Iranian Air Force (IRIAF/IRGC-ASF) | News and Discussions

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China is a big player now but for the sake of simplicity let's ignore it for now.

Step 1 is done ( let's not forget for a country without production experience it was and is big achievement )

Let's assume needs of step 3 (pocket friendly numbers for future ) then go back to that questions of step 2.(you may ignore airliners for now too )

Based on step 1 and 3, What is the best path at step 2 for future ?Which engine and what design ?

Based on step 2, Iran should focus on a jet engine that can power interceptors. It is unlikely (baring a huge change in philosophy) that IRGC will allow IRIAF to amass a traditional Air Force compromised of bombers, multi role, etc.

Thus we should focus on Iran’s primary need, which is an air superiority fighter that can challenge the Iranian skies And keep the enemy from completely overwhelming and destroying the Iranian air defense network. Unlike Ukraine, Iran won’t have $100B+ worth of equipment being sent to it when things get destroyed. And unlike Ukraine it won’t be facing a rather incompetent Russian Airforce.

Thus Iran first a foremost Iran needs a powerful engine at least in AL-31 class or above.

Design needs to be relatively modern and I’m confident Iran can build a low RCS design using radar rooms and modern supercomputer processing. The question is large scale titanium alloy production which is foundation of any major modern fighter jet.

The national priority should be a interceptor project much like Bavar was a national priority. Bavar has been over a decade in production and still not mass produced. So these things take time, thus for Iran to field a competitive domestic fighter by 2035 means Iran needs to take action now.

By 2035 Turkey will have TFX, Arabs will have F-35, Israel will have F-35++, and Iran will have a handful air worthy F-14’s and some modernized F-5’s to defend its skies. Simply unacceptable
Based on step 2, Iran should focus on a jet engine that can power interceptors. It is unlikely (baring a huge change in philosophy) that IRGC will allow IRIAF to amass a traditional Air Force compromised of bombers, multi role, etc.

Thus we should focus on Iran’s primary need, which is an air superiority fighter that can challenge the Iranian skies And keep the enemy from completely overwhelming and destroying the Iranian air defense network. Unlike Ukraine, Iran won’t have $100B+ worth of equipment being sent to it when things get destroyed. And unlike Ukraine it won’t be facing a rather incompetent Russian Airforce.

Thus Iran first a foremost Iran needs a powerful engine at least in AL-31 class or above.

Design needs to be relatively modern and I’m confident Iran can build a low RCS design using radar rooms and modern supercomputer processing. The question is large scale titanium alloy production which is foundation of any major modern fighter jet.

The national priority should be a interceptor project much like Bavar was a national priority. Bavar has been over a decade in production and still not mass produced. So these things take time, thus for Iran to field a competitive domestic fighter by 2035 means Iran needs to take action now.

By 2035 Turkey will have TFX, Arabs will have F-35, Israel will have F-35++, and Iran will have a handful air worthy F-14’s and some modernized F-5’s to defend its skies. Simply unacceptable
Well,in that case,baring the russians supplying a production license a-la india for the Al-31,irans choices are a little shall we say "limited",the only engine in that power range that iran has easy access to would be the D-30,tho this would require some reworking
For those misinformed users on here who think Russia has trouble procuring new planes

And there's a good reason they blur the serial numbers in times of war. Although Sukhoi does have its hands full since they're also building Su-34s which they just delivered a new one a few days ago. They're also involved in other projects, and they really have no need to rush production at this stage. And who knows, maybe they're busy building new ones for Iran, but not talking about it.

Also these new Su-35Ss have new Khibiny EW pods. You can tell they're shaped differently on the last 4 jets they delivered including the Su-34. They're larger and the tip of the pod is pointy now like a missile instead of the rounded front end of the previous ones. Most likely an improved version.

You can see the difference here and what a beauty this machine is.

Well,in that case,baring the russians supplying a production license a-la india for the Al-31,irans choices are a little shall we say "limited",the only engine in that power range that iran has easy access to would be the D-30,tho this would require some reworking

Iran has been working at least since 2018 on domestic engine designs.

Rumors are a few years ago that one showed promise out of many that failed to materialize.

I think within next 2-3 years we shall see an Iranian engine. Wether it falls in RD-33 class or AL-31, remains to be seen.

