Iranian Air Force (IRIAF/IRGC-ASF) | News and Discussions

Russia has over 250 SU-34/35 over 100 SU-30. Another 100 SU-27. Another 150 MIGs.

This is nothing if you consider for a second what NATO can bring to bear.

I used to think Russia was a very tough opponent. That we could handle them in a defensive war but it would be very hard. Now, Turkish supremacy over the black sea is a new reality that they have to face. They lost their flagship, they lost god knows how many SU-35s.

In a way, NATO won without fighting, and it's only going to get worse from here.

Ukraine is receiving F16s now, probably F18s and eurofighters soon.

I'll be amazed if they can even spare more Yak-130s because they have to train pilots really fast.

I said this before and I'll say it again. This is an opportunity for Iran. This isn't time to buy weapons from Russia, this is time to sell. Iran should work out a deal to produce spare parts and airframes for RuAF
This is nothing if you consider for a second what NATO can bring to bear.

If NATO and Russia truly went to war, Russian military doctrine is to use tatical nukes on NATO airbases. This goes back to Soviet days.

That is why Russia has spent time building tactical and battlefield ready nukes with very low yields and radiation fallout.

Trust me Putin already made a speech couple years ago saying on paper Russia cannot match the combined arms of NATO, but then he added that’s why we have nuclear weapons to level the playing field.
I cannot find any other source besides this X account. No other IranIan account is carrying this news [yet].

Nonetheless, I hope this project has made great progress since it’s mock up days.
I agree. I didn’t see it anywhere either. I posted since this source insisted on it. If it comes out as bogus—well we’ll all know then. Frankly it did come out as a bit of a joke but we’ll see.
I agree. I didn’t see it anywhere either. I posted since this source insisted on it. If it comes out as bogus—well we’ll all know then. Frankly it did come out as a bit of a joke but we’ll see.

If it doesn’t hit news wires by tomm then it’s probably BS. March 21st is first day of Persian New Year. So most government and private sector are on vacation. A strange time to unveil a major weapon which is usually done around major anniversaries or military dates.

Only thing that gives this credibility is a direct quote of the AIO executive. Rare for someone to just pull something out of their ass like that using a fake quote.

I just hope if it’s real that it doesn’t disappoint. Not gonna get my hopes up.

But if RD-33 or AL family engine was transferred to Iran wether by ToT or 100-300 engines like the Shafaq project was supposed to be, then Iran can finally start building bigger planes.

The biggest obstacles are titanium, engine, and long range AESA radar. Everything else iran should be able to plug and play from existing tech.

What people forget about TFX by Turkey is Turkey bought the largest titanium laser printer in the world from a foreign company for that project. That laser printer is what can cut the massive titanium precision sheets needed to build the airframe. I know Iran has large titanium deposits, but it’s machinery and titanium ovens that are the key precursor tech a country needs to build titanium based airframes. Kowsar doesn’t have as much titanium I think less than 20% of the frame. F-14 has a ton.
Only thing that gives this credibility is a direct quote of the AIO executive.
Quoted him but doesn’t name him. Considering it’s the Chief Executive you would expect a name! It’s not like he’s said it anonymously.
And he only said 4 or 5 words.

Can’t imagine anything being unveiled at Nowrouz.

Smells a bit, this one 💩
Why did Iran need to develop a fighter jet like Qaher F-313?

We cannot precisely answer to this question. The only ones that know the exact answer are Iranian scientists in the defense ministry. We can only analyze other leading countries' experience to find a proper answer to that question.

F-313 design wise is similar to US 'Boeing bird of pray' and 'X-36'. Boeing bird of pray was a low cost program in the United states that was classified as a black project intended to introduce stealth technology. Actually it was a test bed, a cost effective solution of USAF to finally reach up to something like X-45 stealth attack aircraft. Therefore it wasn't intended to be mass produced but only a technology demonstrator.

F-313 is somehow similar to these American testbeds with inferior subsystems that need to be upgraded, such as an advanced digital fly by wire system, thrust vectoring nuzzles, removing or replacing of forward canard that are possibly added for better directional control, light turbo fan engines instead of turbo jets and a good radar to keep its stealth features intact.

Conclusion is, F-313 may not to be mass produced despite the wishes of its zealot supporters like myself. It is not a disappointment but an spot to move on, to begin with and hence develop new, better designs.

Maybe one day all of the experiences that were gained from this project lead us to a manned and unmanned stealth fighter jet, no matter identical to F-313 or not, that day these hardships will yield.

Haters gonna hate, Iranian scientists won't stop developing their testbeds because some fools in the internet made fun of their projects. I have no doubt they will move on and they will make something to be proud of, soon enough.
Why did Iran need to develop a fighter jet like Qaher F-313?

We cannot precisely answer to this question. The only ones that know the exact answer are Iranian scientists in the defense ministry. We can only analyze other leading countries' experience to find a proper answer to that question.

F-313 design wise is similar to US 'Boeing bird of pray' and 'X-36'. Boeing bird of pray was a low cost program in the United states that was classified as a black project intended to introduce stealth technology. Actually it was a test bed, a cost effective solution of USAF to finally reach up to something like X-45 stealth attack aircraft. Therefore it wasn't intended to be mass produced but only a technology demonstrator.

F-313 is somehow similar to these American testbeds with inferior subsystems that need to be upgraded, such as an advanced digital fly by wire system, thrust vectoring nuzzles, removing or replacing of forward canard that are possibly added for better directional control, light turbo fan engines instead of turbo jets and a good radar to keep its stealth features intact.

Conclusion is, F-313 may not to be mass produced despite the wishes of its zealot supporters like myself. It is not a disappointment but an spot to move on, to begin with and hence develop new, better designs.

Maybe one day all of the experiences that were gained from this project lead us to a manned and unmanned stealth fighter jet, no matter identical to F-313 or not, that day these hardships will yield.

Haters gonna hate, Iranian scientists won't stop developing their testbeds because some fools in the internet made fun of their projects. I have no doubt they will move on and they will make something to be proud of, soon enough.
The problem is scale


This is the size of the plane.

This is the missile you want to launch
I think we should simply wait what they show us this time!
SU-35 and SU-57 are still being produced and added to Russian airforce.

Russia has over 250 SU-34/35 over 100 SU-30. Another 100 SU-27. Another 150 MIGs.

I doubt 12-24 SU-35 is going to make a difference if it went to iran. Not to mention Russian Air Force is not being used to its full capacity in Ukraine war as it stays away from major conflict lines.
recent news talk about presence of NATO soldiers in Ukraine, and in Europe the politicians more openly talk about sending armed force , also the rumor is that its German army who plan and design attack on Russia naval force in black sea so let see how much Nato can bring to war and these data are without the capabilities of their two new member
but the red alarm is here
The problem is scale


This is the size of the plane.
the real problem actually is people don't look the news and are stuck with Ahmadi-nejad media stunt Mock-up with garmin gps and fm radio and a joystick.

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