Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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Maybe Dimona is filled with nothing but air.

Remember, unlike Iran nuclear plants, Dimona is not a nuclear plant, it's a nuclear facility for research.

And others

A explosion in a Iran nuclear plant means a Fukushima scenario.

But maybe a explosion in Dimona nuclear facility means nothing, because it's empty.

Iran has operational nuclear plants, Israel has no nuclear plants, just Dimona nuclear research center.
I meant the news, smells the alarmist type of twitter account
Maybe Dimona is filled with nothing but air.

Remember, unlike Iran nuclear plants, Dimona is not a nuclear plant, it's a nuclear facility for research.

And others

A explosion in a Iran nuclear plant means a Fukushima scenario.

But maybe a explosion in Dimona nuclear facility means nothing, because it's empty.

Iran has operational nuclear plants, Israel has no nuclear plants, just Dimona nuclear research center.
Yes, 5 floors underground full of nothing but emptiness… no equipment, no reprocessing facilities, no nuclear weapons core production, nothing.. absolute nothingness…

and by the way, I am from the planet Zod..
That is some theory you got there based off nothing to go by especially when it's the opposite that is true. F-16's and F-15's first saw combat with IAF and years before that F-4 phantoms shot down many Soviet piloted Mig-21's with Egyptian markings. US doesn't sell weapons/weapon systems to Israel so that they can say don't use them we're "worried" about getting shot down. That is not how it works in the real world and soon you will find out that F-35's will be the ones that will be at the forefront of Israel's retaliation.

Also you haven't been paying attention to F-35's capabilities when it comes to IADS. F-35's fly freely over Syrian s300's and Russian s400's. After all it was an F-35 during daylight that took out two IRGC Generals next to Iranian embassy in Damascus with Syrian s300 and much further away Russian s400 that still covers Damascus. See how easy your theory falls apart?

As Putin and the entity have a nice little "understanding" that they will stay out of each other's way in Syria.

Nice little cope post there buddy..
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Yes, 5 floors underground full of nothing but emptiness… no equipment, no reprocessing facilities, no nuclear weapons core production, nothing.. absolute nothingness…

and by the way, I am from the planet Zod..
Have you gone there? and lately?
You can't know. Keep believing things without proves, it's what gentiles best do: believe every BS made in chosen people.

Israel Iran tensions started more than one decade ago, enough time to take out every dangerous thing from Dimona. If it's some time had something dangerous there, because maybe it's all a big lie, they do that kind of things.

But a operational nuclear plant like Iran has, it's for sure that it will be a mess if it's attacked, dangerous scenario for surrounding countries too.

Unlikely kind of attack in a short term, but escalation is for sure, and it could happen in a few months.
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Only Saudis have 55 bn military budget and , they cry for the security? Dear God , what is really paradoxical is that their so called Ullama crying for years, like Muslims need to prepare themselves for so called fight with the West. Almost 100 years and not able to defend themselves, then they will make videos how I am supposed to tie my shoes.
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