I wouldn’t put too much faith in the Russians as they are notorious for not sharing ToT (ask India).
For those misinformed users on here who think Russia has trouble procuring new planes

More SU-35’s delivered to RUAF
No one here dies for not delivering Russian fighter jets to Iran man. No worries.

If these jets were so effective as an offensive weapon, Russians wouldn't have lost half of their armour in Ukraine.

Why would we be concerned about delivery of this maintenance nightmare to Iran while knowing that it stands no chance against American 5th generation fighter aircrafts? True that it was a great asset as the final air defense layer but it's not of that importance to say that we will be paralyzed without Russian jets that always lack proper after sale services.

IRIAF is a bit afraid of its aging fleet. What matters is, Iran has plans for local fighter jets. Even if it costs billions in R and D but it still worth it.
Iran has been working at least since 2018 on domestic engine designs.

Rumors are a few years ago that one showed promise out of many that failed to materialize.

I think within next 2-3 years we shall see an Iranian engine. Wether it falls in RD-33 class or AL-31, remains to be seen.

I wouldn’t put too much faith in the Russians as they are notorious for not sharing ToT (ask India).
Russians built turbofan engines back in the 1950s and 1960s and it took them only 10 years to design and build RD-33 turbofan engine back in the 1970s.

On the other hand, Indians were unable to build their Kaveri turbofan engine after 36 years of trying, despite having access to 21st century computer programs, advanced equipment and open literature about engines.

But you should not compare Indian engineers with talented Iranian engineers many of whom studied in the West.

In the end the best drone India can design and build looks like this (lol):
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Russians built turbofan engines back in the 1950s and 1960s and it took them only 10 years to design and build RD-33 turbofan engine back in the 1970s.

On the other hand, Indians were unable to build their Kaveri turbofan engine after 36 years of trying, despite having access to 21st century computer programs, advanced equipment and open literature about engines.

But you should not compare Indian engineers with talented Iranian engineers many of whom studied in the West.

In the end the best drone India can design and build looks like this (lol):
View attachment 39470
Russians built turbofan engines back in the 1950s and 1960s and it took them only 10 years to design and build RD-33 turbofan engine back in the 1970s.

Russia did that on the backs of Nazi scientists. Let’s be real, both America and Russia owe their space programs and much of their military modernization to Nazi scientists and the massive resources they reaped from winning WW2. Also jet engines were less powerful and complex back when they first originated. As you can see Iran didn’t have too much problem reverse engineering the 1950’s J-85.

On the other hand, Indians were unable to build their Kaveri turbofan engine after 36 years of trying, despite having access to 21st century computer programs, advanced equipment and open literature about engines.

You can have all the equipment in the world and even the blueprints to F-35 engine. You still won’t be able to reproduce it. It’s not that easy as a few computer simulations and a some equipment that can make crystallized turbine blades and a blueprint and poof you did it.

Jet engines with high reliability, long hours to overhaul, as well fuel to power efficiency are notoriously difficult to build especially when starting at a new design. If they were easy every major developed nation would build them. Instead even the ones that do get heavy parts and assistance from US companies (Boeing/Rolls Royce). It’s similar to the monopoly that Siemens has in gas turbine industry to power power plants.

Iran has struggled to even replicate the engine in Kh-55 at a economic cost and efficiency of the Soviet cruise missile. It ended up moving away from Soumar and making 2 different CMs using its own traditional microjet line (tolou)

But you should not compare Indian engineers with talented Iranian engineers many of whom studied in the West.

In the end the best drone India can design and build looks like this (lol):
View attachment 39470

While that is funny. It’s misleading and important to point that out. This was a private company in India, not the military. It’s really not too different when Basij R&D arm rolls out it’s pet projects every year and everyone on social media makes fun thinking that slapping ERA on a M60 tank is the best we can do.

Given that India has sent a probe to the moon, it seems highly unlikely they couldn’t build decent drones.

