Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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He knows, it's a bluff and the rest will be propaganda for the masses, and Israel hopes the utter insignificance of the act would mean iran responding would be daft to escalate over a fart in the wind.
This is all about PROPAGANDA because it's the deluded masses they want to satisfy with bullshit

The indians did the exact same thing, first with a border operation on their own side of the border in around 2017, did nothing, crossed no red lines but claimed big and social media was a mess of propaganda.
in 2019 they tried something similar after losing 40 soldiers to a kashmiri attack, but they just tried to be too smart and actually fired something into Pakistan even if it hit nothing but a field and a few tries, the PROPAGANDA of hitting something meant Pakistan couldn't tolerate it.
so next day Pakistan gears up and sends in the air force
Indian air force is blinded
Pakistan hits multiple targets of choice, whilst mirroring Indias hitting nothing choice
and In the fight, shoot down a Indian jet and capture a Indian pilot
India in panic shoot down their own helicopter

now all this is bad enough for India, but they are humiliated in front of their own rabid Hindu population, so what do they do? They claim they shot down a f16😂😂 no proof whatsoever, yet the purpose is the fight goes into the propaganda sphere in the Internet

Israel has attempted the EXACT same thing now, nothing much happened, hoping Iran can't respond due to the low level type of action
But propaganda goes wild on the Internet with one side plus indians salivating like mad and Iranians plus pals expressing how pointless and low level the action was.
seems like iran will retaliate massively againdt israel .. seems like israel tried to climb the escalation ladder but failed.. i feel bad of israel
I'm waiting if It proven it was Israel doing I expect IRGC break 10 windows in Israel
Stop putting the same post up again and again. It’s spamming and merits a thread ban

It's not spamming, I attached Iranian authorities statements..... its legitimate reply to a poster when question was asked should Iran respond ..... all based on authorities statements.
It's not spamming, I attached Iranian authorities statements..... its legitimate reply to a poster when question was asked should Iran respond ..... all based on authorities statements.
Ye but putting it up 4 times?
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Looks like Israel did attack with its airforce - the taking out of Syrian radars prior to the attack proves that.

Iran discovered why having no airforce is such a problem for their countries offensive capabilities….
Ye but putting it up 4 times?

So... it's a question of hour .... "Will Iran Respond".... And on such question answer should carry Iranian authorities statements.


Now, can you reinstate my post which you knocked-off.
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A few options:

Drones launched by proxies

Intention could have been to confuse. The attack is miniscule enough to not warrant a retaliation.

However, their main attack will come later.

Your enemy lacks honour, not intellect.
from the intensity of attack, US and allies does not want escalation level that convert it into a regional war. even Israel seems not ready with already a conflict at hand.

Israel plans were going smooth in Gaza, this Iran attack was unexpected and an uninvited one.

it seems a face saving is going on. with both of them even now. it may cool down because taking turns is no option. either you go straight ahead with the conflict or cool it down.

let's wait for the development which way it goes. Iran foreign minister hours before attack said their response will be immediate.
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