Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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Interesting. Any idea what missiles were used? Some sources say the missiles that hit the airbase were hypersonic Fattah missiles.
I doubt Fattah was used, its a recently unveiled missile with (logically thinking) low production rate that will rise when time passes

My take is that it was a mix of Sejjil, Ghadr/Emad and maybe Kheybar or Hajj Qassem that made impacts

Ghadr and Emad stocks are probably completely saturated, at least were, they should count on at least 1000 missiles of that family produced since one/two decades, they completely saturated underground bases
Posting here after a long time, just came here to say this; May Allah SWT bless the people of Iran! It reminds me of the Hadith of the “Black banners from Khorasan”. May the rest of the Muslim leaders learn from Iran and course correct, Allah SWT always has His doors of mercy open don’t be like those who can see and are still blind and those who can hear but are still deaf.
The only accurate missiles the entity possesses is slow moving cruise missiles, that will probably be intercepted at rates of 90%+ by Iran's excellent short to medium range air defence systems, unless the entity fires them at random civilian targets like towns and cvillages that have little to no air defences in place.
they don't even have long enough range cruise missiles

they have Popeye Turbo submarine launched cruise missiles but these (i) are fitted almost exclusively with nuclear warheads and (ii) only fitted in groups of 4 per submarine ... 4 subsonic cruise missiles isn't going to do much. USA had to fire 60+ cruise missiles to destroy 3 buildings in Syria in 2018
Jericho missiles are far too inaccurate to hit anything but really large buildings.
good point. but these are also almost exclusively fitted with nuclear warheads given Israel is a tactical AirPower centric country and they have maybe 100-200 Jericho missiles in total (at most)

and I doubt they want to let Iranian air defence practice against their main nuclear deterrent
I doubt Fattah was used, its a recently unveiled missile with (logically thinking) low production rate that will rise when time passes

My take is that it was a mix of Sejjil, Ghadr/Emad and maybe Kheybar or Hajj Qassem that made impacts

Ghadr and Emad stocks are probably completely saturated, at least were, they should count on at least 1000 missiles of that family produced since one/two decades, they completely saturated underground bases
Hajizadeh confirmed no Sejjil was used
What i was also thinking... Sejjil-2 would have done a carnage let alone K-4 with 2ton warhead
I would guess it's because Sejjil is much more expensive than the others so not a good candidate to use when your enemy's ABM capability is at its peak
Ghadr and Emad stocks are probably completely saturated, at least were, they should count on at least 1000 missiles of that family produced since one/two decades, they completely saturated underground bases
In my opinion, in case of conflict, Iran should fire all these old missiles in general.

They used to say that we don't have enough storage space for new production and advanced missiles.

By hitting these old missiles, Israel's defense missiles will be exhausted and space will be created for storing new advanced missiles.
not confirmed. not seen in any of the videos released
Yeah Rezvan keeps popping in and out depending on analyst. It might be that an upgrade with a different name was used ergo the confusion.
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