Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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Israel's powerful attack on Iran with some toy drones
Ok israelis government just has acknowledged it was indeed Israels failed drone attack


they claim they went after Drone factory in esfahan because there the Shahed drones were made to attack Israel.

what a failure even israeli media knows it was a failure,

no damage done and all drones shot down.

total victory for Iran
More bs comparisons. Iran only launched drones/missiles after its embassy was directly attacked. Pakistan has never been directly attacked by Israel and for good reason. Pakistan is the only Muslim country that can defeat and destroy Israel.

The rest can only do damage. Turkey however can defeat Israel in conventional war, obviously in real world it would never be limited to just conventional.

With that said it’s true Muslim countries should take a strong stance against Israel like Iran has.
I did not make any comparison, read my full post again and read it carefully... if you have comprehension issues, use Grammarly or chatGPT or google.
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2 separate drone attacks.

One group in Tabriz (500 miles north of Isfahan) - shot down

One group in Isfahan - shot down

We will see in the coming hours and days the full details slowly leak. But it appears to have been a very very limited attempt.
2 separate drone attacks.

One group in Tabriz (500 miles north of Isfahan) - shot down

One group in Isfahan - shot down

We will see in the coming hours and days the full details slowly leak. But it appears to have been a very very limited attempt.

israeli government already acknowledged it was behind it

they claim they are "angry that the US leaked informations about the operation"
The U.S media always spreads fake news, but this time too many outlets, including NBC, the Washington Post, and Fox, reported similar stories. It is also possible that this was a deliberate diversion to make Iran complacent, thinking that the attacks were over, or to expose their air defense network.
The U.S media always spreads fake news, but this time too many outlets, including NBC, the Washington Post, and Fox, reported similar stories. It is also possible that this was a deliberate diversion to make Iran complacent, thinking that the attacks were over, or to expose their air defense network.
It is indeed possible that this time Iran's air defense level will be tested
No, it’s not. Even civilian flights over Isfahan & Natanz are diverting. Something is happening.

That's because air defense has been activated. Doubt Israel has the guts to attack Iran even with US and NATO support, Iran isn't a defenseless imprisoned people like the Palestinians. Also the supply lines from China and Russia will cause immense destruction to Israel.
What do you guys think? Anyway, Israel attacked Iran and we have to answer them with 300 ballistic missiles and 400 suicide drones. 😎🔥
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