Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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funny part initial report stated the bedoin child injured due to activity of air defense
Actual Dimona plutonium processing reactor/facility is 90 feet underground... impossible for anyone to hit. the top one where the Dome is erected, is under IAEA inspection
Actual Dimona plutonium processing reactor/facility is 90 feet underground... impossible for anyone to hit. the top one where the Dome is erected, is under IAEA inspection
90 feet is equal to 30m . depend on what is the layer above it i say no its not impossible
Actual Dimona plutonium processing reactor/facility is 90 feet underground... impossible for anyone to hit. the top one where the Dome is erected, is under IAEA inspection
wonder how you feel about Iranian enrichment facility being 300 feet underground at Fordow
Arrow 3 costs $63M an interceptor
SM-3 $27M an interceptor
PAC-3 $3.7M an interceptor

Average Iranian BM $100-500K.

French destroyer had to return home after it ran out of interceptors. US navy had to ask Congress for $2B to replace the interceptors on its destroyers in Red Sea anti Houthi missions.

Now who do you think runs out of missiles first, Iran with a likely stockpile of 10,000-20,000 missiles Or Israel/US/Jordan?

Just look at Ukraine to see what happens as an ABM shield slowly starts to crumble under excessive cost and constrained supply of interceptors.

Israel cannot expect its ABM system to hold up for more than 1 or 2 weeks. It will end up blowing tens of billions of dollars during that time and run out of interceptors within a quick period of time. This not to mention every few attacks will air defense destroy systems. Which will only accelerate the collapse of the system. And remember during this attack HZ stayed silent. It has another 500,000+ rockets. No ABM system in world can be attacked by 500+ BMs 100+ CMs and 10,000 rockets a day and stay intact.

Israel knows this and US knows this. The economics just don’t add up.

Um your entire "economics" argument is based on the fact that Iran gets to fire its missiles and Israel only gets to intercept those missile with more expensive missiles, hence they will loose the "economics" war.

But you do not account for the fact, the other side will retaliate too, and in the absence similar air defence capabilities, will leed due huge losses on the ground for Iran.

Lets assume your numbers are correct(which they are not).

Lets assume Iran fires 100 ballistics missiles on Israel, each costing $500,000. Israel fires 100 Arrow interceptors $63 million each. All of the missiles are intercepted and there are no losses on the ground.
So Iran spent $50 Million, Israel spent 6.3 Billion.

But when Israel fires back lets say 100 missiles or 100 bombs from airplanes to bomb critical infrastructure in Iran, and there is nothing there to intercept them. How much economic losses would Iran suffers. If Israel ends up bombing Iran's Nuclear infrastructure, what do you think that is worth ?
its estimated the new facility in natanz is even deeper than fordow
that one 400-450ft (150m) under mountain

but construction very slow
Lets assume Iran fires 100 ballistics missiles on Israel, each costing $500,000. Israel fires 100 Arrow interceptors $63 million each. All of the missiles are intercepted and there are no losses on the ground.
So Iran spent $50 Million, Israel spent 6.3 Billion.

But when Israel fires back lets say 100 missiles or 100 bombs from airplanes to bomb critical infrastructure in Iran, and there is nothing there to intercept them. How much economic losses would Iran suffers. If Israel ends up bombing Iran's Nuclear infrastructure, what do you think that is worth ?
Israel has 200 Arrow-2/3 missiles in total so in your scenario after 2 rounds Iran can start to bomb Israel's infrastructure with no more Arrow missiles
Um your entire "economics" argument is based on the fact that Iran gets to fire its missiles and Israel only gets to intercept those missile with more expensive missiles, hence they will loose the "economics" war.

It’s not just economics, it’s also supply. You seem to think that there are an infinite amount of interceptor missiles. And you seem to also think that the shield will not collapse (99% success rate forever) and Israel will not lose any radars or air defense systems which you cannot “replace” that easily. These are systems that cost billions of dollars.

But you do not account for the fact, the other side will retaliate too, and in the absence similar air defence capabilities, will leed due huge losses on the ground for Iran.

