Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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I don't know about nuclear facilities- only pointing to Fox news report. But if Israel really wanted to bomb a ficility, they can do it. Come on, Iranian BMD tech is nowhere close to Israels.

US officially says no nuclear facility attack but Foxnews report was interesting.

Israel could decide to attack nuclear sites 300 m under mountains. There are many of them. Lots of mountains.

That gives me my Regional war.
No damage being reported -

‘Business as usual’​

Mohammad Marandi, a political and security analyst at the University of Tehran, says it is “still unclear if anything important has happened”.

“There may have been three quadcopters that were downed somewhere near Isfahan but … everything is business as usual,” he told Al Jazeera.

“People in Isfahan … are saying everything is fine,” Marandi said, citing social media reports.

“The Iranians have said that if the Israelis attack again, if they carry out another act of aggression, then they will strike back harder than last time and they will strike back without waiting for two weeks like last time.”

Iran on April 13 fired a barrage of more than 300 drones and missiles against Israel, saying the attack was in response to a deadly strike on its consulate building in Damascus on April 1.

I called several friends in Isfahan. They heard nothing.
If this was the Israeli response, Iran should not retaliate. No point to needlessly retaliate, keep the high moral ground dont play into the israeli war hawks who want US involvement.
I don't know about nuclear facilities- only pointing to Fox news report. But if Israel really wanted to bomb a ficility, they can do it. Come on, Iranian BMD tech is nowhere close to Israels.
Israel is not doing a BMs attack on Iran, they are using drones and stand off munitions not ballistic missiles like Jericho
Will they be able to afford another missile attack provided they will be intercepted and bring in more retaliatory attacks upon themselves?

It depends
Even if Iran only has 5 nukes, and detonate one in an underground test, how would anyone know how many nukes they actually have. They could even “borrow” a handful from North Korea, for example.

The uncertainty of their capability would change the regional balance.

The ‘buy from North Korea’ theory has been around for ages. I don’t buy it. If North Korea was selling Iran and other countries would have nukes by now AND it would be known.
stop embarrassing yourself man, accept that Iran (despite my religious/geopolitical) differences with them has shown more b@lls than Turkey/Pakistan and entire Arab world combine to at least launch a strike against Israel, so I can understand many in Turkey may wants to do the same what Iran did but your govt can't even stop supplying resources to Israel which are used to massacre children, honestly a brotherly advice just sit down with your head in shame like almost every Muslim country is doing.

More bs comparisons. Iran only launched drones/missiles after its embassy was directly attacked. Pakistan has never been directly attacked by Israel and for good reason. Pakistan is the only Muslim country that can defeat and destroy Israel.

The rest can only do damage. Turkey however can defeat Israel in conventional war, obviously in real world it would never be limited to just conventional.

With that said it’s true Muslim countries should take a strong stance against Israel like Iran has.
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What moment do you think was the tipping point for the shift from balance to being firmly on Israel’s side?

After the 1967 war, when the Arabs turned to the Soviets for support. So that’s one possibility, but was it even earlier after the Suez Crisis of the 50s?

Perhaps the arms companies and their lobbyists knew they could keep getting contracts from the GCC while still selling to the Israelis and as sales to the Egyptians weren’t forthcoming, they knew where their bread was butter and which side to lobby for?

IMO its hard to pin point when, but one thing for sure Israel knows that they can't win a war against the Muslims if they unite and the war drags, Muslims can spare thousands of soldiers while Israeli's are fewer in numbers so they rely on west to fight their wars for them, I think that plans were made long before the first gulf war to drag America into Middle East. There are reports of Israeli and Jewish lobbies pushing themselves to the ruling elite of US Govt, and once they finally made it to the top with significant support they pull US into wars, if you remember Iraq was one of the country who launch SCUD missiles at Israel's in support of Palestinians, so it was imperative for them to weaken the Iraq first, First Gulf war weakened the Iraq and 2003 invasion permanently cripple Iraq to a point where they are no longer in any position to do anything.

Fast forward, 9/11 benefited many countries and companies but the most benefit country's were Israel and India in my opinion, People in US govt finally got the best excuse to invade ME'ern countries with pretext of War on Terror, they have complete power and authority to bomb whichever country they want with impunity, and of course anyone who spend few years in the region will know that Arabs won't that lightly, they fought back to US and more brutal US response keep coming, in the background Israel kept helping American efforts in ME while sitting back and enjoy while every neighbor who could potentially be a threat to them getting decimated by US. US/West has turned the entire GCC into naphunsak nation, once a nation who brought Byzantine and Persia to its knees within a decade now worldly life, comfort/luxury and white women has turned them into useless cucks (pardon my French). I always used to believe that the whole mess of ME was because of Oil, and many of us used to make fun of US about oil and oil wars, but everyone was blinded by the fact that it wasn't just about Oil or resources but two things, creating a narrative of Muslim being Terrorists hence creating a fear within the western countries against Islam so Israel/US can use these narrative to justify bombing every country that neighbors Israel, and second making sure that every country that border Israel is either weaken to a point that they can't do sh!t or become useless like UAE/Egypt/KSA. Pakistan/India fought 3 wars and 2 skirmish and if you put all death toll of all wars and put it against this recent genocide, Israel has killed more people in 6-7 months, and yet not a single Arab nation has b@lls to come to save their own kin, Only as a posture if KSA/Egypt and Turkey moved their troops and fighter jets close to Israeli borders told them to stop or we will intervene that would have changed many things, US of course would go crazy on these countries but are they going to invade KSA/Egypt and Turkey ? or will they use threats to scare the Arabs, we can think that its easy but USA if went against entire ME would not have worked in their favor, but for Arabs their luxury is more important which is totally guaranteed by America and west which they can/will take anytime they want.

I think its late for America to even consider changing its narrative over Israel, it will take no less than a revolution in US society to bring it out of Israel's influence, US congress which can't even pass a bill to forgive student debt without opposition and its votes or disagreements, somehow votes on a bill that declare Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism, that is one cluster fcuk, American democratic leaders and champions like Nancy Pelosi, Schmer and Kamala harris and Biden all came out blatantly racists towards Arabs/Muslims but their hate and resentment is apparent now, and yet our leaders and Arab cucks thinks that they won't get sacrificed when the time comes or once they done using them. If 35,000 dead Palestinians, 14,000 dead kids and thousands of women, and famine and starving millions doesn't make those Arabs or Muslims make a Stand, nothing will.

In the end, All I pray to Allah that we know that Jews will return to the holy land, we know they will build their temple, we know their Messiah aka Dajjal will appear, we know the wars will come and much of bloodshed, I just hope that they just go and build their damn temple, let their messiah come and be done with it, cause killing children and blowing them pieces is one sight that only a Israeli Zionist, American White Supremacists, Radical Evangelicals and Hindu Sanghi enjoy not us.
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