true, it was "many decades ago", it's not now.

satellite imagery shows construction of underground facilities at Dimona site has not stopped. it is illogical to infer that Israel has nothing but air under Dimona and it is all a fake ruse. also slightly off topic
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