Iran’s missiles are stored in mountain underground facilities. If you bothered to do one bit of research you will realize destroying Iran’s missile program isn’t that easy. During this recent attack, Iran didn’t use even use its silos and exclusively used TELS. It didn’t use Hypersonics or it’s higher cost missiles either.

Israel cannot even fully stop Hamas rockets 6 months later. And Hezbollah rockets/drones/guided munitions are striking with impunity in the North (18 soldiers seriously wounded yesterday alone). Yet they are going to stop Iranian missiles from 1500KM away in one of the biggest land masses in the Middle East?

Sure bud
Lets assume your numbers are correct(which they are not).

Prove they are not that. Rather than just talk hot air. You clearly have demonstrated up to this point you have no clue what you are talking about.

Lets assume Iran fires 100 ballistics missiles on Israel, each costing $500,000. Israel fires 100 Arrow interceptors $63 million each. All of the missiles are intercepted and there are no losses on the ground.
So Iran spent $50 Million, Israel spent 6.3 Billion.

And where are you going to get the next 100 Arrow 3? You realize Arrow 3 is a ballistic missile with a seeker, right? What an absurd scenario where nothing gets thru and “no losses on the ground”. That’s your “realistic scenario”.

You think that there is this endless supply of interceptors and it just doesn’t work that way.

But when Israel fires back lets say 100 missiles or 100 bombs from airplanes

Israel has a limited amount of Jericho II & III missiles as they are nuclear deterrent. Not made for conventional warfare in such numbers.

And “bombs by airplanes”, Israel would need to refuel to Iran and back to even do this. Yeah I’m sure Iran won’t notice 70 fighter jets flying towards it.

What a realistic scenario Iran fires 100 missiles nothing gets thru and Israel flies to Iran and destroys all the missiles :rolleyes:

to bomb critical infrastructure in Iran,

And what infrastructure is that?

and there is nothing there to intercept them.

Oh so Iran now has no air defenses in your wrapped mind. Clearly you have zero clue and your opinion is worth less than the dirt under an IDF soldiers boot.

Your credibility is next to nothing at this point with your absurd scenarios. Looking at your account it’s clear why. Shocking to see another random Indian who kisses Israeli ass when they don’t even like your country.
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Incoming news Israeli defenses intercepted 100% of all missiles;


The only problem is that it was someone's 50th birthday party and now the IDF had to review their figure so not get sued.
Lets assume your numbers are correct(which they are not).
Elaborate. Why are the numbers not correct? Tell us what proof you have? Share
Um your entire "economics" argument is based on the fact that Iran gets to fire its missiles and Israel only gets to intercept those missile with more expensive missiles, hence they will loose the "economics" war.

But you do not account for the fact, the other side will retaliate too, and in the absence similar air defence capabilities, will leed due huge losses on the ground for Iran.

Lets assume your numbers are correct(which they are not).

Lets assume Iran fires 100 ballistics missiles on Israel, each costing $500,000. Israel fires 100 Arrow interceptors $63 million each. All of the missiles are intercepted and there are no losses on the ground.
So Iran spent $50 Million, Israel spent 6.3 Billion.

But when Israel fires back lets say 100 missiles or 100 bombs from airplanes to bomb critical infrastructure in Iran, and there is nothing there to intercept them. How much economic losses would Iran suffers. If Israel ends up bombing Iran's Nuclear infrastructure, what do you think that is worth ?

The only accurate missiles the entity possesses is slow moving cruise missiles, that will probably be intercepted at rates of 90%+ by Iran's excellent short to medium range air defence systems, unless the entity fires them at random civilian targets like towns and cvillages that have little to no air defences in place.

Jericho missiles are far too inaccurate to hit anything but really large buildings.

Now, what about the Iranian retaliation?

We can assume a "decapitation" strike on the entity's miltary and civilian leadership and infrastructure using hundreds of ballistic missiles coming in 3-4 waves of maybe 100 each.

Iran imposed new rules on the entity last weekend and they would be wise to follow them.

PS - It may help if you actually studied and figured out the interception rate last weekend was around 50% for a relatively small Iranian ballistic missile barrage, before having made this post.
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