Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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Todays episode is very much like a last Iran-Pakistan incident .....

All happened with mutual consent....

Nothing like the Iran-Pakistan incident. iran hit some poor mud huts in rural Pakistan. And Pakistan did the same in Iran. So unless Israel kills some Kurdish insurgents for us, the attacks are nothing similar.

That area (Baluchistan) neither country gives a damn about and has the least amount of military resources. Pakistan’s military and resources are mostly on Indian border and Irans are mostly on Iraqi border. For obvious reasons for both countries.
Zions want to fool us that is their main attack, so we get relaxed and attack us ... we shouldn't get tricked by them .
This is a very small attack by Israel. Symbolic.
War with Zionists will happen no matter what. It’s either today or tomorrow. They will always attempt to create greater israel and attack our holy sites like Masjid Al Aqsa.
No Muslim/Muslim state is safe while such a Zionist state exist.
Whoever takes them as allies will be destroyed by them eventually because Zionist are like poisonous snakes.

Even if war wasn’t started today or recent escalation has settled, we shouldn’t let our guard down. War is a must with the Zionist entity. War is the only solution. It’s better we prepare and fight it on our terms.
Seems now Iranians are downing playing it & not going to respond ....

Todays episode is very much like a last Iran-Pakistan incident .....

All happened with mutual consent....

Yep. This will die down. It is better for folks to stop wasting their time on this one.
Nothing like the Iran-Pakistan incident. iran hit some poor mud huts in rural Pakistan. And Pakistan did the same in Iran. So unless Israel kills some Kurdish insurgents for us, the attacks are nothing similar.

That area (Baluchistan) neither country gives a damn about and has the least amount of military resources. Pakistan’s military and resources are mostly on Indian border and Irans are mostly on Iraqi border. For obvious reasons for both countries.

Oh come on .... don't play with words OR don't try to distract ....

The notion of my post was very clear that this Israeli act/attack was with mutual consent of Iranian authorities....
If you are trying to build a nuclear facility that you have declared will be used against them, why won't they attack it?

You cannot “use” nuclear faculties against a country.

And Iran is a NPT member and has IAEA inspectors on the ground 24/7 doing weekly inspections.

Just because a country has a nuclear program doesn’t mean you can strike it because you feel they shouldn’t be allowed to have nukes. It doesn’t work that way.

Western world can’t have its cake and eat it too. They can’t store tons of nuclear weapons And deny other countries the same right. Iran hasn’t invaded another country in hundreds of years. How many countries has US invaded? Britain? France? Germany?

It’s western hypocrisy, to paint Iran as the “warmonger” when Western world has started 95% of all military conflicts in the last 250 years.
Oh come on .... don't play with words OR don't try to distract ....

The notion of my post was very clear that this Israeli act/attack was with mutual consent of Iranian authorities....

It looks very much coordinated.
Some are saying the US did a false flag attack just to force Israel to claim it retaliated and deescalate during election year.
Iran promised to do something immediately.

Time to take another Ophir ship.
It seems that Iran has a tendency to conceal facility damage while being transparent about casualties. It is still too early to determine whether Iran mistook a small-scale terror attack by an Israeli proxy organization as the beginning of an Israeli offensive, or if Iran is intentionally playing down the damage to calm the situation. If it is the former, Israel is expected to launch a full-scale bombing operation when Iran lets its guard down.
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