Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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This is what you get when you’re close to Indians.
You become delusional Bollywood believers like Indians.
Just like Indias “surgical strikes” israel has now done “strikes” on Iran.
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It could be a simulation attack to see where Iranian defense and radars are. Then the real attacks come after Passover.

If I was Iran I move all radars and air defense systems around over the next several days. Introduce new systems to areas they weren’t previously in and withdraw systems for others.

That X post is about as massive of a dose of copium as I've seen so far! LOL

If the demons even remotely think that the Iranian military isn't aware of such a scenario, then they're even worse than the pathetic level we're generously giving them credit for. And they've figured all this intel with 4 quadcopters? lol


Fox news (not most credible I know but still) reporting that most attacks seem to be on Nuclear facilities. Looks like the objective is to 'denuclearize Iran' permanently.

Iran needs to strike back and also it's time they order Hezbollah to fully enter the war plus use Basij and other forces to join forces with Syria and attack Golan Heights.
Nuclear facilities were not targeted. Stop spreading propaganda.

Attack is over. Let’s wait to see who takes responsibility.

Satellite imaging should come out today or tommorrow that will show the damage (if any).


Fox news (not most credible I know but still) reporting that most attacks seem to be on Nuclear facilities. Looks like the objective is to 'denuclearize Iran' permanently.

Nuclear facilities are safe. They tried to strike an Air Port and also an Air Base. But it seem most got intercepted.
First, I have NEVER hide my bias.

Second, I usually support my arguments, especially the technical ones, with unassailable sources, including foreign sources.

So...YOU are no less restrained than anyone else from proving me wrong. Can you challenge the logic in my post 4669?

Iran can literally overwhelms ANY defense with cheap UAVs. No different than human wave tactic can overtake any defense position. So, how did Iran 'won'?
They won because they hit their targets simple as that.

Using your Mike Tyson analogy, it only takes one punch to knock your opponent out. You can argue Iran didnt damage much, but that could have been their objective to avoid escalation. The main point being like Pakistans Swift retort, "we can hit you and at your most sensitive areas". Does it matter whether its 1 missile doing it or 100, for Iran mission achieved. If Israel and allies want to see the "99%" interception rate as a success, im all for it if it prevents escalation.
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Nuclear facilities were not targeted. Stop spreading propaganda.

Attack is over. Let’s wait to see who takes responsibility.

Satellite imaging should come out today or tommorrow that will show the damage (if any).

I'm only reporting what international meia is reporting dude. I don't think this is too difficult to digest.

Why do you have such an itch? At least Iran responded to its consulate being hit with whatever results came out of it; the souls of 24 soldiers from the Salala Incident in 2011 are still waiting for their response 13 years on.
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Nuclear facilities are safe. They tried to strike an Air Port and also an Air Base. But it seem most got intercepted.

I don't know about nuclear facilities- only pointing to Fox news report. But if Israel really wanted to bomb a ficility, they can do it. Come on, Iranian BMD tech is nowhere close to Israels.
Oh come on .... don't play with words OR don't try to distract ....

The notion of my post was very clear that this Israeli act/attack was with mutual consent of Iranian authorities....
How do you know it's Israeli attack, maybe Israeli spys/agents do it inside Iran, nothing confirmed so far that this is Israeli strike or inside job by Israeli agents/spys
No damage being reported -

‘Business as usual’​

Mohammad Marandi, a political and security analyst at the University of Tehran, says it is “still unclear if anything important has happened”.

“There may have been three quadcopters that were downed somewhere near Isfahan but … everything is business as usual,” he told Al Jazeera.

“People in Isfahan … are saying everything is fine,” Marandi said, citing social media reports.

“The Iranians have said that if the Israelis attack again, if they carry out another act of aggression, then they will strike back harder than last time and they will strike back without waiting for two weeks like last time.”

Iran on April 13 fired a barrage of more than 300 drones and missiles against Israel, saying the attack was in response to a deadly strike on its consulate building in Damascus on April 1.
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