Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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🔴 Hezbollah uses Diamond-3 missiles! During Hezbollah's deployment of an operation to target the AN/TPQ-37 radar in the air control unit at the Zionist Meron base, an advanced version of the Almas missile appeared, namely the advanced Almas - 3, in a dangerous precedent for the enemy's calculations. Equipping Hezbollah with this advanced version of the Iranian Almas missile displays... Most of the enemy bases are at risk located within 10 kilometers of the border if Hezbollah has not developed the missile and made upgrades to increase the range. The Almas-3 anti-armor missile is similar to the Israeli Spike ER2 anti-armor missile, which has the ability to fire in both ground and air modes, and its maximum range when fired from the ground is 10 kilometers. “if Hezbollah does not increase the range through modernization and development.” "
Incoming news Israeli defenses intercepted 100% of all missiles;

View attachment 34673

The only problem is that it was someone's 50th birthday party and now the IDF had to review their figure so not get sued.
Israel did intercept 100% of Iran's missiles. Some with Air defense, Others with its Air bases and other facilities!🤣
$300,000-$500,000 per Fateh class missile is reasonable. Iran prioritises cost effective mass production above all else

probably more expensive for Khorramshahr, but not much more

In comparison a tomahawk cruise missile costs 2 million US dollars each and a ATACM costs 1.7 million US dollars per unit with a range of just 300km and speed of just Mach 3.

So maybe we can assume for the US to produce an equivalent ballistic missile like the most advanced fired by Iran last weekend, the cost may be anywhere from 5-10 million US dollars each.
In comparison a tomahawk cruise missile costs 2 million US dollars each and a ATACM costs 1.7 million US dollars per unit with a range of just 300km and speed of just Mach 3.

So maybe we can assume for the US to produce an equivalent ballistic missile like the most advanced fired by Iran last weekend, the cost may be anywhere from 5-10 million US dollars each.
the majority of the price is the margin of Lockheed Martin and Raytheon
Starts from 13:21
Fun coincidence, the same foreign minister of Iran Hossein Amir-Abdollahian is right now on CNN being interviewed by Erin Burnett and he is so cool, calm and collected all business and diplomacy is laying it down! His warning was so well worded even while speaking Farsi and it being interpreted. It's outstanding.
When Iran attacked Israel, for sure it planned the next steps as well.

What are the chances that Iran already has a nuclear weapon..??? Or can assemble one in few months..??

If they have one, maybe in near future there is a perfect timing to test one nuke...
Pakistan does not share weapon tech with Iran, this is blatantly false.
AQ Khan shared nuclear weapon designs with Iran, so Pakistan shared weapons with Iran decades ago. already, but Pakistan doesnt share weapons tech with Iran today, i can easily agree with that- Pakistan today seems IMO to essentially be a below threshold adversary state to Iran, and the response attack that Pakistan gave Iran after that last attack on terrorists in Pakistan was more like a confirmation of that viewpoint towards Iran.
Pakistan also doesn't share much intel with Iran
As of today, yes, and i agree with this in my message above^^^.
due to Iran's close ties with India.
No, its more like due to US hijacking the Pakistani govt to mold it in its preferred image and use it for its regional objectives, like attack Iran. US has "money" and Pakistan needs that apparently, so US-Pakistani govt current relations must have some mutual beenefit for both parties, the why and hows of those dyanmics and relationships, i dont fully know.
AQ Khan shared nuclear weapon designs with Iran, so Pakistan shared weapons with Iran decades ago. already, but Pakistan doesnt share weapons tech with Iran today, i can easily agree with that- Pakistan today seems IMO to essentially be a below threshold adversary state to Iran, and the response attack that Pakistan gave Iran after that last attack on terrorists in Pakistan was more like a confirmation of that viewpoint towards Iran.
no he didn't do that
When Iran attacked Israel, for sure it planned the next steps as well.
Sure. But technically, Iran had its Israel plan mapped out and ongoing for at least 15+ years.
What are the chances that Iran already has a nuclear weapon..???
not high, but Iran has done nuclear tests in N Korea probably and Iran has all the pieces for a nuclear weapon, but does Iran actually have a nuclear weapon now? no.

Or can assemble one in few months..??

If they have one, maybe in near future there is a perfect timing to test one nuke...
Why you and others so worried about Iran needing a nuke now?

Iran doesn't have a nuke, Iran doesn't need a nuke, Iran has planned for war without nukes, Iran is still strong without nukes- Iran is still a conventional war machine, no wonder no power has had the power to invade Iran for 40+ years now- Some people on this thread have already replaced their ignorance of true Iranian military power with the propaganda about Iranian military they have absorbed-smh.
We share a lot of intel and weapons technology, we helped them with their reprocessing etc.
Pakistanis denying that AQ Khan shared nuclear weapons technology with Iran is very similar to Nigerians denying Nigeria is over 200M population - cases of STRONK denial. lmao.
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