In fact a simple google search can you show different drones:


It’s important we don’t fall into the same propaganda trap where the West picks and chooses certain “news items”, to make the “brown” race(s) look inferior to the white man.
No one here dies for not delivering Russian fighter jets to Iran man. No worries.
If these jets were so effective as an offensive weapon, Russians wouldn't have lost half of their armour in Ukraine.
That was in the initial year +phase of the war when Ukraine had ALOT of air defense systems in Eastern Ukraine, but not today- Ukraine's air defenses have worsened alot in East Ukraine, so the Russian airforce is flying more actively and freely to support its armor on the ground. Russia lost some airforce fighter jets in the war though, but the # of losses isnt too high or unrecoverable.
Why would we be concerned about delivery of this maintenance nightmare to Iran while knowing that it stands no chance against American 5th generation fighter aircrafts?
We haven't seen how these Russian fighters would perform against US 5th generation aircraft in a real world scenario, its all theoretical for now IMO.
True that it was a great asset as the final air defense layer but it's not of that importance to say that we will be paralyzed without Russian jets that always lack proper after sale services.
THen why is Iranian govt chasing these planes by signing a purchase agreement with Russia for them?
IRIAF is a bit afraid of its aging fleet. What matters is, Iran has plans for local fighter jets. Even if it costs billions in R and D but it still worth it.
I guess this answers the rumor that the camo has been changed.

So now we have 3 YAK-130’s. Again no proof this isn’t anything more than a test drive for Iran for them to consider if they will place a larger order.

Speaking of the Yak-130; I just posted this on the EAF thread related to another subject, but this is pretty wild. Daring Bangladeshi pilots check out the speed & altitude they were flying that thing and attempting a barrel roll. Didn't go so well but credit the pilot for trying to save the aircraft and good thing they both appear to have survived.

Speaking of the Yak-130; I just posted this on the EAF thread related to another subject, but this is pretty wild. Daring Bangladeshi pilots check out the speed & altitude they were flying that thing and attempting a barrel roll. Didn't go so well but credit the pilot for trying to save the aircraft and good thing they both appear to have survived.

Credit the pilot for trying to save the aircraft that he himself is responsible for crashing in the first place? No, he should be getting court marshaled and if he isn’t hit with jail time then a dishonorable discharge.
Im pretty sure that there were agreement between Iran and Russia that the deliver of the Su-35 to Iran wont take place until the active phase of the SMO ends.

No such agreement. Russians have not yet offered SU-35 to Iran. Meanwhile Putin offered SU-75 to Erdogan when they were visiting the planes, a country who killed a Russian pilot during the Syrian civil war and refused to apologize and who gave Ukraine Tb-2 drones that killed hundreds of Russian troops. Russia’s foreign policy is a dumpster fire.

One can only hope the next Russian leader is more friendly with Iran then this moron Putin was. For all his supposed “mastermind” planning, he makes boneheaded strategic mistakes left and right. (Minsk agreement of 2014, Backstabbing Iran 2000-2023, Botched invasion of Ukraine 2022, trusting USA, trusting the now dead Wagner leader, allowing a coup attempt on his watch, list goes on and on).
Credit the pilot for trying to save the aircraft that he himself is responsible for crashing in the first place? No, he should be getting court marshaled and if he isn’t hit with jail time then a dishonorable discharge.

Remind me not to enlist in wherever you're the air force commander LOL! Holy cannoli, bro.

I would like to give the Bangladeshi pilot the benefit of the doubt that he was either training for an airshow or had permission to fly at that altitude and in that manner. He most likely lost orientation which is amazing as I was just talking to @Foinikas on the F-16 thread about how the FAA and IAC banned French pilots from doing the same exact thing in their Rafales when they came to perform in the US a few years ago! Wow a coincidence now that I think about it.

Part of their routine was a brutal minimum square circle turn with two barrel rolls in-between each corner of the full square turn. FAA & IAC wouldn't allow it and after much persuasion by the French, they took the barrel rolls out of the routine and allowed only the square turn. Exactly for this same reason here; the high risk of pilot disorientation at low altitude and no time to recover.

There was another great story of when USAF pilots visited Russia for the first time after the cold war tensions were over and Russian MiG-29 pilots were taking the US pilots up for rides and to fly the aircraft. At one point the Russian pilot took the MiG-29UB down low over the airport & runway and gave the controls to the US pilot and told him to drop lower and go inverted. US pilot was like "wuuuuut" and so he dropped altitude a bit and Russian pilot said "no, more, lower" and so he did and then rolled over inverted and barely skimmed the runway loool. After they landed, he was telling the reporter that in the US, they would NEVER allow anything remotely close to a stunt like that. But he loved it LOL. Shades of Top Gun and Maverick requesting a tower fly-by but the pattern was full.

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