Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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I see the headline 'Iran activates air defences' in several places.

What the F is that supposed to mean? are there no defences usually and someone has to activate them before they can shoot down stufF? like does the enemy have to warn you in advance?
Is it really a success for Iran let 3 drones fly until center Iran Isfahan?

And crossing all Iraq airspace over Iran backed militias with no problems.

Common thing for a sovereign state would be shoot down the drones when they entered in the border.

And a better thing, shoot down over Iraq.
A few options:

Drones launched by proxies

Intention could have been to confuse. The attack is miniscule enough to not warrant a retaliation.

However, their main attack will come later.

Your enemy lacks honour, not intellect.

I'm hearing the drones were launched from within; if this is to be the case, it's a serious security breach and a lack of proper intel gathering from internal agencies.

However, it's just unconfirmed reports, we will have to wait until the fog clears to see what exactly happened.
then we should attack them and don't let them to regroup
I am agree. It is true that Israel's attack was nothing more than a joke, but we must respond to them with hundreds of ballistic missiles. The main reason for the war is to stop the Palestinian genocide
Is it really a success for Iran let 3 drones fly until center Iran Isfahan?

And crossing all Iraq airspace over Iran backed militias with no problems.
The quadcopters flew from inside Iran.

Israel had carried out this type of attack with quadcopters several times before.
Seems like a win win win.

The Israelis quenched their thirst with a quad copter attack, while the Iranians are content this was a whisker as compared to raining UAVs, missiles down mainland Israel.

Best of all the Zionist scumbags sucked another $14bn from US taxpayer money.

Going forward, Iran would be better off making sure insurance on trade routes to Israel becomes as expensive as possible. While each one of us needs to religiously engage in BYD campaigns.

Another stooge, Jordan, needs to be notified in no uncertain terms that their role in the conflict, will have very negative repercussions for their rulers.
The quadcopters flew from inside Iran.

Israel had carried out this type of attack with quadcopters several times before.
Some source about that?

That is not a "Israel attack", it would be a attack from Israel sponsored groups inside Iran.


Fox news (not most credible I know but still) reporting that most attacks seem to be on Nuclear facilities. Looks like the objective is to 'denuclearize Iran' permanently.


I think thus all is just a smokescreen. Real attacks will come from another side. ISKP being readied.
Some source about that?

That is not a "Israel attack", it would be a attack from Israel sponsored groups inside Iran.
The words of Iranian commanders in Iranian TV news.
Iran said a slightest strike will invite a full blown response from Iran. Now let's see how Iran will respond. In case of no response Iran will appear as a defeated weak and scared country.
Looks like they are completely denying of any strike inside Iran for face saving.
The difference between Iran's attack and Israel's attack
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