Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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No, this pathetic "strike" cannot be attributed to the entity and may have been a proxy attack by traitors inside Iran that are funded by CIA/Zionists.
Yeah, that was the case in previous attack of same kind same place.

"Kurdish militants working for Israel"

This was not the real Israel response.
Real Israel response will come after April 30 (end of Jewish Passover celebration).
Ben Gvir is Tweeting his anger with this response ("lame"), if they were planning something bigger then he would not be so disappointed and US/Israeli media would not be hyping this response so much.
Ben Gvir is Tweeting his anger with this response ("lame"), if they were planning something bigger then he would not be so disappointed and US/Israeli media would not be hyping this response so much.

While I still leave the possibility to a future strike (Israeli’s are very deceptive).

If things stand as is, that when push came to shove and Israel had the biggest opportunity to attack Iranian nuclear program and Iran itself….it choose not to. For 20 years it waited for this moment. For nearly 30 years Bibi has wanted to attack Iran.

So the question that will play on for months and years: Why didn’t they?

In those cabinet sessions and US discussions the answer was likely that 2nd and 3rd effects of war with Iran would be so unknown and so incalculable that it made no sense to proceed. “Warm” Containment was determined to be a better strategy than a hot war.
IMO its hard to pin point when, but one thing for sure Israel knows that they can't win a war against the Muslims if they unite and the war drags, Muslims can spare thousands of soldiers while Israeli's are fewer in numbers so they rely on west to fight their wars for them, I think that plans were made long before the first gulf war to drag America into Middle East. There are reports of Israeli and Jewish lobbies pushing themselves to the ruling elite of US Govt, and once they finally made it to the top with significant support they pull US into wars, if you remember Iraq was one of the country who launch SCUD missiles at Israel's in support of Palestinians, so it was imperative for them to weaken the Iraq first, First Gulf war weakened the Iraq and 2003 invasion permanently cripple Iraq to a point where they are no longer in any position to do anything.

Fast forward, 9/11 benefited many countries and companies but the most benefit country's were Israel and India in my opinion, People in US govt finally got the best excuse to invade ME'ern countries with pretext of War on Terror, they have complete power and authority to bomb whichever country they want with impunity, and of course anyone who spend few years in the region will know that Arabs won't that lightly, they fought back to US and more brutal US response keep coming, in the background Israel kept helping American efforts in ME while sitting back and enjoy while every neighbor who could potentially be a threat to them getting decimated by US. US/West has turned the entire GCC into naphunsak nation, once a nation who brought Byzantine and Persia to its knees within a decade now worldly life, comfort/luxury and white women has turned them into useless cucks (pardon my French). I always used to believe that the whole mess of ME was because of Oil, and many of us used to make fun of US about oil and oil wars, but everyone was blinded by the fact that it wasn't just about Oil or resources but two things, creating a narrative of Muslim being Terrorists hence creating a fear within the western countries against Islam so Israel/US can use these narrative to justify bombing every country that neighbors Israel, and second making sure that every country that border Israel is either weaken to a point that they can't do sh!t or become useless like UAE/Egypt/KSA. Pakistan/India fought 3 wars and 2 skirmish and if you put all death toll of all wars and put it against this recent genocide, Israel has killed more people in 6-7 months, and yet not a single Arab nation has b@lls to come to save their own kin, Only as a posture if KSA/Egypt and Turkey moved their troops and fighter jets close to Israeli borders told them to stop or we will intervene that would have changed many things, US of course would go crazy on these countries but are they going to invade KSA/Egypt and Turkey ? or will they use threats to scare the Arabs, we can think that its easy but USA if went against entire ME would not have worked in their favor, but for Arabs their luxury is more important which is totally guaranteed by America and west which they can/will take anytime they want.

I think its late for America to even consider changing its narrative over Israel, it will take no less than a revolution in US society to bring it out of Israel's influence, US congress which can't even pass a bill to forgive student debt without opposition and its votes or disagreements, somehow votes on a bill that declare Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism, that is one cluster fcuk, American democratic leaders and champions like Nancy Pelosi, Schmer and Kamala harris and Biden all came out blatantly racists towards Arabs/Muslims but their hate and resentment is apparent now, and yet our leaders and Arab cucks thinks that they won't get sacrificed when the time comes or once they done using them. If 35,000 dead Palestinians, 14,000 dead kids and thousands of women, and famine and starving millions doesn't make those Arabs or Muslims make a Stand, nothing will.

In the end, All I pray to Allah that we know that Jews will return to the holy land, we know they will build their temple, we know their Messiah aka Dajjal will appear, we know the wars will come and much of bloodshed, I just hope that they just go and build their damn temple, let their messiah come and be done with it, cause killing children and blowing them pieces is one sight that only a Israeli Zionist, American White Supremacists, Radical Evangelicals and Hindu Sanghi enjoy not us.

Israel is causing all these wars and fitnas because their rabbis are upset and confused on why the messiah is not coming, they want to cause more destruction and cruelty so their messiah comes. Looking around Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Iraq are divided and destroyed, so many people dying of hunger and violence. Jordan, Egypt still stable, so Israel will continue its cruelty until the messiah arrives.

@Persian Gulf @Hack-Hook I suggest it's time to close this thread. Iran did her thing and kicked ass. Book closed.
let it remain open till after Passover as their initial claim was then
this year its Sunset, 22 April – nightfall, 30 April (8 days)
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Whatever it is! its a bait! they are testing and distracting

may be real strike package is in air. it known that IDF/AF can do 6 hour combat flights in complete radio silence. (F35 formations)
let it open till after Passover as their initial claim was then
this year its Sunset, 22 April – nightfall, 30 April (8 days)

Most important day is first day. After that not as important unless they just want people to enjoy a holiday. But for religious reasons I think I heard 22nd is the most important day.
While I still leave the possibility to a future strike (Israeli’s are very deceptive).

If things stand as is, that when push came to shove and Israel had the biggest opportunity to attack Iranian nuclear program and Iran itself….it choose not to. For 20 years it waited for this moment. For nearly 30 years Bibi has wanted to attack Iran.

So the question that will play on for months and years: Why didn’t they?

In those cabinet sessions and US discussions the answer was likely that 2nd and 3rd effects of war with Iran would be so unknown and so incalculable that it made no sense to proceed. “Warm” Containment was determined to be a better strategy than a hot war.
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